Big Dish's

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That's Aurthur! Guess whos been to Goonhilly:) Did you do the optional tour where you get to climb up inside of it? The smaller KU dishes at the base are pretty cool to you get to steer them around and lock signals yourself inside the info. centre.
Here is a couple I snaped many years ago on a trip around Australia
The first is a thing they called the sugar scoop at a disused OTC station in Western Australia. The rx/tx wave guide is in the top slightly convexed section.
The second a terestial dish for telephone way out in the middle of nowhere, cental Aust. The towers are a long way apart out that way.
The 3rd. pic. is Stanley satellite station near HongKong.

nice pictures i like them alot thanks for posting. i bet it was cool to see those in person:)
Post Pictures

Hey Guy's Post Picture's Of Your Dish's here to share with other's and i like to look at them also. so linux man put some of your birdview's on here. it's a nice dish
old 10ft that was damaged i had. used the mesh panels to patch :cool: my 12ft


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Here are some pictures of my present Big Dishes:

These are of the old Winegard 10' Quad Star.

old-winegard-side.jpg old-winegard-north.jpg

These are of the 8.5' Perfed Birdview.

on-g11.jpg another-on-g11.jpg

Here are some with both BUDs in the picture.

side-by-side-buds.jpg two-buds.jpg

The old Winegard will be replaced tomorrow. :( I'll miss her.

Thought I better revist this thread. This time with some photies of my dishes.
The first 3 pics of my main dish I use for DXing. A 2.7M, note the home brew dual feed. One of the reasons I have 2 actuators on this dish. Sure there is losses with the offset feed but dish size makes up for this. For Cband it will track the clarke belt with just the one actuator. This dish is an ex commercial dish. Very lucky picked it up for next to nothing.
The other, the mesh dish has a circular feed. I just use this for I701 (NASA Channel) although I have been able to receive one of the Russian Gorizont sats with this. The dish in the foreground is one of the 1.2M dishes have scattered around the garden where I can look between the trees.:)


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Pictures of my "Big Dish". The 6 foot solid dish

2nd pic is of LNB's. the dual is on Galaxy 4/16 for the US Nets. The 2nd LNB is at AMC1 for Pax/Ion & TLN. The reason for the black tape is there was a polorotor on there but it broke off. The tape is to keep the LNB skewed properly (since it has to be manually skewed)
4th is of back of dish. No actuator (have to ghetto move it). The sandbags are for weight. Being at 45N and having a true south at 38 degrees has some limits :)
last pic is the reason I have a partial LOS issue. That table is 30" high and thats so I can clear the roof of the house.


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hey guys thanks for adding more pictures i enjoy browsing this thread keep them coming :) i like the dish's very nice
No worries mate! As we say here.:) I'll see what we can come with.
Nice pics there Iceberg. Nothing like the good old holesaw to make a multi LNB setup.:D Looks very green where you are to. Trees are a major battle here. Had to mount my big solid in the front yard to get a good look at the northern sky. Hence all the green paint cammo to make them blend in a little.
Here is some more pictures of the dish i picked up recently. got 10ft perfect with c/ku chap II feedhorn


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guys post some pics of the big dish's you have current ones and old ones here. so we can have a great thread to look at , Linuxman post some of ur new dish in here please
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Good link for setting up Big Dish

BUD actuator maintenance?

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