Better to own or to rent?


Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
What are the pros in cons of buying and owning your own equiptment in comparison to going with one of the packages I see in my Sunday paper where the fine print states that Dish Network owns the equiptment. I'm interested in the 622 HD DVR box with a 2nd HD box.
I've bought all my Dish equipment, receivers, dishes, switches, etc. The only exception is now I just ordered a VIP211 lease for $49 and no commitment. I guess the pro for me is not being 'stuck' in commitments. This is an ongoing argument.
I mean, on and on and on......
At the current prices Dish charges for lease, it is much better to lease than to buy.
Our 322s are under lease but we never had a commitment of any sort; When the service ends, the boxes go back to em. Whoopee.

OTOH I couldn't give 2 farts about HD or DVR so that plays a role. Part of the thing with the DVRs and HD boxes is that you get nailed the extra fees WHETHER OR NOT you own the box.
OoTLink said:
Our 322s are under lease but we never had a commitment of any sort; When the service ends, the boxes go back to em. Whoopee.

OTOH I couldn't give 2 farts about HD or DVR so that plays a role. Part of the thing with the DVRs and HD boxes is that you get nailed the extra fees WHETHER OR NOT you own the box.

If you EVER use a DVR you will never go back to regular TV.

E loves the DVR income but should go back to free DVR its a wonderful sales tool and cuts churn dramatically.

I BUY whatever I use, if they refuse to sell it I am GONE as a customer...... I dont believe in renting ANYTHING!~
wouldId buy... I have a model 4000 which is kind of obsoleate as well as three model 1000's that do not have buttons on it. Mow I bought them in May 1998 and the Model 1000 or Model T's as I call them cost $99 at the time So if I were leasing them at $4.99 a month how much would I have paid all these years?

True newer recievers cost a whole lot more and as I work as a CSR that Dish Network Contracts with for NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY and the leasing options really stink please believe me on this one. Im my opinion I would go to Radio Shack and PAY for one once and for all instead of $299 down plus a month to month lease.

Having owned up to 6 receivers in last 6 years, then having a bunch of obsolete stuff when MPEG4 came along, I am all for leasing. I was able to drop dish, sell most of my older stuff on ebay, including a 921, total of the sales was about a grand, then I was able to come back as a new customer after dropping dish for a few months (I know, bad boy). So in the end, I have a 622, (4) 211's and a 625 for my 1000 bucks, (all new equipment).
You'll get as many different opinions as you get responses....

In my case - I always lease (almost - I own my 721). I find that I want to update my technology every 3-4 yrs at the longest - so it makes more financial sense to lease.

Also - again, in my case, - I don't care about the commitment to Dish. There is NO cable in my area & given the stupidity of my local govt., probably never will be. Direct hasn't shown me any reason to use them over Dish - so I just commit to the time period & watch my DVRs......
I think Cold Irons has a good point. It all depends on how long you want to keep the equipment.

If you lease a VIP622 it will be $100 or $200 up front, and then a $5 ($6?) a month lease fee each month from then on. To buy one I believe is about $600. So in order to have it make sense to buy, you have to keep the DVR for MANY years to break even. You can get some money back if you sell it on ebay, but the longer you wait the less you get back anyway.

Personally I have been with Dish for 4 years, and I am on my third generation of receiver. (510, 522, 622). As soon as they have a 100 hour HD DVR receiver I will be getting that as well. It just doesn't make sense for me to buy, when I upgrade technology so often.
The leaase fees are lame - the way I see it, either you pay upfront and don't pay monthly but still don't own the receiver, lease it and pay monthly but no @#%()* fee, or buy the dang thing. Honestly :\

My service wouldn't cost any less if I bought 322s though.

I was told I would need two dishes, then one, then...

Superdish for 129

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