Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

I'm a bit frustrated by the turn that this week and next looks to be taking as well...but I think it'll turn around (it had better!)
I think Gaeta gets his, based on what I'm seeing in the webisodes :D

The old man and former president deserve a few fleeting moments of happiness... Loved the line: "Somedays, I really hate this job". Really sums up 4 years of leading the fleet through the mess they've endured.
I guess a rebellion would only be natural as the frustration levels would have to be ski high... imagine being stuck on a ship and cramped into a small space for much of the time..

Well it is probably a lot roomier now since there are 25% less people than when they started... But seriously it has to be an absolute nightmare living in the fleet right now.

Something is still wrong. If the 13 colony was really Cylon skin jobs, you would think there would be *some* mention of this somewhere in all the ancient texts. It is just annoying that there are only a few episodes left and they do not seem to be wrapping up mysteries, I do not want one episode at the end where they tie up everything at once.
Something is still wrong. If the 13 colony was really Cylon skin jobs, you would think there would be *some* mention of this somewhere in all the ancient texts. It is just annoying that there are only a few episodes left and they do not seem to be wrapping up mysteries, I do not want one episode at the end where they tie up everything at once.

I don't want to see them wrap it up at the very end either. Raising more issues that don't have answers yet is making me uneasy...and maybe that's how we're supposed to feel...the writer's intent - make us feel like the people we're watching - uneasy... Just a thought.
I noticed the White board population was 39k plus... it used to be around 57k or so if I remember right... I have the S4.0 discs in front of me to take back and see if the 3rd disc is in so I can watch the deleted scenes on it...(going to try and wait on the BD's to buy)
Something is still wrong. If the 13 colony was really Cylon skin jobs, you would think there would be *some* mention of this somewhere in all the ancient texts.

Wouldnt be the first time things were collectively burried or over the years simply folded into vague myth. Or... some other fun revelation is forthcoming. :D
I noticed the White board population was 39k plus... it used to be around 57k or so if I remember right... I have the S4.0 discs in front of me to take back and see if the 3rd disc is in so I can watch the deleted scenes on it...(going to try and wait on the BD's to buy)

In the last 2 episodes, the white board count has been in two I think (as in episodes very early on), it's going to take on a more important meaning for awhile...especially with the impending mutiny and ftl refit attempts. The number could jump if the Cylons are welcomed into the fleet, or it could drop precipitously if this all goes really south... I think you're right the beginning of the series, it was in the 50k range somewhere and now it's 39,664 (just finished rewatching last night's episode).
From He That Believeth in Me Deleted Scene...Shot from Kara Thrace's Viper...
and Interviews with Ronald D. Moore from the Chicago Tribune...
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Question: How did the 4 sleeper Cylons go through "life" without being babies, teenagers, young
adults, etc.

Were they "just there" and no one noticed they had no past/background? Where
did they think they came from?
If its true that Tigh+Six will have the first Cylon-Cylon baby, how did Earth get populated by Cylons? I guess they were all pod people?
Question: How did the 4 sleeper Cylons go through "life" without being babies, teenagers, young
adults, etc.

Were they "just there" and no one noticed they had no past/background? Where
did they think they came from?

By all reckoning Tigh at least had a young adult; as the old man has known him for 30 years.

There is just too much left unexplained; or unexplainable. :rolleyes:
If its true that Tigh+Six will have the first Cylon-Cylon baby, how did Earth get populated by Cylons? I guess they were all pod people?

Yeah, and how did the 13th tribe create human-toasters, instead of centurions. That issue - the switch from mechanical to biological has never been clearly explained, and as in my last post, I suspect will never be explained.

Sometimes I think TV writers are given way too much freedom to do whatever the frack they want, with no disregard for logic or explanation. If they did that in a book, they would generally be lambasted by readers and reviewers.
If its true that Tigh+Six will have the first Cylon-Cylon baby, how did Earth get populated by Cylons? I guess they were all pod people?

I think this one is pretty easily answered...

I think the Cylons from Earth were able to procreate without difficulty, like humans. They were probably more human than cylon. The machines developed by colonials left after the war, and decades later you've got humanoid cylons, but they're flawed and can't reproduce (why, we don't yet know).

So Tigh+Six have no problem making a baby because he's more genetically accurate/correct than the other models, who have somehow become corrupted (genetically-speaking).

Why the final 5 don't remember where they originally came from, we don't know yet. But I'm sure we'll be told eventually.
If its true that Tigh+Six will have the first Cylon-Cylon baby, how did Earth get populated by Cylons? I guess they were all pod people?

Unless Starbuck is the first cylon-cylon baby.... hehe!

She's probably just a cylon (Saul Tigh) - human (her mother) hybrid, but we don't quite know yet, do we???? We do know Hera is half/half, but is she the FIRST??

That would by far be the easiest answer to Starbuck, but still wouldn't explain the new white viper she came back in...
I don't know but I sure hope that they tie up the loose ends and use some logic here. If it turns into another LOST I will be pissed. I quit watching that show because it never explained anything , just continued to pile up the unanswered questions. People don't want just mystery without any answers.
I don't know but I sure hope that they tie up the loose ends and use some logic here. If it turns into another LOST I will be pissed. I quit watching that show because it never explained anything , just continued to pile up the unanswered questions. People don't want just mystery without any answers.

One answer:

Biggest sap: The Chief. He really got screwed over.
I really don't like where they are going with these episodes so far.

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