BD outsells HD-DVD on Paramount

Two titles that HD-DVD will have that only one of them is worth having - Transformers. I can wait, it will be on BD eventually -- in 17 months is my guess. I will not dispute that 40% is not bad. But it is not 60% now is it? And there is no way that HD-DVD alone can make-up for that loss in revenue without the 150 mil payment to Paramount. They just do not have enough players in the homes (standalones and 360 players included) to make up that much of a differance.

You will not be seeing Cars, Spiderman 3, not ever going to see Casino Royal, or the many other box office hits from this year on HD-DVD. So I think I can do without Transformers for awhile. As for Shrek -- badly down sequel -- you will not be seeing another one. I would much rather have something from Pixar or Disney. And there is plenty coming down the pike for XMAS from them.

Shrek 4 and 5 as well as a Puss spin off are already in pre-production. Transformers 2 is also being released. As for as Cars I wouldn't write that in stone yet as some of BVHE's blu-ray discs have been released internationally on HD-DVD as has Underworld and a lot more.

Xploited Cinema

Also at the 40/60 divide. You're talking about dollars in comparison to the total dvd sales of a major release so I don't think a company like Paramount will feel the effects (especially with the $150m) for at least a couple years. Same goes for the reverse with Fox's payout.

(and just to be equal there are some HD's available on BR overseas)
You just wish you could be one of them.
God forbid.
You have to remember those nobodies have criminal masterminds, typically with super-powers of their own, trying to take over the world.
I prefer the Die Hard or 007 approach...
Do you really think that George Bush and you could take these guys down?
Wow... You are serious. I wasn't (just don't like those movies).

Shrek 4 and 5 as well as a Puss spin off are already in pre-production. Transformers 2 is also being released. As for as Cars I wouldn't write that in stone yet as some of BVHE's blu-ray discs have been released internationally on HD-DVD as has Underworld and a lot more.

Xploited Cinema

(and just to be equal there are some HD's available on BR overseas)

There has been nothing from Disney (who owns Pixar) on HD-DVD overseas. As for other BV projects could you name one that is on HD-DVD? Underworld is a Sony release in North America and obviously Sony does not own the rights in Europe. I searched and did not find one title released by BVHE released anywhere on HD-DVD. So how about you come up with a name or else your statement is FUD!

Oh yeah, welcome to the War Zone duckydan!
I know it's just me being the black sheep, but I could never understand the popularity of these Uber-Men series:
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, X-Men, etc. where the people are mostly portrayed as a dumb helpless bunch of nobodies
capable of nothing without those superpower holders...

Pathetic, IMHO.


You must of led a lonely childhood. You did not have any heros? You don't like the Uber man series but you like 007? Seriously, you are just breaking eggs here. You might not like these movies but millions of other's do.

As for popularity, the bottom line is if Paramount remained nuetral BD would still clean HD-DVD's clock on both of Paramount's releases this fall. So you now have 2 releases on HD-DVD this fall that BD will not. Congradulations:hatsoff:
Yeah with Ratatouille and Cars though, I assume BD backers are counting are Disney/Pixar, you've got parents who won't spring for a PS3 cause the kids are too young, and won't spring for the regular BluRay player cause it's too expensive. Ahhh, screw it, I'll just buy the DVD.

Ah yes, the PS3 is coming out with a $399 system and 6 FREE BD movies to be released on October 30th. What's that you say -- you did not know. That's okay.
You don't like the Uber man series but you like 007?
You must be still in your childhood if you don't get the difference...
You might not like these movies but millions of other's do.
And that is exactly what I said and you quoted...
...the bottom line is if Paramount remained nuetral BD would still clean HD-DVD's clock on both of Paramount's releases this fall.
I see... Now, instead of "We won!" or more often "We are gona win really soon now, just wait for X",
it is "We would have won if Paramount/Dreamworks didn't switch". Pathetic, indeed...

There has been nothing from Disney (who owns Pixar) on HD-DVD overseas. As for other BV projects could you name one that is on HD-DVD? Underworld is a Sony release in North America and obviously Sony does not own the rights in Europe. I searched and did not find one title released by BVHE released anywhere on HD-DVD. So how about you come up with a name or else your statement is FUD!

Oh yeah, welcome to the War Zone duckydan!

