I take it that this is just a channel editor. I tried to streamline the sat list to what I can actually see but the sat list deletions don't get uploaded with the modified channel list.
In order for the changes (deletes) to go into effect, the box needs to be rebooted. It should do this automateically, but if it doesn't, hold the STB power button down for 4 or 5 seconds until it does. Some of these operations are quirky and may not always provide the desired result initially, but lately I have been having good results with what I have been trying. The deleting of stuff seems to be quite easy. Channel, TPs or sats. Adding stuff is a little perplexing, I am trying to figure out the "how-to" now. I am not having much luck adding channels manually, but adding sats and TPs is fairly straight forward.
It did reboot after the upload. Didn't change a thing as far as the sat list goes. I recall that there was a website where a sat list could be created and then uploaded but I don't remember the url and I still haven't found it with a google search.
Is this the web site you were looking for?
satellites.xml generator / transponder .ini generator
Either there's something wrong with the editors or something got messed up in the Azbox. I tried renaming the all_channel.dat and antenna_list.dat in the Azbox /DISK2 directory and uploaded the new channel and antenna list but after a reboot I found that nothing changed. I guess I'll have to try a factory reset.