Except for one thing: charge back is done by your credit card from Paypal bank, and it may have some "no go" clauses in the customer agreement for such cases, especially if the seller's Paypal or bank account is empty. Of course, they have countermeasures in place for new sellers, such as holding charged funds for a reasonable time to deliver the product, etc. But they also warn buyers in such cases in product description and EBay & Paypal Rules that there isn't much warranty & reprocausion. Read fine print first... Besides that, a chance to successfully charge back direct transaction to an overseas bank is slim, as different law and practices apply - so I wouldn't buy direct from the Cantic Store site (just a warning from competitor). :rant:
That sounds good, except it sounds like PayPal propaganda to control people. (PayPal has huge fraud losses, so they try to get buyers to accept things on their self serving terms, not more strict Visa/MasterCard rules)
When you read the PayPal "help" stuff, I think they try to dissuade you from doing chargebacks. Why? Because charge backs force PayPal to be more responsible for fraudulent sellers. Otherwise, buyers who get caught up in PayPal's bureaucracy may get discouraged and quit trying...
But with more eBay feedbacks than my number of posts on Satellite Guys, and having gotten screwed numerous times, and doing business on eBay from all over the world, my experience says that I will get my money back.
1.Complaining about a problem through PayPal is a waste of time. (Nevertheless, be sure to complain/dispute as necessary with eBay/PayPal, so you don't get in trouble with them.)
2. The merchant's creditcard fulfillment provider bank will eat chargebacks when the merchant is fraudulent.
3. Charge backs through your credit card work much better than disputes through PayPal. PayPal will screw you, in my experience.
Where have I bought things from?
Macau, China, Hong Kong, Philipines, Czech Republic, Canada, Ireland, Britain, Canada, US, of course.
I avoid foreign transactions, but do them when the situation is right.
YMMV, of course.