Will the channels in the clear work with Azbox HD Premium Plus without turbo 8psk? What is required to install the turbo 8psk? And, where does one purchase the turbo 8psk? Thanks in advance for all information pertaining to the turbo 8psk.

didnt u read the comments from the op saying he got scammed caz this crap board didt work??
interesting info skydefender. it would appear that with E2, it may be possible to use a skywalker as a second tuner.
Is apparently correct, but nobody wants to say if it works well or not azbox + Genpix with enigma 2. I installed on my azboxhdpremiun + enigma2 but I really liked and went back to original firmware.
great idea i4tas, with a linux driver it theoretically should be possible. I'm now if I could plug in my USB prof tuner and load a linux driver adding a second tuner... Is the second tuner slot inside the Premium/Premium + proprietary or PCIe? If PCIe, does that mean there is now a potentially upgrade path for a second tuner?
theoretically, an azbox running E2 could work a USB ATSC tuner if the linux driver was compatible. probably too premature to start celebrating but stay tuned.
the important thing is to continue the study and testing about the genpixskywalker azbox

Unless a new version of Skywalker becomes available that supports S2, I don't think you will see too many people interested other than the few the currently own one.
Unless a new version of Skywalker becomes available that supports S2, I don't think you will see too many people interested other than the few the currently own one.

What about DCII channels? The skywalker can do it, but could that modulation type work on azbox e2
What about DCII channels? The skywalker can do it, but could that modulation type work on azbox e2

sure, its possible if the driver works under E2. how may people are going to buy a skywalker for ITC DC2 and Turbo 8PSK? maybe a few. If a new Skywalker which supported S2 was available and worked with E2, I think it would be the second tuner of choice for AZbox owners
Ive got my skywalker-1 working with DGII in linux, its a simple patch. using my demux app it works on dreambox no problem, I never bothered to add a modulation type for enigma to use it, you could always use something else like DVB-S2 to select DGII, upto you. its all opensrc so how you go about it is up to you
I use it more without enigma then with enigma lol. Im away from home more then Im home, so a gui doesnt make sense when im accessing it remotely anyways.
dm800 works well, but with high bitrate it does make the box fairly sluggish, but it does work.
im told the dm8000 has no such issues, the processor is slightly faster and has ALOT better memory bandwidth.

Azbox HD Premium Plus - Motorized - No signal

This is really odd

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