Beta - 1.3.89 - Discussion and Info

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005

Beta 1.3.89 has been released. You can download it from here:

Please download it and try it... please report all issues to:

Please include in the e-mail the following info:

1) Debug Report (instructions to follow)
2) Computer Specs (CPU, Memory, HD make, Etc)
3) Description of the Problem
4) Internet Connection Type
5) LAN Type (Wireless etc)
6) Software you are running (Anti-Virus, Firewall, etc)

To produce a debug:

For XM-Online only users (No hardware)

1) Start - Run - (Type in) CMD (press enter)
2) In the dos box type: cd\ (Press enter)
3) Then type: cd program files\timetrax recast (press enter)
4) Type: timetrax.exe /xmonline /debug (press enter)

For Hardware Radio users:

1) Start - Run - (Type in) CMD (press enter)
2) In the dos box type: cd\ (Press enter)
3) Then type: cd program files\timetrax recast (press enter)
4) Type: timetrax.exe /debug (press enter)

TimeTrax will create a .txt files in your C:\ directory send that file as an attachment with your report.

Many issues have been fixed in this version and it looks like the final release will be built from this version.

If you could test it and let us know how you make out we would appreciate it.


If all goes well this beta will be the basis for the release candidate.

The responses have been very positive with with release.

A huge thanks goes out to our programmers and developers..... they have been working like crazy on this stuff.

We had to take a reactive approach to some changes that were out of our control while at the same time be pro-active for bugs and future feature consideration.

will this address the issue we are all complaing about with the constant internet connection. This is not a bug, this is a design flaw, surely you can see that if you go out of town or to work or wherever and your connection is down for a minute or 5 or a day, then none of your programs are recorded. Disregard the fact that most people still use a dial up on the net (not me but most). This is a major major problem, for now my TimeTrax is working great, but what happens when my connection is gone and I am out of town? It renders the software completely useless.
foneguy2 said:
Will there be a Windows 2000 release?

There will not be a separate W2K release. This version should work for W2K users as well.

If you are a W2K user please try this latest beta and let us know how it works for you.

abstractls said:
will this address the issue we are all complaing about with the constant internet connection. This is not a bug, this is a design flaw, surely you can see that if you go out of town or to work or wherever and your connection is down for a minute or 5 or a day, then none of your programs are recorded. Disregard the fact that most people still use a dial up on the net (not me but most). This is a major major problem, for now my TimeTrax is working great, but what happens when my connection is gone and I am out of town? It renders the software completely useless.

This is not something we will be changing at this time.

The requirement of the internet connection is being reviewed but it is not something that will be changed till the next major number revision (2.X)

This beta version and future releases will address some of the comments from the users in regards to this requirement of the internet connection.

We are going to work on ways to make it a bit more user friendly and convinient when the connection is lost. You can expect some better recovery schemes in future releases. Right now we want to concentrate on a bug free product. Then we can start concentrating on new features etc.

Ok the problem now seems to be the registration code.
I'm using my latest permanent key and get.
"The key you typed was found in the database but is not an XM key"
Error: REG107.
Can you tell me what key to use...?
foneguy2 said:
Ok the problem now seems to be the registration code.
I'm using my latest permanent key and get.
"The key you typed was found in the database but is not an XM key"
Error: REG107.
Can you tell me what key to use...?

Open a support ticket, and they will send you an email with all your current keys listed in it.
Song change delay

I'm using 1.3.89 and the song title change on my screen seems to be about a 90 seconds behind. What should I look at for this problem.
rsmith3400 said:
I'm using 1.3.89 and the song title change on my screen seems to be about a 90 seconds behind. What should I look at for this problem.

The first thing to try is adjusting the following settings:

1) Song Delay Change

2) Process Priority (set it as high as you can)

The channel list change is something that is controlled by the broadcaster and not TimeTrax.

This means that it is broadcaster that is sending the info either too early or too late to correspond with the track change.

I notice this when I use my Sirius radio in the car all the time.

For the person that asked about dual processor and Hyper Threading support in the other thread.

If you are reading this, I have asked our developers about this and they said that TimeTrax Recast does take advantage of dual and hyperthreaded systems.

dserianni said:
For the person that asked about dual processor and Hyper Threading support in the other thread.

If you are reading this, I have asked our developers about this and they said that TimeTrax Recast does take advantage of dual and hyperthreaded systems.


I appreciate the response - It was in the future feature thread I think as a question - but as I am still really upset about the constant internet connection required. I am going to test to see what happens this week - if the TTR cannot survive a few hours worth of internet connection loss. I will still to be at a loss and may not be able to use this product. Sorry that I am incompatible with your software.
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Grab/Kill list for reinstall

Terk SIR6 + Sirius Connect + TimeTrax?
