yes that should work but like you mentioned if they needed it at the same time
Might as well bite the bullet and get the proper LNBF.
i don't know much about the multiswitches are they powered ? do they supply power when not selected ?
The best way would be to used powered multi-switches. Save a lot of work on the receivers especially DVB computer cards.
thats why i asked if both polarities were needed when i was thinking about it several sats just needed one polarity ( for the channels i wanted on c-band & ku) so some sats will only require one polarity thus only taking one port of the multiswitch.
i got to thinking after i wrote that that your porbably wanting both polarties for your scanning side hobby hence the dual & the dual seperate h & v and or bandstacked would work best
Yes, You know me, if it is there, might as well be able to "see" what's on it.
Well here is my layout plan number two. Even putting 4 LNBFs on a dish, I would still need at least 8 dishes.
I currently have 7 - 84es, and 2 - 75es. I currently have 5 non-pen mounts for those dishes. I would need to pick up at least 3 more non-pen mounts.
Take a look at what I have here Keith, George and others, and tell me what I need to do differently.
From East to West
Dish 1
30W (Hispasat) using oem primestar lnbf with h/v outputs
43W (IS-3R) using oem primestar lnbf with h/v outputs
I think it might be possible to get both these on one dish at 13 degrees apart by not having an LNBF in the center, and they will be far enough apart to use these bigger LNBFs. Dish center would be aimed approximately at 36W.
Dish 2
72W (AMC6)
74W (H2 AKA SBS6)
79W (AMC5)
83W (AMC9)
Would need the dual output tiny LNBFs. Use no LNBF in the center and aim center of dish at 76.5W, might get all 4 of these on one dish. 72W will be a tight squeeze.
If 72W doesn't work out on Dish 2, I might need a separate dish and combine 72W with Estrela at 61 which would allow use of oem Primestar LNBFs.
Dish 3
87W (AMC3)
91W (G17 AKA G11)
95W (G3)
99W (G16 AKA G4)
I know this would work fine. I have an 84e with 87W and 97W working right now. I would need to get the dual output tiny LNBFs for this setup. No LNBF in center and center of dish would be aimed at 93W.
Dish 4
85W (AMC2)
89W (G28 AKA IA8)
93W (G26 AKA IA6)
EDIT: Saw some errors and corrected.
97W (G25 AKA IA5)
Again no center LNBF and center of dish aimed at 91W.
Dish 5
103 (AMC1)
107.3 (AnikF1) Optional
110 (Dish 110) Optional
Center of dish aimed at 105W approx.
Dish 6
101 (AMC)
105W (AMC15)
111.1 (AnikF2) Optional
119 (Dish 119) Optional
Center of dish aimed at 107W
Dish 7
121W (Dish 121)
125W (AMC21)
129W (G27 AKA IA7)
148W (Dish 148) Optional
Center of dish aimed at 127W
Dish 8
123W (G18 AKA G10)
127W (Horizon 1) Optional not much on it.
Could use oem Primestar LNBFs.
Optional Dish 1
113 (Satmex6)
116.8 (Satmex5)
The next simplest step would be to find at least one 6 foot Prodelin dish to cover the Western half of the arc virtually eliminating the need to have an LNBF spaced every 4 degrees. I know where there is one I can get, just have to time it right with weather, health, and help.