So you're telling me for $7 more a month (Of course, I only have one TV and no DVR, and cable prices vary by region, so that throws off the prices some) I can have:
1. No contract. A big deal if there is an unacceptably large rate hike or any given carrier drops my local RSNs or another "must have" channel (I have pay TV for my favorite sports teams and MSNBC, anything else I can replace with Netflix or similar services). If a "must have" channel or two goes, a contract is a dead weight because I am stuck handing over a high percentage of my monthly income for something I no longer want. That's instant switch time if I am clear of contractual obnligations.
2. Free HD equipment. I had to pay for a Dish install with SD equipment because they didn't like my credit, and they want big money and a new 2-year contract to upgrade to HD. Cable just gives it to you.
3. Return my equipment for a local office for free instead of paying Dish for shipping if I cancel.
4. Some secondary locals from the media market I grew up in that occasionally toss me an extra game from my favorite football team..
I didn't think the price difference was quite that small!
And I could bundle with Internet to save more money.
Right now, I'm in no hurry because I am under contract with Dish, got a monthly credit for something, cable prices are higher in my area and I am still not clear on whether they are carrying what for me is a "must have" sports overflow channel (They dropped it before I left the last time), and still have a promotional rate for cable Internet that doesn't require bundling.
But, I've gotta tell you, when the credits on both ends expire, the contract is up, and Dish hikes rates again- Gosh, you know, I'd really like to be able to watch HD on my HD television (Even if it's only 720p). Something I'll be thinking about.
Anyhow, I'm with Dish for a reason right now. I like a lot of stuff about them. I'm just saying, $7 to get HD, secondary locals, not have to sign another contract (Critical for some), etc. might be worth it, especially if Dish is in a feud with your locals RSNs (Not the case with me, but certainly the case in some areas) and you mainly watch local sports on Dish.
Dish hasn't priced themselves *so much* lower that people are always going to ride out their favorite channels being dropped, not getting HD, paying for equipment, contracts, etc.. I mean, there probably is a price point where people would be like "Dish is so much cheaper, I don't care what the heck they do or don't do". I'd say that's around $40 a month, and unrealistic for them to hit price point wise.
I'm not sure the original case makes a slam dunk case for Dish. It's not like cable costs *a ton* more.