Baseball Cheaters of the 21st Century...

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
I have been a baseball fan since I was 13 years old. My first baseball game ever at a professional game was in 1980 when I went to see the Yankees at Yankees stadium. Reggie Jackson, Mickey Rivers, and Lou Piniella were playing the outfields in this game and I have love the game ever since. Now with the illegal drugs hanging on some players like Jason Giambi, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sossa, Gary Shefield and who knows there maybe others, baseball players have created a very black eye for baseball.

It is not only that these guys used steroids as performance enhacement in their baseball careers but some of them have impacted the game with records that stood the past of time until some of them were broken recently. Even if baseball does not put an asterik on the record books, I am having a very hard time recognizing any single homerun record beyond Roger Marris and I will have a hard time recognizing Barry's quest for the most HR in baseball history. To me the asterik is already in place. Baseball players have let us down. Baseball is supposed to be fun and a professional game where this cannot be tolerated. I am very dissapointed. :(
I agree with you completely. I don't ever remember not being a baseball fan. As far as the records go, I don't think they will put an actual asterisk on any of them. But I saw a guy on tv this morning who made the interesting point that they won't really have to. In time, this will become known as the "juiced era" or some similar name in the same way that pre-Ruthian times were the "Dead-Ball Era". People will just sort of mentally adjust the records accordingly when they think of them. It is a shame though, to see a great such as Henry Aaron go down to a cheater.

I'm not sure what this says about me, but when Bonds is in Comerica Park this upcoming season the smart money says I'll be doing everything I can to see those games. Fact is, I don't think any of us really need any proof to know these guys are up to something. But does it bother us enough to turn us off of baseball? Obviously not.

But it is disappointing. Now I can't even kid myself by pretending that maybe, just maybe, they're doing it clean.
Youre Oooutt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as a lifelong devout baseball fan. IMO Theses steroid abusing players should be banned from baseball, This is much more of a serious situation than the Pete Rose scandal, Our children look up too these players.

Bud Selig should implement more stringent drug teasting policies like he has done in the minor leagues, He Should make it mandatory that each player receives a drug test before the beginning of spring training.

Im dissapointed with steinbrenner that he hasnt let the NYY involved in this scandel go.
Mr. C.

GO Yankies!!!!!!!!!
____________to the drug testing clinic
It's funny hearing young tiger and Yankee fans talk. My first game was Tiger Stadium and Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, and Joe Pepitone were playing against my beloved Tigers.

I gave up on Baseball just about when Sean was getting interested.
For me it was the money and the strikes.
But you are right the drugs will destroy baseball, because it is a game of records and statistics. And there is no continuity or trust in the records that are being shattered these days.
Actually, rumor here in NY is that the Yankees are going to try to get rid of Jason Giambi based on misinterpreation and fraud. Everyone says that it is a long shot since Giambi is under contract for the next 4 years and owed 76 million guaranteed dollars. The players association will never let the NYY void that contract.
Sean Mota said:
I have been a baseball fan since I was 13 years old. My first baseball game ever at a professional game was in 1980 when I went to see the Yankees at Yankees stadium. Reggie Jackson, Mickey Rivers, and Lou Piniella were playing the outfields in this game and I have love the game ever since. Now with the illegal drugs hanging on some players like Jason Giambi, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Sammy Sossa, Gary Shefield and who knows there maybe others, baseball players have created a very black eye for baseball.

It is not only that these guys used steroids as performance enhacement in their baseball careers but some of them have impacted the game with records that stood the past of time until some of them were broken recently. Even if baseball does not put an asterik on the record books, I am having a very hard time recognizing any single homerun record beyond Roger Marris and I will have a hard time recognizing Barry's quest for the most HR in baseball history. To me the asterik is already in place. Baseball players have let us down. Baseball is supposed to be fun and a professional game where this cannot be tolerated. I am very dissapointed. :(
Yes they did give baseball a black eye and should be barred from baseball and the hall of fame. Especially Bonds. But I am not surprised and I am NOT dissapointed. Because you see, Im just not that naive. In order to be dissapointed one first has to believe that these player were clean before this news broke. Please all baseball fans should not be dissapointed they should be ashamed of the players, the organizations and themselves for facilitating the fiasco buy watching and buying tickets to what is no more "real" than the WWE.
Hey"TheTimm",do you happen to listen to Drew and Mike,they were compairing Barry Bonds Rookie baseball card to his most recent one,they said his head was 3 times the size now vs. then. :)
Performance enhancers are a part of sports in the 21st Century. It's absurd that some types of performance enhancers are legal in football but not in baseball. Or legal in Basketball but not in Football. It's crazy. If you do your research going back to Mcquire since he was the first of our time to break the HR record. The type of steroid he was using was legal when he played. Now it's banned in the NFL and NCAA. It's absurd, and blown out of proportion.

