just a restructuring...sounds like they will still do the games
There is no way they can make it, this will go into Chapter 7.
The revenue taken in by per sub fees and advertising has declined so much, they can no longer cover the purchase ( the 8 billion debt) and the rights fees, the next 2 years, Paid Live TV will lose another 12-15 million subscribers, that means a loss of more per sub fees, what happens then, the RSNs will have the same problems as now, less income, cannot pay the bills.
Advertising is way down because the cheaper advertisers have moved on to streaming, the ones who pay more want to stick to programming that gets good ratings, which RSNs do not.
This is from the link-
Sinclair is hoping to strike a deal to help them keep the channels operating thanks to Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, so basically that is their plan, hoping all the teams/leagues will agree to new less paying deals.
But that is the problem, MLB, for example, already said they will be pulling their content, the league knows they will take a hit for 2 years, the RSNs do not exist without MLB.
Where do they think they will get the most money from, in today's world, a hybrid of streaming and traditional ( cable or broadcast), will they get as much as they used to get, no way, but the teams were wildly overpaid anyways.