Oh Joe. You did not search very hard. Warner distributes BVHE/Touchstone division overseas. BVHE alone distributes in the UK (BD). Try "The Prestige" and go from there. Finding neverland Japan (HDDVD), Bridge to Terebitha (France), Goal!. I'm getting tired typing. I could go on.

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Maybe this will help some with the confusion on who has rights where. This article is two years old but the last two paragraphs pretty much sum up how a title can be on one format here in the states and another overseas. Seems that sometimes studios co-produce titles and have certain rights in certain markets:

IGN: Blu-ray/HD-DVD Peace?

Based on this, don't get any hopes up of Disney showing up on HD-DVD say in Europe or Asia. You guys tried this last year at XMAS time asking how Disney could ignore HD-DVD. Well they did and you did not see any titles out anywhere on HD-DVD. You are not going to see any now either if Disney ownes the complete rights to a movie.
...don't get any hopes up of Disney showing up on HD-DVD...
Let me guess, this is your way of admitting you f*cked up with your statement about Buena Vista?
That would be progress...

There has been nothing from Disney (who owns Pixar) on HD-DVD overseas. As for other BV projects could you name one that is on HD-DVD? Underworld is a Sony release in North America and obviously Sony does not own the rights in Europe. I searched and did not find one title released by BVHE released anywhere on HD-DVD. So how about you come up with a name or else your statement is FUD!

Oh yeah, welcome to the War Zone duckydan!

Bridge to Terabithia is available in Italy on HD DVD.
Finding Neverland (as stated already)
The Brothers Grimm
The Prestiege
Jersey Girl (Japanese... owned by Miramax)

Now there has been no pixar releases yet but then again there have been no pixar BDs... (Though I wish there were)

So to answer your statement... who is talking FUD now?

Also to the person who asked about region coding on HD DVDs... there is none
Let me guess, this is your way of admitting you f*cked up with your statement about Buena Vista?
That would be progress...


Well, that is not the language I would use but I did post why you are seeing some of BV titles overseas on HD-DVD. You are still not going to see them all and the ones you are seeing are not BV exclusive (they are done by other studios) and BV only owns the distribution rights here in the USA and they are not owned by Disney either. That said I will now go throw up on myself!:river
Well, that is not the language I would use but I did post why you are seeing some of BV titles overseas on HD-DVD. You are still not going to see them all and the ones you are seeing are not BV exclusive (they are done by other studios) and BV only owns the distribution rights here in the USA and they are not owned by Disney either. That said I will now go throw up on myself!:river

Sorry again Joe. Touchstone IS owned by Disney. They began in 1984 as a brand to release more mature titles and is not a separate entity/studio. I remember the uproar over Disney releasing more mature titles back in the 80's.

Miramax was also acquired by Disney in 1993 for a measly $70 million.

Oh yea. Hollywood Pictures is back, another subdivision of Walt Disney Company. They exist to release genre pictures, e.g. "Stay Alive".

BVHE is only the DVD/Film distribution division for the Walt Disney Company and its subdivisions. It is not a separate company. They don't "own" anything. Disney owns everything. Distribution is a Tricky/complicated business. What flies in the US doesn't always fly overseas. Some films codistributed by BVHE and Paramount (e.g. Face off) are distributed in HD-DVD through Paramount.

All in all, Touchstone, Miramax, Pixar, Hollywood pictures are all owned by Disney. Touchstone and Hollywood Pictures have never been separate from Disney. The other two were acquisitions.

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Sorry again Joe. Touchstone IS owned by Disney. They began in 1984 as a brand to release more mature titles and is not a separate entity/studio. I remember the uproar over Disney releasing more mature titles back in the 80's.

Hence why they are bastardizing the Nightmare Before Christmas. Also the biggest backlash from disney was the film Kids (which was awful in its own right)
Entry level players don't need to be 'full featured'.... a whole lot of 1080i/720p sets are going to be sold this Christmas, and for many it will be their 'once every x years' TV purchase. Bleeding edge early adopters tend to spend more for the full featured items.

You need to understand the concept of full featured.

THat means:

1) Supports multiple video decoders (for PiP).
2) Supports internet access via ethernet for Value Added Content
3) Supports internal audio mixing for on the fly adding of sounds to soundtrack.
4) Supports iHD.

To get an HD-DVD logo a player has to support all of these. There's probably more than this but this is a minimum.

You must be confusing your formats.

Warner squarely in HD DVD's corner.

HD DVD trounces BD at netflix

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