azbox premuim + now on flea bay

how long does it take to scan a satellite?
just a roughball number is fine....preferably a sat with lots of channels or feeds :)
I just heard back from the ebay seller about the Ultra version. I asked about blindscan and 4:2:2 but he only replied about the blindscan part being supported with "new models" nothing about 4:2:2.

I am wondering if this is the new Elite model with h/w blindscan?

This Ultra also has a fan and no scart which I am guessing is made exclusively for NA.
Iceberg it takes like 15 mins cause you are doing like S2 and non high def channels and high def channels and TP all at once

yeesh not good

The sathawk can scan sats in like 4-5 minutes both S2 & DVB...the only drawback is it doesnt show 4:2:2

15 minutes per sat? They can keep it for now. I can scan a sat, find the HD & 4:2:2 stuff and load it into the elite quicker ;)
I am wondering if this is the new Elite model with h/w blindscan?
I have asked 3 times, have not heard back on the thrid try, but they would not make it clear if the Ultra has a hardware Blind Scan. They did say the that the Prem Plus IS hardware Blind Scan. :)
If the Ultra doesn't have hardware blindscan, why would it be priced slightly higher than the Elite? I'm not saying the the price determines the features but they have to know people aren't going to spend more money for a box with less features.
Dude you are not thinking you not going to scan the whole clarke belt every night geez you could manually put in the TP or blind scan it. I bet if would be alot faster if you have a LNBF I just have the lnb where have to manually change V and H
Dude you are not thinking you not going to scan the whole clarke belt every night geez you could manually put in the TP or blind scan it.
no I do not scan the whole clarke belt every night but I am a sports feed hunter so I scan 6 or 7 satellites numerous times a night looking for sports feeds. The Sathawk and Coolsat 5000 can scan each sat in about 3-4 minutes and log the channels. If I am looking for a game that I really want I'm not going to spend 15 minutes per sat waiting for it to finish when I can scan with the 5000, write down the TP's that the CS5000 wont show (HD/4:2:2) and load them into the azbox in less time that you say it would take to scan the sat.

I bet if would be alot faster if you have a LNBF I just have the lnb where have to manually change V and H
I have a LNBF but changing the polarity takes what 3 seconds?

I would make sure that when you blind scan you set the frequency parameters to 11700-12200 for a North American satellite (unless you're not in the US or Canada). My elite on "blind scan" sets it from 11700 to 12900 so it takes longer to scan dead area

If you could please scan this afternoon a couple sats like 91W (Galaxy 17) and AMC15 (105W)...again if you can view these sats...and see how long it takes.
That would help some of us make a decision as to buying it or not :)
Well I don't what to say you know these FTA's IRD either you get one thing or another but none of them will give you the whole package. Well it works for me.
still patiently waiting for someone to scan 91 or 105 at night when there is feeds to let us know how fast or slow the blind scan is.
Just ordered a Premium Plus from Rick:up

I can do that as soon as I get it next week sometime on Ku only, as my CBand dish won't be up untill the weather warms up:D.
nope. Have the elite.

Dont want to drop more money in a new azbox if it has a very long blind scan time. Yes it has 2 tuner capability (only one tuner is in there) but unless the blind scan is decent enough speed to have the premium + as the only receiver I'll stick with my elite (for 4:2:2/HD) and CS5000 (for blind scanning)

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