Beta - 1.3.68 - Discussion and Info

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005

Beta 1.3.68 has been released. You can download it from here:

Please download it and try it... please report all issues to:

Please include in the e-mail the following info:

1) Debug Report (instructions to follow)
2) Computer Specs (CPU, Memory, HD make, Etc)
3) Description of the Problem
4) Internet Connection Type
5) LAN Type (Wireless etc)
6) Software you are running (Anti-Virus, Firewall, etc)

To produce a debug:

For XM-Online only users (No hardware)

1) Start - Run - (Type in) CMD (press enter)
2) In the dos box type: cd\ (Press enter)
3) Then type: cd program files\timetrax recast (press enter)
4) Type: timetrax.exe /xmonline /debug (press enter)

For Hardware Radio users:

1) Start - Run - (Type in) CMD (press enter)
2) In the dos box type: cd\ (Press enter)
3) Then type: cd program files\timetrax recast (press enter)
4) Type: timetrax.exe /debug (press enter)

TimeTrax will create a .txt files in your C:\ directory send that file as an attachment with your report.


Fixed in this release:

- Fixed XM-Online Issue

- Fix for Sirius Radio in Preview Mode

- Fixed invalid folder being created when recording

- Improved XM-Online recovery
Problem still exists.

I am using the PCR not online. But if I disconnect my internet connection (So as to simulate a possible brief outage, or even a 5 minute outage which happens to every single perosn on the net) Time Trax, after a minute maybe, says my internet connection is lost, reconnect and hit ok, but until you hit ok it will just sit there. Once again I see this as the biggest possible design flaw, unless you can tell me that no one will ever have an internet outage.
Your comment is noted and I have passed it on to our team.

abstractls said:
Problem still exists.

I am using the PCR not online. But if I disconnect my internet connection (So as to simulate a possible brief outage, or even a 5 minute outage which happens to every single perosn on the net) Time Trax, after a minute maybe, says my internet connection is lost, reconnect and hit ok, but until you hit ok it will just sit there. Once again I see this as the biggest possible design flaw, unless you can tell me that no one will ever have an internet outage.
abstractls said:
Problem still exists.

I am using the PCR not online. But if I disconnect my internet connection (So as to simulate a possible brief outage, or even a 5 minute outage which happens to every single perosn on the net) Time Trax, after a minute maybe, says my internet connection is lost, reconnect and hit ok, but until you hit ok it will just sit there. Once again I see this as the biggest possible design flaw, unless you can tell me that no one will ever have an internet outage.

Not for nothing... why not just tell us your requirement for what seems to be something that the TT group will not 'bend' on. I also have a problem with this internet connection requirement and then when its been lost your software doesn't does even continue to record.

At least - At least! My Tivo will run for a few days if dialup/internet connection is failed for an extended time frame. Obviously I hate the idea of being tracked... but this is bothersome.
The "Waiting for Channel Load" problem seems fixed. Great!

I see this new Beta solves the "Waiting for Channel Load" problem. Good! :D The Online program seems to work just fine on my main computer. I am not too sure about the way it divides the songs though, it seems to miss the right point by as much as 10 seconds. Maybe it was just the station (the 60's, they seemed to have a lot of talking DJ while I was testing things out. LOL


Unfortunately this computer does not have access to a window that works well with the actual XM radio. So I have a laptop upstairs in a room with a southern window. I installed the Beta 1.3.68 on it.

TimeTrax does not stay running on the laptop (where it did a few months ago.) It loads the channel information now, then disappears. (Crashes! ??) Very sad. :confused: I do not get a crash message from Windows so I do not know what is going on. The program just disappears suddenly.

I reinstalled, rebooted, but it did not help.

I ran it in the debug mode and will send in the log file.


I am currently satisfied with the TT software and fully understand the hard work that goes into writing and programming TT software but am distressed with the steady state internet connection required to run it amidst a world of malicious script monkeys and hackers. The very software that people use to keep their computer sterile and functional are also causing software conflicts. I'm sure their are other reasons for the internet connection requirement but the main reason is checking for duplicate activation or illegally generated activation codes and copies of the software. I understand that this is necessary but if you just did that at time of the software installation would be much more understandable and reasonable. My background in computers and in particular computer security leads me to plead my vote for at least a consideration to remove the "constant state connection requirement". Thank you for your time.....
Could I please have detailed instructions on being able to install and maintain 2 different versions of TT on the same computer?

I would like to continue to run TT 3.2 in order to verify that what I want is recorded without issue.

However, at night and other times when I can babysit and get more comfortable with the TTRecast Beta I would like to use that.

I would also like to do this without uninstalling and reinstalling both apps each time 1 is to be used. I understand only 1 can be used at 1 time I just want to use the Beta More but I am not willing to risk not getting my talk radio shows recorded.

please let me know? I have tried:

installing into sepereate directories - however it seems that there are a set of files in windows\system that are shared between versions and are different versions for each version of TT.

Just wanted to know.

You can not have two versions of TimeTrax running on the same computer.

You can try and experiment but we can not support this type of setup.

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how do i tune to channel 184

Grab/Kill list for reinstall
