Beta - 1.3.66 - Discussion and Info

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005

Beta 1.3.66 has been released. You can download it from here:

It should correct the XM-Online issue as well as a couple other issues.

Please download it and try it... please report all issues to:

Please include in the e-mail the following info:

1) Debug Report (instructions to follow)
2) Computer Specs (CPU, Memory, HD make, Etc)
3) Description of the Problem
4) Internet Connection Type
5) LAN Type (Wireless etc)
6) Software you are running (Anti-Virus, Firewall, etc)

To produce a debug:

For XM-Online only users (No hardware)

1) Start - Run - (Type in) CMD (press enter)
2) In the dos box type: cd\ (Press enter)
3) Then type: cd program files\timetrax recast (press enter)
4) Type: timetrax.exe /xmonline /debug (press enter)

For Hardware Radio users:

1) Start - Run - (Type in) CMD (press enter)
2) In the dos box type: cd\ (Press enter)
3) Then type: cd program files\timetrax recast (press enter)
4) Type: timetrax.exe /debug (press enter)

TimeTrax will create a .txt files in your C:\ directory send that file as an attachment with your report.


Two New Issues

The issue with "waiting for channel load" appears to be resolved. However, now there are two issues:

1. When recording, a folder is created with 18991230_0000 rather than todays date AND nothing is recorded in the folder.

2. When changing channels, the information changes, however the previous channel continues to play.

I am sending a debug file to you.

Recast with PCR appears to be working OK
The 'new' beta has the same download filename and still crashes on my Win2K machine.
Still not working...
The download filename has not changed.... that is correct... but the build has changed.

If you are still getting crashes on W2K please follow the above procedure and supply us with a debug please.

Be sure to put the other info in the e-mail as well.


Derek: It might be helpful if you gave us an idea of what was "fixed" between the different beta editions. That would let us know if our problems are only intermittent or if they got fixed on purpose. Just an idea.........
This beta was to address the On-Line waiting for channel load issue.

(As stated above)

Similar problem last night. Recast spent all night waiting for "next song". Tried it again this am after rebooting, etc. Did it again. Audio had changed songs (actually it was Old Time Theater) but the neither the display or channel listing changed. I quickly rebooted and XM was sending the correct information. It seems as if Recast is not detecting the channel's update - either on the main screen or the larger channel listing. My setup is a PCR with online access.

Based on my reload that displays the proper channels, it doesn't seem to be a problem on the XM side.
I tested it by killing my internet connection, Timetrax still comes up with a message that says will nto work without an internet connection, which I understand the need. But if you trun the connection back on it doesn;t go away. This is the big problem, as I stated before what if it goes out for a few seconds while I am out of town. It will stop doing anything until you hit ok. That is a big flaw. I hate to think what someone with a 56k dial up would do. Which BTW is still the main way of connection for majority of people on the net.
The beta has solved my channel load problem but i am getting the "xm has not accepted your credentials" dialog after recording a certain number of it was after recording 97 songs....any ideas?....other than this all seems well
Having same problem as awillc, channel loads but won't refresh with ongoing song data in Recast.
bilbry said:
Having same problem as awillc, channel loads but won't refresh with ongoing song data in Recast.

XM had changed some of the channel data returned with the song information on some channels, and this was causing Recast to ignore the song change information. It has been corrected and will be fixed on the release (should be tomorrow).
2 issues(1.3.66):
1)in the latest beta, i recorded o&a at 32k, then recorded top tracks later in the day at 128k. the resulting files sounded.....well... i can only describe as sounding like they were recorded in fast forward with skips & pops. all prior betas were ok......

2) with the exception that i cant record a song w/o getting the next song in the first recording. no matter what settings i use i get anywhere from a split second to about 2 seconds of the next song at the end of the recording. this has happened in previous versions as well as betas. phucknut was kind enough to lend some suggestions on changing the song change delay which has resulted in getting close, but not perfect recordings.
Ok, got ver 1.3.68 Recast song data is refreshing however its having problems staying insink with the song. I'll lay back awhile till you get this worked out. It seems like XM is not making things easy for you guys right now.
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Song Change Delay Setting

How activation works? Key-Harware ID
