Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

Just finished watching Catch The Frak Up VOD from Directv... very funny :D also up to episode 3 on Webisodes from Directv...(watched several on my laptop, but better on a big screen even if PQ sucks)also watched the RDM & Eick special (which will air on Scifi the week after next)
Battlestar Galactica Mini Marathon starting at 8 am 1.16 with the Top Ten Things then Season 3.5 Episodes starting with The Son Also Rises at 8:30 am then Season Four starts at 11:30 am...
Followed at 10 pm with Season 4.5 episode "Sometimes a Great Notion" Note: check timers as this is an extended episode...
Revelation aired 6/13, so it was 7 months. Can't wait to see what the frack they do with a nuclear earth.

Wow, 7 months? That's a long frackin' time...

I'm guessing they won't stay there at Earth. What's the point? May as well go back to Caprica if you want a nuked place to live, or unless there's somewhere on Earth that's not irradiated to death...

Got plenty of space on my third drive for BSG, SG1 and SGA. :)

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