Ben Stien "Troops Were Snubbed..."

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jeslevine said:
Halliburton, Kellog and Brown and others supplying inferior equipment, and ripping off the U.S. tax payer

Actions speak louder than words

This was the same crap that happened during Viet Nam

This has nothing to do with what you first said, and what I quoted you on. Feel that thing above your shoulders? Its your head... make sure there is something in it. :)
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ill say it one last time,

build 30 big nuke reactors for electricity.

turn the excess corn and soy beans into fuel, there is no rule we have to feed the world.

extract OUR coal and burn it for electricity.

punch holes all over alaska and the coasts.

put wind turbines all over the hills, screw the birds.

hey world , dont like it , LUMP IT!!
jeslevine said:
I have colleages whose kids are over there, and I have friends who have been wounded. I am an American, and today have as much right to say and think what I want. Believe what you want, you have every right to drink the Kool Aide. I have been there and done that already

Bush senior knew what he was doing. You think this isn't a civil war, even the Shiite government is saying it is.

Eventually the Shia majority will control all of Iraq, unite with Iran, and then we will have created the instability that bush senior knew to avoid

There is a reason why Schwarkoff(sic), Murtha, and most every other vetern who went through Nam knows why we are screwed

PNAC pushed us in this war, and thats what you get when you listen to the PNACers who never fought in a war

What is a colleage?

The former Shiite and other former Iraqi Interim leaders, said there is a possibility for a civil war. You and the media like you blew it up to be that there is Civil war. Get your facts straight. Not one person in their elected government believes that Civil War will happen. Don't watch Main stream Media to get your propaganda.

And since you are so vocal, what would you do? What would your agenda look like to get America, (which you think is so off track), back into shape?

(and please use spell check next time, I can take you for more of an intelligent person). :)
joedekock said:
What is a colleage?

The former Shiite and other former Iraqi Interim leaders, said there is a possibility for a civil war. You and the media like you blew it up to be that there is Civil war. Get your facts straight. Not one person in their elected government believes that Civil War will happen. Don't watch Main stream Media to get your propaganda.

And since you are so vocal, what would you do? What would your agenda look like to get America, (which you think is so off track), back into shape?

(and please use spell check next time, I can take you for more of an intelligent person). :)
Its OK I typed colleague wrong, and that is cool, thanks for correction

Incidently, I read, I don't watch the MSM

You don't think it is a civil war that is cool. Do you know the difference between a Suni and A Shiite? In the course of time we will see what happens.

I am signing off this thread now, and wish you all well, because you are going to need it.
I couldn't agree with you more

dragon002 said:

ill say it one last time,

build 30 big nuke reactors for electricity.

turn the excess corn and soy beans into fuel, there is no rule we have to feed the world.

extract OUR coal and burn it for electricity.

punch holes all over alaska and the coasts.

put wind turbines all over the hills, screw the birds.

hey world , dont like it , LUMP IT!!

Energy independence, but it isn't going to happen soon
No, I know perfectly well what I said

joedekock said:
This has nothing to do with what you first said, and what I quoted you on. Feel that thing above your shoulders? Its your head... make sure there is something in it. :)

The American Taxpayer is getting screwed, and yes, I have stock in HAL, along with UPL, WMB, CHK, BP, XOM, FSENX, FIGRX. I will protect myself

In addition, I strongly recommend FXI, which is an ETF of the largest Chinese companies, and for saftey I-bonds which are paying close to 7% right now

In 10 years when people wonder why they can't retire, send their kids to college, or afford healthcare, remember the seeds that were planted today.

America is being sold down the river, and it is quite sad, but we deserve the government we elect, and we deserve the consequences good or bad

I wish you all well
I am actually trying to get away from talking politics

dragon002 said:
but, that would do it wouldnt it??!!
but I agree that would do it

I am just becoming cynical in my old age

dragon002 said:
how old ?
of course it would have been nicer if I could say 42, because that is the ultimate answer in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
10.25.57, sh*t im not old at all, and I mean that.

im only half way there.

my gram on moms side died at 90, her sister , my great aunt, went at 92

my gram on dads side went at 88.

my mom is 79, my dad died at 76 ten years ago. he smoked until he was 60, drank every day, was on dyalisis for 6 years, it took a toe operation and a heart attack to get him. and i had to sign the papers to pull the plug!!!

aunt blanche lasted 90 years.

aunt betty is still alive at 81 , smoked for 50 years, was pronounced dead, they shocked her back to life.

now, the pollution where i was born and "donora, pa" flouride poison.
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T2k said:
He served one of the most disgusting person that ever sat in the Oval Office, so you can imagine his qualities and the level of hypocrisy...

Ben Stien did NOT serve William Jefferson Clinton :cool:
Dragon my father and grand father both retired from Crucible in Midland PA so I know what your talking about with the pollution. My grand father (the one that died 2 weeks ago) got asbestosis and had to have a lung removed from working in the mill back in 1978. My dad was almost deaf at 34 years old.
Dragon I remember reading about that in school. If you look at this site you will see that my fair Ohio is #1 by 2 times the amount.

I get the privilege of living just outside the 10 mile "evacuation area" of the Shipping port Nuke plant

And this little beauty is RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET, the Bruce Mansfield Power Plant (top picture) (the owners of the coal plant did make this fine resort area across the Ohio river from us, )
But before you say your glad you do not live here look what they are doing with the stuff that is in the "lake" now, that's right kids, that drywall you hung in the kids room is made from by product from a coal power plant!!

YES the oldest nuke plant and a huge coal plant are across the street from each other!!!

I live about 30 miles from this nice area This is the plant that caused the massive blackout of the eastern US and Canada in 2002(not sure of the year)

And I went to High School in this city or as they like to show it,vonroll,home,home

Take all those and add in the steel plants - coal mines - and pottery just across the river and its a lovely area!!!

Sorry did not mean for this to become a enviroment post. Glad it is in the chit chat club, or do I still get slapped for going "off topic"?
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I could handle a little too, but I have a history with him so it's a lot which is too much. :)

If he wanted to have a discussion that would be one thing, but he doesn't. He has the same MO that never varies. If you disagree with him he will:

1. Insult you.

Tsktsktsk, I teach you, kid... :D

2. Talk about his superior European education and how you don't know anything because you were educated in the US.

Stop using "you" - it's you and your buddies only. :D

3. Insult you again.

No Thanks-don't need it! :D

Obviously you're hoping you'll learn more history here from me...:devil:

PS: sorry for interrupting - just keep up the good wor here too, we need to read more fun!:D :up well as the voice of "Pip" in Animaniacs, the man who can't shut up: said:
Francis Pumphandle (also known as "Pip.") - generally a foil and annoyance to the Warners, endlessly shaking hands and rambling nonsensically with an iron grip. The Warners could never seem to get their hand detached from the grip of Pip, despite the great length of sight gags they employed to remove themselves. Voiced by Ben Stein.
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