Back to D*/ HD and have ?

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Madtown HD Junkie

Occasional Supreme Being
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jun 3, 2004
Madison, WI
Went back to D* after V* (see soom forum for the saga, :mad: ) and they offered me a samsung t-360 for $100 to come back. Problem I have is when I try and switch to the component connection is I get no picture. DVI works great and picture looks great. But nothing with the component plugs as far as video. I get audio to the tv. Any thoughts?

ty :confused:
On the lower right of the front panel there is a button labeled "Output". Push that once or twice until the display says "YBbPR". That should fix it.

What he forgot to say was that the receiver will only output a single digital signal at a time. It is not like the Motorola (Voom) STB that does both at once. I think with DVI connected it shuts off the component outs.
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