Be glad to help however I can.
Been beta testing dish network equipment for years (yeah, all their subscribers are doing that, just most of them don't realize it)
No kidding. Same goes for M$ as well bro, except you have to pay up front for the patches to their bugs. The latest bug patch is known as Seven......
You bet Sadoun, I'm with Ice. If it aint broke, try harder. If ya cant break it then it's ready for a production
I have 2 C banders up and plans for a third, and three fixed and one automated Primestars hungry for some more LNBs.....
BTW, what's the latest on the V/G-Box + polarotor control?
If you are looking for development ideas, I have a couple of suggestions for a switch.
First, an all in one DiSEqC (1x4 or 1x8) with 22khz ports (as opposed to the 13/18V +22khz on 4Xn multiswitches) A 1x4 could see 8 lnbs and still reserve the (legacy) H/V signal for the actual polarity control at the LNB instead of path definition. That might appeal to those wanting 8X1 with rx's that wont play committed/uncommited nicely (or at all).
The other suggestion AFAIK has never been produced either. It is essentially a (4X4) Four receivers using DiSEqC to 4 lnb switch. A pattern for the switching array already exists in the conventional 4X4 multiswitch (ie Zinwell 4402 (or 4803 for 4X8) etc.)
My idea is to use PIC 12F series or similar uC(s) to decode the DiSEqC command and drive the 16 possible switch combos. I say more than one uC because they are cheap, small (8pin DIP), and a dedicated uC to input port will assure complete command reception (no scanning), and will allow for partial functionality if something adverse happens on any one port.
Between Cadsulfide and Pendragon, I'd bet they could have a working protoype overlaid on a multiswitch in a matter of hours. (I would go multi uC but Cad may choose to go with a single uC to simplify the HW /layout tasks. Everybody knows how those 'do it in software' guys can
I've got a NIB SAM 4803 I paid 2 bucks for at a yard sale. If I can find that PIC code for DiSEqC decoding on the web again, I might give it a try myself.