Average 622/722 Temperature thread, Is your's Hot?

I'm new to Dish and have already fried one DVR, most likely due to temperature (was running at 104/123/140). I'm putting my A/V equipment in a cabinet under the TV. The cabinet is enclosed. Right now, I do not have air coming into or out of the cabinet. After learning of the temperature issue, I've used two of the USB Thermaltake fans. I have these blowing into the front right side of a 722k and blowing out of the left back side.

I have a few questions:

1. How often does the temperature counter update? Is there anything I need to do to update it?

2. What average temperature should I aim to be under?

3. What is the best place to put fans around the DVR?

4. The Targus notebook pad fan is on sale at buy dot com. Has this item worked well for cooling the DVR?
I'm new to Dish and have already fried one DVR, most likely due to temperature (was running at 104/123/140). I'm putting my A/V equipment in a cabinet under the TV. The cabinet is enclosed. Right now, I do not have air coming into or out of the cabinet. After learning of the temperature issue, I've used two of the USB Thermaltake fans. I have these blowing into the front right side of a 722k and blowing out of the left back side.

I have a few questions:

1. How often does the temperature counter update? Is there anything I need to do to update it?

2. What average temperature should I aim to be under?

3. What is the best place to put fans around the DVR?

4. The Targus notebook pad fan is on sale at buy dot com. Has this item worked well for cooling the DVR?

If you have a chance and patience you need to read this whole thread. All your questions will be answered.

I've have read the entire thread and generally have tried everything. The notebook coolers (I have 2 Targus and will sell them to you if you want) work but they are loud enough to be heard in a normal room. Steve P's fix is the best but it requires extensive modifications to your DVR.

The side USB powered fan didn't work at all for me... Don't know why.

What did work and is so silent that you have to put your ear within 6 inches to hear them going is the following from Coolerguys. They have 2 120mm fans and like the Targus you just sit the DVR on top of it. There are bottom slots that fans will blow cold air into and it works great.

In fact, it works so well, I bought another one for my stereo rack. Wedged it between the top of the amplifier (pulling hot air out the top vents) and sat my Apple TV (that puppy gets hot!) on top of one of the fans after I put some small stick on feet on the ATV.

See below:

Comcool Cooling Stand Kit with Dual 120mm Fans
I'm new to Dish and have already fried one DVR, most likely due to temperature (was running at 104/123/140). I'm putting my A/V equipment in a cabinet under the TV. The cabinet is enclosed. Right now, I do not have air coming into or out of the cabinet. After learning of the temperature issue, I've used two of the USB Thermaltake fans. I have these blowing into the front right side of a 722k and blowing out of the left back side.

I have a few questions:

1. How often does the temperature counter update? Is there anything I need to do to update it?

2. What average temperature should I aim to be under?

3. What is the best place to put fans around the DVR?

4. The Targus notebook pad fan is on sale at buy dot com. Has this item worked well for cooling the DVR?[/QU


I will try to help you some from what I can remember, but my wife says I have sometimers disease so not sure if I am right. I have the time but not the patience to read long threads.

1. Only the Dish Gods know how often the temperature counter updates and they aren't telling. But, I bet Smith, P. knows!! There is nothing you can do that I know of to update it. From my experience it seems to update every two to three days or when it feels like it.

2. I would try to get the temp below 110. When I first got my DVRs one of them was hitting in the 120s and it was acting goofy. Installed dual fans, got the temp down and it has performed flawless ever since. See my spread sheet in post #811.

3. Install the fans at the air vents on the left side as you face the DVR to pull the air thru. Two fans work best. Check out the pics in this thread.

4. I tried out a notebook cool fan and it did very little to lower the temps.

Hope this info helps you out some.

I've have read the entire thread and generally have tried everything. The notebook coolers (I have 2 Targus and will sell them to you if you want) work but they are loud enough to be heard in a normal room. Steve P's fix is the best but it requires extensive modifications to your DVR.

The side USB powered fan didn't work at all for me... Don't know why.

What did work and is so silent that you have to put your ear within 6 inches to hear them going is the following from Coolerguys. They have 2 120mm fans and like the Targus you just sit the DVR on top of it. There are bottom slots that fans will blow cold air into and it works great.

