Customer Service, gotta love that play on words...wherever you are, you really are lucky to have good service. My experiences here in Central Fl. have been a giant joke. Both with the phone reps and the Techs. First, there are 2 sections of phone reps, one in the building where your "branch" is, and then the "after hours" reps that are based in Canada. (yes, Canada.) If you get Canada, they have to send a message to your branch via some form of inter-office low-budget e-mail system that could take days to answer. (Great use of 21st century technology they are using-explains the overall business quality). If you get a " local" phone rep, they log information into their end of the computer system based on however they feel, and whatever they want to write. I found this out because I have had to call a couple of times in succession to get correct information and updates on the notes left to address the correct department head it needed to go. I have had many different replies read back to me based on what was originally discussed. I have had instances where my issue or work order was either completely ignored by the phone rep and not entered into the computer at all or the info was blatenly wrong. I have had phone reps debate and argue issues with me based on their personal feelings or moods they were in. My personal favorite example was the one phone rep asked me how my TV was hooked up. When I told them S-Video cables were used, I was told I was wrong because I didn't use the cable co-ax to my TV. I also have been told by phone reps that appointments were cancelled by me when there were no appointments made on the date of question. I really wished they recorded the conversations, (like they claim some are for whatever purposes) because I would like to have them played back for their so-called quality control.
I have also had many poor experiences with the service techs. My biggest peeve is the fact that they do not introduce who they are when you answer the door. At most I have gotten a "you called cable " response or pointing to the sewn on patch on their shirt. Very Unprofessional. In discussion with techs,I have been given every "used car salesman" pitch available, from sharpness on my TV is set too good or "that's the way analogue is". I know they are just excuses, because they are the same ones repeated that we have been recieving for many years. Tech training is very low. Most of the techs have never seen or heard of Tivo before and we are supposed to believe their "repair experience" and be happy with their judgement. The absolute topper on the cake, is the fact that the techs have to log in each service call made in the day, not at the time completed, but when they return to the main office-at the end of the day...or when they get back to the office.....Whenever that is. So one tech can have like, 10 service calls in a row and be expected to remember each detail exactly on every single call to record in the computer later.
I have had techs tell me they will enter my information tomorrow, because it is late and they want to go home. What? Either way, Now I know why all the information on my account is all wrong. Also, We, as customers, do not get a work order sheet from the tech, thus not proving anything as to what they said or did. How can proper steps be taken to fix issues, if there is no record to look at? Then the techs go outside to look at the wiring outside and just leave. No nothing, they just get in their vehicle and leave. Really good service practices. Explanations by the management blaming owners blaming stockholders and what not for the lack good service is an excuse I am getting tired of. But heaven forbid they don't get your check ontime...that's when they will do something. Good future to look forward to.