Anyone who has actually PLAYED baseball knows bigger muscles DO NOT influence how well you see and hit the ball. There is no asterix, Bonds, Giambi, Sosa, Mcquire are all some of the best baseball players to wear a uniform. I personally think Bonds is the second best player ever. Noone in my mind would ever be better than the Babe, he might of made the Hall of Fame without picking up a bat, he was that good of a pitcher. But back to steroids. Ray Lewis could bench 500 pounds but I guarantee could not hit a 98 mph fastball 400 feet. These guys are talented steroids or not.
I agree with all so far. I've been discusted with baseball since the late seventies when Ted Turner first hired Bobby Cox (total idiot). I was relieved in the early 80's when he was fired and Joe Torre was brought in. My discust re-arose when Ted fired Joe and brought Bobby back as general manager and Chuck Tanner became team manager. When Chuck was fired and Bobby stepped down to team manager, I got so pissed I almost stopped watching baseball. Bobby is a total idiot, he has been fortunate enough to have players that could overcome his stupidity and make him look good (to all but me). I quit watching in the early 90's when in the first Bobby Cox era World Series the Minnesota first baseman pulled the runner on first base (I think it was Gant) off the bag and the umpire called him out. Bobby Cox never said a word. When the camera focused on him, he took another sip on whatever he was drinking. He had no clue as to what was going on. That did it for me, no more baseball.
What they've done to Pete Rose is terrible. I'm not saying what he done was right in any way. Keeping him out of baseball functions is one thing, but not allowing him in the hall of fame is ludicrous as well as frivolous. No one can take away what he has done, no matter how hard they try.
As for how I come to love baseball early on. I was fortunate enough to live in Macon Georgia where I had a chance to see my first professional baseball game in the old Sally League. At Luther Williams Field in a game between Asheville N.C. (can't remember there name) and the Macon Peaches. I got to see Pete Rose (2nd base), Tommy Helms (outfield), and another one I can't remember his name right now in my first game and Tony Perez (ss) came along the following year. My dad told me, when he was a kid, he once saw Mel Ott, in an exibition game, hit a home run and hit the ball at the top of the flag pole in center field. That height would have made it well over 500 feet. I used to love hearing stories like that. As far as the major leagues, when the Braves moved from Milwaukee to Atlanta. My first major league game was Pittsburgh at Atlanta. What a game. Eddie Mathews (3rd), Henry Aaron (rf), Rico Carty (lf) Dennis Menke (2nd or ss), Woody Woodward (ss or 2nd), Joe Torre catching and Tony Cloniger pitching. Don't remember the Pirates except Roberto Clemente and Willie Stargill. That game was a good old fashion pitchers duel with both pitchers going 13 innings with the Pirates winning 1 to nothing. Of course the pitchers mound was 6 inches taller then, so pitchers were more dominant. Pitching duels were the norm. Those were the days.
Now I've begun to watch baseball again, due to HDTV. The picture looks to good to ressist. Still not much interest in the game itself yet, but who knows.
As far as cheaters go, it's major league baseball itself, they are the cheaters for allowing this out of control drug abuse to continue.
bruce said:
Hey"TheTimm",do you happen to listen to Drew and Mike,they were compairing Barry Bonds Rookie baseball card to his most recent one,they said his head was 3 times the size now vs. then. :)
Not a fan of morning radio in general...but I know what they mean! Some of these guys hardly resemble their former selves at all. Totally different body types, not just "working my butt off every day"!

