Big Bang Theory discussion

No. BBT is an ensemble show. It isn't going to work by spinning off a character and no existing cast.

For that matter, it is tough to think of a legitimate successful spin-off. Not counting the single episode intro episodes like Mork's appearance on happy Days. The only one I can really think of is The Jeffersons. The others all tend to be one season wonders.
I don't see it goign anywhere either. The only way I can see the concept working, is to base the show around his mother (played by Laurie Metcalf) dealing with Sheldon and his siblings.

Basing it around a kid Sheldon is a sure loser. It's like with the Simpsons, which found it's groove by making Homer the focus of the show instead of Bart after the first couple seasons.
No. BBT is an ensemble show. It isn't going to work by spinning off a character and no existing cast.

For that matter, it is tough to think of a legitimate successful spin-off. Not counting the single episode intro episodes like Mork's appearance on happy Days. The only one I can really think of is The Jeffersons. The others all tend to be one season wonders.

Happy Days was a spin-off too (Love American Style). NCIS was a spin-off (JAG).
Not to mention all the flavors of NCIS, CSI, and Law and Order. Plus Gomer Pyle, Andy Griffith, Mayberry RFD, Frasier etc. It works sometimes and it , at least encourages viewers to give it a try.
Happy Days was a spin-off too (Love American Style). NCIS was a spin-off (JAG).

I made a distinction in my original post. TV is always doing this attempt to introduce a spinoff by having a single episode of an established show introduce the characters. I don't consider those true spinoffs. In my mind a spinoff is where established characters on a show become a new and different show. So, by that definition Happy Days spun off Joanie loves Chachi, but not Mork and Mindy or Laverne and Shirley.
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I made a distinction in my original post. TV is always doing this attempt to introduce a spinoff by having a single episode of an established show introduce the characters. I don't consider those true spinoffs. In my mind a spinoff is where established characters on a show become a new and different show. So, by that definition Happy Days spun off Joanie loves Chachi, but not Mork and Mindy or Laverne and Shirley.
There have been cases where "true spinoffs" worked great. All In the Family spun off The Jeffersons, Maude spun off Good Times, Cheers spun off Fraiser. Andy Griffith spun off Gomer Pyle. Different Strokes spun off Facts of Life

Each of those used an established character to head the new show which ran for several successful seasons, and in several cases outlasted it's parent show.
Just watched it off of the DVR. The audible gasp out of the audience says it all. They really know how to mic the crowd.
Good ending, though it was easy to tell exactly what was going to happen when he got up after being kissed. Still great to watch.

I have a feeling she'll say yes, and next season will be all the preparation for the ceremony.
though it was easy to tell exactly what was going to happen when he got up after being kissed.
Took me by surprise, I have to admit. I mean, the way Sheldon has become a sex machine (/sarcasm!) in his mind, I actually thought he was going to kiss her back !
Good ending, though it was easy to tell exactly what was going to happen when he got up after being kissed. Still great to watch.

I have a feeling she'll say yes, and next season will be all the preparation for the ceremony.

In a real relationship the lady might wonder if the proposal was motivated by guilt over possible affair. Then again this is the big Bnag teory and we are talking about Sheldon and Amy so I have no idea why I wonder how it might play out with real people.
Totally expected that.

Now that this season is over, I have officially canceled Big Bang Theory. It was a fun ride for the first handful of years. Can't say I will miss it.
"Young Sheldon" launches at a odd time (when Thursday night NFL moves from CBS to NBC in late October) when many people have settled in on what to watch for the year. It obviously follows the 2nd highest rated show, but the two comedies CBS has afterwards are filler. Against the heavily female Grey's Anatomy on ABC, NBC football (or preachfests Will & Grace and Great News some weeks and after the season, or local stuff out west), and the heavily live in Mom's basement comic book shows on Fox and CW, it has the room to grow.

The issue to me is the same as any "pre-quil". The timelines are frozen. We know how he turns out. The vibe they say they are looking towards is Malcolm in the Middle, and that could work, but how many characters can you think of that are interesting as a kid and an adult (itneresting CBS has another sitcom on just that premise, with each episode dealing with the same person's life in 1991, 2017, and 2042).
well, BBT is the lead in and that is going to get high initial viewership.

The reason I was saying it wasn't going to work is that adult Sheldon only works because of a strong ensemble to act as his foil. Young Sheldon is going to have his mother, his siblings and likely older classmates. He's supposed to be a young kid in high school. I see they have already painted Mom and Sis as caricatures. It will be tough to reign them back. The older classmates are going to need to be tormentors. I just don't see a path for any of them to step into the role of accepting and supporting that you have with the current BBT cast.
well, BBT is the lead in and that is going to get high initial viewership.

The reason I was saying it wasn't going to work is that adult Sheldon only works because of a strong ensemble to act as his foil. Young Sheldon is going to have his mother, his siblings and likely older classmates. He's supposed to be a young kid in high school. I see they have already painted Mom and Sis as caricatures. It will be tough to reign them back. The older classmates are going to need to be tormentors. I just don't see a path for any of them to step into the role of accepting and supporting that you have with the current BBT cast.

Sounds very similar to the WB show from 20 years ago, Smart Guy, staring the younger brother to the Mowry twins.
CBS put out a preview. Actually looks pretty good.

Zoe Perry does a great job playing Mary Cooper, she sounds just like her mother and has all the mannerisms down. Great casting in having Laurie Metcalf's daughter play a younger version of her character.


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