Bank Check Scam, or Ligitiment Deal?

Claude Greiner

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Detroit - The Paris of the Midwest
Heres an intresting situation, and considering it has to do with the sale of DBS equipment I thought it might be appropiate to post here.

Heres the situation, a customer called the DISH Store last week and Inquired about purchasing (8) 921 Receivers and some switches including shipping to North Carolina. The customer called me on Wednesday and asked for my mailing address to send out a cashiers check for $4627.06

To my surprise the check arrived yesterday Via Fedex from the Bank Of Montreal located in Quebec Canada. Turned out to be a company check, no address on where to ship the stuff, basically a check in a Fedex Priority International mailer. No notes or documentation whatsoever on where to ship the merchandise. I don't even have a phone number to contact the guy.

I called the bank this morning and there is funds in the account, and even looked up the bank on the internet and faxed a copy of the check to the bank and they called me to confirm it was good!!!!

With all the scams going on today, my bank might make the funds available to me in a few days, but it could actually take 2-3 weeks to clear, meaning that if the funds where removed from the other persons account, after I deposited it, but before the check was presented to the other persons bank it could bounce back. Being in the United states, how the heck do I cash a check made out by a Canadian bank in US funds?

Luckey for me the Bank of Montreal has a branch office in Windsor Ontario Canada, a few minutes from Detroit. I went there this afternoon and tried to cash it, but they would not honor the check since I did not have an account with them. I ended up paying $15 and having the check certified :)

So the question is this, I now have a company check made out by a Canadian company which I got certified by a branch of the issuing Canadian Bank. If I deposite this check in my bank account, what are the chances it could bounce back?

I don't want to take any chances here.
Well with the new Check 21 laws in place checks are converted to electronic transactions. So instead of taking a few days to go thru it will take a few hours. I am currently overseas and I occasionaly write a check. Back in the late 90's a check would take almost 2 weeks to clear. Now it takes about 2 days. I think you are reasonably safe.
Same here as DJ said. Funds clear, then ship.

Buyer has to understand that shipping 1 unit might not be a problem, but 8 units is too big of a risk even for a large company.

Seems a bit funny that North Carolina(US customer) has a Canadian bank check.

I shipped 10 FTA receivers UPS C.O.D. to a customer once, but required CASH or Money Orders.

Hope everything works out. I don't envy your position.
Your bank shouldn't have a problem cashing it. I would go with them and see what they say. Also ask them how long it takes for it to clear. For that large of a check as well as being international, I'm sure they can give you a number.
Claude Greiner said:
So the question is this, I now have a company check made out by a Canadian company which I got certified by a branch of the issuing Canadian Bank. If I deposite this check in my bank account, what are the chances it could bounce back?

Even after a checks "clears," it might still bounce. Please take a look at this website: Fraud Aid
No I Would Be Very Careful, Funds Are Marked As Available Very Quickly With Cashiers Checks Cashed Into Your Bank Account Even If It Hasnt Cleared Completely. Wait At Least 15 Days. Also Contact Your Bank's Fraud Dept Before Shipping. Get His Phone Number.

This Sounds Like A Scam.
Nigerians 419 Scammers Do It All The Time. They Contact You, Pay By A Very Good Looking Cashiers Check And You Get Screwed.
If They Are In Nc, Why Would They Use A Canadian Check?
sounds like you took all the right precautions. i agree with the others to wait to ship until you make sure you actually have the cash.
I would think that the new laws would help as well. However, I recently found a check that was about six months old. I wasn't sure if it was still good, however, it was from the same bank that I use (different branch) so I figured it was worth a shot. I deposited it to Checking without a hitch. About a week later I noticed that someone had withdrawn money from our savings in a weird amount. Short version: It turns out that the account had been closed, and it took the bank several days to realized this. They took it out of Savings becuase checking was into the credit line. How Bizarre!
silversurfer01973 said:
Well with the new Check 21 laws in place checks are converted to electronic transactions. So instead of taking a few days to go thru it will take a few hours. I am currently overseas and I occasionaly write a check. Back in the late 90's a check would take almost 2 weeks to clear. Now it takes about 2 days. I think you are reasonably safe.
I think that only goes for banks is the States. Being a check from Canada they probably still have to do it the old fashion way.
Whats all the hub-bub about, you don't have an address for them anyway, you've got to wait for a call from them. (or did I mis-understand this)

811...Is it or is it NOT IR controllable...?

no reception on some directv channels

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