Big Brother 6

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Scott Greczkowski said:
Thanks Mark,

ALmost time for communion, which is your choice of Holy water (I like to call it beer) :)

Actually I can't take all the credit for the rules, the lawyers in my office actually wrote them up for me, and they have been altered over time by the DBStalk guys. :)

You originally wrote those rules? Yea, and Al Gore invented the internet. :no
Al, I could post the DBSTalk database and let you see the admin forum where I origionally posted the rules.

Now take your ass back the hole you crawled out of. :)

What is it with these DBSTalk idiots?
Scott Greczkowski said:
Al, I could post the DBSTalk database and let you see the admin forum where I origionally posted the rules.

Now take your ass back the hole you crawled out of. :)

What is it with these DBSTalk idiots?

Please do, but before you embarass your self, let me give you the overview of how things went down (since like Kofi Annon, you memory is a little scewed).

August 14th, 2002, 10:46am. Mark Lammutt posts the Survivor Contest "The Fine Print" rough draft.

August 14th, 2002, 11:11am. Scott Greczkowski posts the following quoted "I went through your rules and printed them and showed them to one of the lawyers in the office, he quickly went over them and made suggestions to which I made changes. He said it looks good and we should have no problems. With this being said he didn't go through things in detail so even while I got legal advice its not legal advice. " You then list your changes.

From there the final rules were agreed to. Although you did provide input, the rules were originally written by Mark Lammutt. Apparently your Memory has been taken over by your ego.

(and be careful who you call idiots)
PLEASE, don't start this crap again between DBSTalk and Satguys, I'm really tired of all this childish fighting!
i think the bickering is funny. i just wish the hard core people the bicker back and forth would stay on their own board. that way, none of this would happen.

how much does cbs charge for their feed? looking forward to the show starting.
Have they posted pics/bios of this year's contestants?

Does someone have a link to these "rules" (or a very brief summary) so I can see what kind of contest you're talking about?
Al Nolands retarded comments have been removed. Sorry Al, if you don't like it please visit this link and stay there


Besides the new house they are supposed to have another big surprise. I hope its a lot better then the X Factor. :)

I was reading yesterday that the contestents have not been notified yet that they have been selected and will not be notified until 2 days before they enter the house. This explains why no bios on the website yet.

There was a rumor going around that this would be the last year of Big brother, but if they just built them a new state of the art house I can't see them using it for only one season.
Hmmm I read Al's post before it was removed. I did not see anything retarded about it and he actually gave a detailed timeline that was well put together. As to removing it, since this is your backyard you have ever right to do as you please. But I personally saw nothing wrong with the post and compared to the one it replied to were people were called idiots, well it was rather tame.

Since I got to read it and all I a saw was a rebuttal to a previous post providing more details supporting Al's argument, I have to wonder why it was removed.

As to staying on each others side of the fence comment, Well I try and do that as much as possible and have since my rights were accidently removed. Korsjs you might want to do a bit of research and you might be suprised what that statment really means.

As to BB. Well I stopped watching after Daniel lost in a land slide. The show felt like it was being way to manipulated by the producers to get the results they were looking for. Too much commitment and I found the payoff not worth it even for a summer show. That is my 2 cents.

Oh.. RAD and Korsjs I totally agree with you guys. Pissing contests suck.. However taking credit for someone's elses work also sucks. If Mark and Al are wrong then I would like to see that proven and visa versa.
WeeJavaDude said:
Oh.. RAD and Korsjs I totally agree with you guys. Pissing contests suck.. However taking credit for someone's elses work also sucks. If Mark and Al are wrong then I would like to see that proven and visa versa.

I agree 100% with you on that, but a private converation concerning it is the way it should be handled, not the out in the open war environment.
you got to love them. they can't stay away from the superiurer site. and please don't hang me for spelling superior wrong.
korsjs said:
you got to love them. they can't stay away from the superiurer site. and please don't hang me for spelling superior wrong.
I don't see Nick here too often acting as spelling/grammer checker. ;)

I agree It should have been taken offline and I do want to say more on this supject. However, I know it will be removed and I don't have time to waste. As to clarity on the subject proof is in the pudding. . I have always repected your subjective opinion


Yes he can't stay away from a superior sie. Good post. You seem to follows Scott's posts a lot. ;)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Al Nolands retarded comments have been removed. Sorry Al, if you don't like it please visit this link and stay there

I expected you to remove the truth from the board. I was surprised you left it there as long as you did. But, I was only doing what you threatened to do. I would never call you on something unless I had proof that what you were saying was incorrect. Hate for any of you loyal followers to find out the truth. Thing is, there were some people from here that saw my proof so I guess you'll have to put a hit on them too. I'm guessing that is why your admitting you removed my post, is because they called you on it. Hope this gets your ego back up after being slapped down by AVS last week.

This could all end if you would admit that you didn't write the rules.

I was on staff here for a long time. You told all kinds of stuff about how things worked at dbstalk. Now that I'm there, I've see the other side of the story and the posts to prove how things happened. For the longest time I was a huge supporter of this site because I was told (and believed) Scotts explanation of the events that lead to the creation of this site. Anyway, I guess I'll stop because this will get deleted eventually anyway.

But my post of the truth lives on in the form of a PDF containing the thread before Scott censored it (of which I didn't break any rules, except proof Scott incorrect).
WeeJavaDude said:

Yes he can't stay away from a superior sie. Good post. You seem to follows Scott's posts a lot. ;)

Are you trying to say Korsjs is me? Haha what kind of drugs are you on? (Can I have some?) :D (Just kidding!)

This thing is getting blown way out of proportion, alls I did was make a NICE comment about Mark and that he worked hard (too hard in my opinion) on his contests. And that if we do a big brother contest I wouldnt want someone to get burnt out like Mark did. It's that simple.

Now back to the discussion of my favorite summer treat, Big Brother. :)
You could subscribe to Big Brother only for $29.95 or something like that.

The Real package gives you access to other things such as MLB baseball games
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