In fact, it works so well, I bought another one for my stereo rack. Wedged it between the top of the amplifier (pulling hot air out the top vents) and sat my Apple TV (that puppy gets hot!) on top of one of the fans after I put some small stick on feet on the ATV.

See below:

Comcool Cooling Stand Kit with Dual 120mm Fans

That looks like a neat setup. I think I will try it out. What did you get your DVR average temp down too?
If you search for my posts, you'll see the back left, pulling out, fan that worked, and then you'll see my newest config with the top off and fan blowing down.

Current temps:

Low: 86
Avg: 93
High: 105

I think the counter updates every night with the update. It may not always change but I think its slow reacting. If you "reset" your dvr every day, you'll get the numbers down faster because i guess it wipes that clean or something.
Thanks guys, good stuff.

Another note: I'm using a usb hub with success to power the fans. (This has probably been mentioned before, but figured I'd share in case it wasn't.)

Before dropping $60 on that comcool fan, I think I'd attack the circulation in my cabinet. I'm thinking a fan like this:
120VAC 4" Fan - RadioShack.com
hooked up to an attic thermostat:
Thermostat,Attic Fan - Line Voltage Thermostats - Controls - HVACR : Grainger Industrial Supply
so it doesn't have to run all the time. Only downside is I'll have to cut a big hole in the top of the cabinet behind the tv and hope the fan isn't too loud.
My 722 is
High 134
Low 107
avg 123

The average was 125, but i put a small fan sucking out the hot air from the left side and it dropped to 123 in 36 hours. I guess i need to see about an actual computer fan.

It is in the wide open, no entertainment center or anything blocking it.??
I have had the Thermaltake fan on my box for a week now and the new numbers are
High 131
Low 86
Average 114

So my low went from 107 to 86 and my average went from 123 to 114.
The fan seems to be doing the trick as the top of my box used to be hot to the touch, now it is cool. It is just on the left side of my 722 sucking the hot air out.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Mobile-Fan-External-Cooling/dp/B00080G0BK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=industrial&qid=1248295024&sr=8-1"]Amazon.com: Thermaltake Mobile Fan II External USB Cooling Fan - Us: Industrial & Scientific@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51qK1C-adTL.@@AMEPARAM@@51qK1C-adTL[/ame]


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Thanks guys, good stuff.

Another note: I'm using a usb hub with success to power the fans. (This has probably been mentioned before, but figured I'd share in case it wasn't.)

Before dropping $60 on that comcool fan, I think I'd attack the circulation in my cabinet. I'm thinking a fan like this:
120VAC 4" Fan - RadioShack.com
hooked up to an attic thermostat:
Thermostat,Attic Fan - Line Voltage Thermostats - Controls - HVACR : Grainger Industrial Supply
so it doesn't have to run all the time. Only downside is I'll have to cut a big hole in the top of the cabinet behind the tv and hope the fan isn't too loud.

They have solutions to that to!

Dual 80mm 5V (USB Powered) Cabinet Cooler Bracket and Fans for Cabinet & Home Theaters

120mm 5V (USB Powered) Cabinet Cooler Bracket and Fans for Cabinet & Home Theaters

I have the 1st one in my upstairs cabinet as it has a glass door. The flat model sits on the bottom of the DVR blowing cold air into the DVR but I had to find a way to exhaust the total volume inside the cabinet. So I put the dual 80mm on the back and they work great. Creates negative pressure in the cabinet so cold air gets sucked in around the glass causing a vortex.
I don't see what is wrong with a 4" PC cooling fan, just find one with a lower db level. Mine runs @12VDC 24/7 and even in a quiet room, I cannot hear it.

You also have to realize that your temp readings are from the Hard Drives INTERNAL temp sensor, so it will take some time for it to come down. It also averages the temps over a couple months.

Start by putting it into a small apartment sized refrigerator with cable holes cut into the back for access and putting an external UHF antenna and converting remote 1 to UHF. Then you could possibly see numbers like:

Low 36'F
Average 38'F
High 45'F


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