dnyce said:
Anyone who has actually PLAYED baseball knows bigger muscles DO NOT influence how well you see and hit the ball. There is no asterix, Bonds, Giambi, Sosa, Mcquire are all some of the best baseball players to wear a uniform. But back to steroids. Ray Lewis could bench 500 pounds but I guarantee could not hit a 98 mph fastball 400 feet. These guys are talented steroids or not.
Absolutely, these guys are some of the best baseball players to wear a uniform. And they're cheaters. It's obvious to me and most others that a ball struck by young thin Bonds ain't goin' nearly as far as a ball struck by powerhouse muscleneck Bonds. All these guys could see and hit a ball very well before getting pumped up. They still can, and the ball goes farther. If Ray Lewis could stop dancing long enough to hit the ball at all and could hit it solidly, yes it just might go 400 feet.
Its really a shame. There is so many players in all sports that are taking performance enhancing drugs. They want to be the best at any cost. Giambi is not only a cheat...he is a liar as well. Theres no room in NY for him...he should go. Bonds lied in court under oath...lets see what happens to him....probably nothing. If it was me or one of you guys , you bet we would be sent down the river.
dnyce said:
Performance enhancers are a part of sports in the 21st Century. It's absurd that some types of performance enhancers are legal in football but not in baseball. Or legal in Basketball but not in Football. It's crazy. If you do your research going back to Mcquire since he was the first of our time to break the HR record. The type of steroid he was using was legal when he played. Now it's banned in the NFL and NCAA. It's absurd, and blown out of proportion.

Anyone who has actually PLAYED baseball knows bigger muscles DO NOT influence how well you see and hit the ball. There is no asterix, Bonds, Giambi, Sosa, Mcquire are all some of the best baseball players to wear a uniform. I personally think Bonds is the second best player ever. Noone in my mind would ever be better than the Babe, he might of made the Hall of Fame without picking up a bat, he was that good of a pitcher. But back to steroids. Ray Lewis could bench 500 pounds but I guarantee could not hit a 98 mph fastball 400 feet. These guys are talented steroids or not.

So it is ok to take them since everyone, or at least some, are doing it? That is absurd. ANYONE who takes illegal performance enhancing drugs should be banned from their sport for life. PERIOD>>>END OF DISCUSSION. They are thieves who are stealing money from the organization and the fan.
Bonds would be nothing more than a marginal star player if he had no juice in him. Yount, Molitor, Boggs, Mattingly, Mantle, DiMaggio, Carew, Brett, and the list goes on.....were all better hitters than Big head boy (93/4 i think) Bonds. The reason he is feared is becasue he is a monster with over blown muscles. He can definately hit he 98mph fastball. But if the ball is only going to go 250 ft vs 300 or 315 ft vs 400 he would not walk so much, not hit so many jiuced HR's, and be nothing more than a footnote instead of being on the door step of breaking a record by a true gentleman like Henry Aaron. If baseball had any balls they should strike the records of Bonds, Giambi's, and everyone else who used or uses 'roids. But that might offened someone or someone rights in this politically F'd up PC world.

What ever happened to personal responsbility. You really believe barry didn't know it is 'roids in that cream??? if you do i have some sunny, ocean front property in balmy northern Wisconsin....Interested?
dnyce said:
Performance enhancers are a part of sports in the 21st Century. It's absurd that some types of performance enhancers are legal in football but not in baseball. Or legal in Basketball but not in Football. It's crazy. If you do your research going back to Mcquire since he was the first of our time to break the HR record. The type of steroid he was using was legal when he played. Now it's banned in the NFL and NCAA. It's absurd, and blown out of proportion.

The thing is, McGuire took Androstendione, which in itself is NOT a steroid. It metabolizes in your body and causes your body to produce testoserone. It is known as a precursor. The Creatine he was taking adds water to the muscles. Everyone is in some state of dehydration, what the creatine does is add water to the muscles to fill them out. As you say when he broke Marris' record they were legal. The difference between him and Bonds is that Bonds knew what he was taking and he KNEW that it was a banned substance. That it also is a performance enhancing one should get the ban. Any player who tests positive for roids in any sport should get a lifetime ban. The NFL took care of this issue in the 80's why has it taken MLB so long to address it?

Baseball is returning to WWOR-TV. (Yankees)

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