AzBox Open Box Compairison Please.

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If you select 480i resolution on the Openbox, you can view the HD channel on any of the outputs ( HDMI, component, composite ) and a composite-rf converter yields a perfectly fine channel 3 or channel 4 video . Problem , of course , is you only see 480i on your HDMI attached HDTV in this mode.
azbox premium plus

Azbox premium plus are one good box dont compare to the open box rith now working fine no to many bugs.I have the premium plus for 8 ments and the last 4 ments no problems .I have about 48 to 52 satellites from 139 west to 55.5 west and hispansat 30 west and t 12 at 15 west and no problems secane apdate and usbs I uze all my usbs about six and all working on the azbox same problems tape programs but only sametimes .I dont have one openbox but I setup one for a customer and my impression are one good box for the price .If you dont have problems about the price go for the azbox.
...AZ's main website AND their firmware updating website is down now for upgrading which i believe is a prelude to issuing a MAJOR firmware upgrade. ( i could be wrong of course maybe i'm just wishing since the current firmware is lacking)...

I sure hope charlie did not get them!!! ;)
One must also remember that the azbox does play other audio visual content. It's not just a satellite receiver and PVR. I use it as my primary "media player" for mkv, DVD vob, and *.avi. It does a pretty good job at that. Factor in a media center and the azbox does give you bang for the buck. Believe me, I have considered getting an Openbox but it doesn't do 4:2:2 and suffers from the same high bitrate recording issues as the azbox does. For me I'll stick with the azbox until some other STB can perform what the azbox does, only better!
Funny, I have the opposite reaction. The Azbox is quite complete , but it's a kludge to use , generally. So I use mine only for feeds that the Sathawk/Solomend/OpenBox won't display. The Sathawk is much more responsive to the remote, faster blindscan, and generally simpler to use. My Azbox is my media player, until I need it for something else.
I LOVE my Openbox S9 HD PVR FTA receiver and like that it doesn't have extra bells and whistles that only take up memory and are hardly used such as games, calculator, etc. In fact, I will be the first person in line to buy the Openbox S10 or whatever updated model follows the Openbox S9 receiver.

Take my wife, but don't take my Openbox S9 HD PVR FTA receiver. :)
One must also remember that the azbox does play other audio visual content. It's not just a satellite receiver and PVR. I use it as my primary "media player" for mkv, DVD vob, and *.avi. It does a pretty good job at that. Factor in a media center and the azbox does give you bang for the buck. Believe me, I have considered getting an Openbox but it doesn't do 4:2:2 and suffers from the same high bitrate recording issues as the azbox does. For me I'll stick with the azbox until some other STB can perform what the azbox does, only better!

Totally agree. one other thing i like about the AzBox Premium HD Plus WHBS

is that in the Blind scan options you can adjust Scan setting making it Scan

the Sat & Tp`s much faster. i have over 54 c/ku sats with over 850 channels

not counting all the radio channels i have. i scan on weekends for 4:2:2 & HD

sports feeds with no issues i got the AzBox Premium HD first its great. but a :up

up to AzBox Premium HD Plus WHBS

my 2 bits :up

Regards Billion
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One must also remember that the azbox does play other audio visual content. It's not just a satellite receiver and PVR. I use it as my primary "media player" for mkv, DVD vob, and *.avi. It does a pretty good job at that. Factor in a media center and the azbox does give you bang for the buck. Believe me, I have considered getting an Openbox but it doesn't do 4:2:2 and suffers from the same high bitrate recording issues as the azbox does. For me I'll stick with the azbox until some other STB can perform what the azbox does, only better!

On the latest Sat Talk on Access America, the show on 12/22/2010, the guy from Manhattan Digital mentions that they solved the high bitrate issue on their receiver with "a simple capacitor solution on the board". Now, I don't know much about electronics, although I did assemble some HeathKits back in the day, but am wondering if Manhattan's simple capacitor solution has any relevance to these other receivers? Maybe I am misunderstanding the issue. Check it out, he mentions this at around 30 minutes or so into the second hour on the latest Sat Talk program.
I am waiting on my Openbox S9 to arrive from supplier,but with so many names for this receiver just wondering what it will say on the receiver when i get it, SATOPENMEND or what! LOL!
I own an AzBox and have had it for months. It will do 4:2:2 and picture quality is great. However, it is a very buggy machine. When it works right it is the best, but normal things FTAers do with their receivers sometimes sends it into a tail spin. Example, when trying to upgrade SW, my box would not default to the five choices offered from a hard restart. Instead it would go straight to setup. Could not clean application area. Reason: My AzBox would not read the USB stick I owned on hard reboot. Bought four sticks before I found one that would work. If you blind scan to much, it will start corrupting the SR's of neighboring Sats. Memory chip to small for the work the receiver is being asked to do. There are other problems too, but will list them another day.

On the other hand, if you limit the number of sats used and do not store lots of channels, then you will have one excellent machine. It is a slow machine that at times can put you to sleep but it will get the job done.

I own a viewsat 2000 ultra and it is very fast, provides excellent picture quality and will store thousands of channels without a problem. That leads me to the question I would like to ask.

Understanding that OpenBox will not do 4:2:2 directly (USB yes), could someone tell me if this box is fast like my Viewsat and can I store as many Sats and Channels as I want without causing the receiver to become buggy? What is the picture quality like? I need an everyday machine that is well supported. My AzBox will take care of 4:2:2.

Cheap price is a plus, but don't want to buy a receiver that wont do the job. I'm looking for a work horse for primary use. My Viewsat is falling behind with all the changes over the last six months.

Thanks for any information you can share with me.
I bought one of each. The Azbox is really a very nice unit though it seems to have a much higher threshold than the Openbox. I was trying to pull in some of the hardest channels to receive with an antenna that has not been peak to full performance. The Open box scanned them and they popped right in without alot of manuel transponder typing in. Both are nice but for me, I like the OPenbox a little better. I guess I like the shortcut road on things. Thats just my input.
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Tried an Openbox

Merry Christmas to my Satellite Guys family

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