Best Remote to Use for Voom and my HT???

I have my Sony RM-AV3000 up and running with it just fine. I did the manual learning on the STB component, and set some manual function keys up for the BACK, WATCH, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, and RED buttons. Seems to be working just perfectly.

I have one Macro that turns the TV on, sets it to the DVI input, turns the Receiver on and sets it to Video 1, and then turns VOOM on.

I have another Macro that shuts all 3 devices off. I love that feature. All around, I really love my RM-AV300 remote.
While I'm waiting for my ZOOM to be installed on the 26th, you guys have convinced me to get a remote.

I haven't heard any reviews of the Harmony H-748, which looks really COOL..
anybody have this one or know anything about it?????

Otherwise I'll opt for the SST-688 for $159.95 including 2 day air......
doesn't sound like I can go wrong with it!

By the way, I'll be able to switch from VOOM to cable, correct? :confused:
I haven't heard any reviews of the Harmony H-748, which looks really COOL..
anybody have this one or know anything about it?????
I think the H748 is better suited for those with basic cable and a DVD player. It lacks dedicated buttons for guide, menu, exit, and info, which you really need for a satellite or digital cable STB. You can access these buttons using the LCD, but it's not as intuitive as having dedicated buttons.

If you don't have a DVR now, and don't intend to buy or upgrade to the VOOM DVR, then the H659--with its larger buttons--might be a better choice than the H688.
The 4DTV remote is Motorola's URC941. You can find them on E* auction for less than $50.00
Does anyone have or know where I can get IR Codes for the DSR-550. I am trying to upload IR commands into a Harmony H688 remote control.
VOOM STB is listed as a supported device for Harmony H688. Just select it from the list (VOOM as a manufacturer and DSR-550 as a model number) and you will have all the IR commands. You might want to customize it after that, e.g. re-assign some buttons.

Welcome to the forum!

(threads merged...)
Okay, I am a little thick when it comes to the technical jargon. I have just ordered Voom. Unfortunately when I asked the sales girl if the remotes were Ir or UHF she didn't know what I was talking about, so I said do they shoot through walls? She said, "Good question, can you hold on a minute?" Then she put me on hold, came back on and said "Yes" They do shoot through walls and I said great, "Sign me up." But not quite believing her I did a google search and just found this site.

I currently have Dish which I will keep some things on, Pay Per View, Sports pack. I run three televisions form 1 box. I use a splitter box from the output of the receiver from the Theatre room and pipe to two other TV's, 1 in a bedroom and 1 in a kitchen. Yes, my wife and I have to watch the same programming but since we are usually in the same rooms together it is rarely a problem.

My long winded question is this, am I reading correctly that some after market UHF or Rf remotes will control the Voom receiver from another room with the after market remote only or is some other type of equipment needed to make this work?

Sorry in advance for being thick.


I have Home Theatre Master MX-800, my Voom box is in the closet with (no line of sight) my other equipment and I got the Voom remote code from I use the RF box that is included with the remote. Check out that site for remote reviews.

It works great.
VOOM remote IR codes

Hey Fish:
CAn you give my the link for the remote codes at Remote Central?

Thanks a million.
Waxman :)
fish said: I reading correctly that some after market UHF or Rf remotes will control the Voom receiver from another room with the after market remote only...
Yes, based on what K4LK is saying, I believe this is the case.
Waxman, I do not know what you are talknig about. Sorry :confused: I am confused once again. Thanks for the tip for the Theatre Master. :)

The manufacturer of the MX-800 released some more affordable RF remotes back in January. These include the URC-200 and URC-300. The MX-800 is still their best RF-capable remote, but it commands a hefty price. The URC-200, pictured below right, runs about $180 with the MRF-100 RF receiver, or about half the cost of the MX-800. All LCD buttons are customizable on these learning remotes.

The URC series is 8.5" x 2.5" x 1".


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I'm using an MX-500 with my setup, seems to work great for me, the range on this thing is awesome. Powerfull enough to bounce around corners (fairly glossy paint). I have it set up task based, with currently just Voom, DVD, and Sage. Works great, but quite a learning curve to learn to program the thing.
I take it that everyone is displeased with the Voom remote. I don't blame ya'll. I don't like it at all. It is big, long and not contoured to the hand. The buttons are large and not ergonomical. It makes it hard to move your thumb and hand to manage the buttons. My favorite remote is the midsize silver one that comes with Motorola DCT6200 from comcast. If I new the remote code for the Voom system with this remote. I would try it to see how much it controls. Anyone Know?
timnchi said:
I take it that everyone is displeased with the Voom remote.
Not really. I kinda like the VOOM remote. I find it much more ergonomic and easier to use than most of other remotes I have around that came with TVs, DVDs, receivers, etc. I like its feel and I like the button layout. I can find most of the buttons without looking. I like its back light. It has a good range too. I personally have only one (but major) issue with it: it can't control the AV receiver! That was the main reason why I bought Harmony.
timnchi said:
Motorola DCT6200 from comcast. If I new the remote code for the Voom system with this remote.
Does it support any satellite receiver at all? Which brands?

I don't think think so, buut I'll test it with the VOOM box tomorrow to be sure. I've attached a picture of the Comcast remote, if you are curious. They also use this remote with their Motorola 6208 HD DVR.

I still think the URC-200 and MX-700 are superior to this remote in every way.


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