Beta - 1.3.64 - Discussion and Info

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 5, 2005
Hi Gang,

There is a new beta as of October 28th, 2005

Version 1.3.64

Here is the link:

We encourage testers to download, install and report issues to:

This release addresses the XM-Online time-out and a couple other bugs.

Please let us know how it works for you. We are hoping to make this the foundation for our production release by early next week.

We are evaluating the W2K responses and bug reports. I am sure a new W2K beta is right around the corner.

I woke up today to check my timetrax recast beta (1.3.64)and as usual whenever there is something that needs to be recorded I see the error that my internet connection was down, I press ok and after a long time, it creates an MP3 that is roughly 780MB in size, it kept recording. Only seems to happen when there is actual recording needed to be done. I have DSl and from what I can tell it never went off since I have another piece of software that emails me when the internet connection is lost and it didn't, but even if it did this is a major flaw in the software. What about those that don't have an internet connection or those on dialup, or even those of us that may experience downtimes with our ISPS (which would be everyone). Somehow the software needs to be able to skip when the internet connection is down, because right now it hiccups and locks it until you come back to the computer to say ok. I have missed all of my shows in the past 2 weeks because this has so many errors. I do have a debug file but it is 38MB in size.
Actually ours will... but I understand your issue of sending.

It seems odd that the file is that big... how long are you letting TimeTrax run before shutting it down while running in debug mode?

Perhaps you can do it for a shorter period of time.

Have you also tried zipping or compressing the file?

it ran for about 24 hours or so I would say, until it needed to record something, and why I didn't think of zipping I have no idea, I actually RARed the file, even half the size of a ZIP sending to that email now
We got it!

Thanks..... they guys will have a look at it next week when they are in the office.

dserianni said:
We are evaluating the W2K responses and bug reports. I am sure a new W2K beta is right around the corner.


What do W2K users like me do in the meantime when the current version of the software keeps crashing?
dserianni said:
We got it!

Thanks..... they guys will have a look at it next week when they are in the office.


it seems to have recorded everythig tonight just fine, including the 1 hour clock shift (recorded an hour more than usual but that is because of the extra hour). It would seem that maybe for a brief second my internet connection denied access to timetrax and that is when it stopped doing anything put up a message saying the internet connection was down, and didn't resume until I hit ok later that day. Somehow it's needs top be able to resume on its own when that happens then, I am sure it will happen to just about everyone at some point. Internet connections do briefly go out from time to time. So far tonight it has worked flawlessly.
once again seems to have run fine. It is only a problem when there is a brief glitch with the intenet connection. Must be a way to have it retry until there is one, that way nothing gets locked up.
Hey Guys,

There is a new beta release...... I am closing this thread and opening a new one for that specific release.

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XM PCR vs TimeTrax Complete XM?

Just wanted to say Thank You

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