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Since the report suggests successful reception with a set-top antenna, I have to wonder if you've done all you can. I live almost twice as far away from my "local" towers and I can pick up channels 8, 10 and 12 at 100%. Admittedly I don't have stations coming from all directions and I can see the lights on the towers from my dining room. I should also mention that I don't have any pre-amps or DAs.

72 is 100% on the Roamio. The theory is it is measured after the 4-way splitter (or similar) inside the Tivo. My antenna feed goes straight into my Tivo, no external splitters, amps, etc.

I am only 25 miles from the towers, so I would expect better reception, but I've struggled in all three locations where I've lived in the area. I've tried a variety of antennas in different locations on my house with inconsistent results. I think the large numbers of trees and other homes nearby, and the use of a radiant barrier in my roof, make it much more difficult to get consistent reception across all frequencies due to multi-pathing. Very few of my neighbors have antennas on their houses. The few I've talked to who do have antennas report similar challenges.
72 is 100% on the Roamio. The theory is it is measured after the 4-way splitter (or similar) inside the Tivo. My antenna feed goes straight into my Tivo, no external splitters, amps, etc.

I am only 25 miles from the towers, so I would expect better reception, but I've struggled in all three locations where I've lived in the area. I've tried a variety of antennas in different locations on my house with inconsistent results. I think the large numbers of trees and other homes nearby, and the use of a radiant barrier in my roof, make it much more difficult to get consistent reception across all frequencies due to multi-pathing. Very few of my neighbors have antennas on their houses. The few I've talked to who do have antennas report similar challenges.
Based on this, I would be looking at NBC and FOX getting moved more than likely.
Yes that's what I mean "and do you have an outdoor amplifier "hooked up to it and if not you should" try a channel master 7778 amp "and you should look at ,M C M "for one they have good deals" on all your antennas needs ,
Yes that's what I mean "and do you have an outdoor amplifier "hooked up to it and if not you should" try a channel master 7778 amp "and you should look at ,M C M "for one they have good deals" on all your antennas needs ,

No, no amp. I do not have a signal strength issue. I have a periodic signal drop issue on on VHF high station. Do you have some reference material on how to approach the angled mounting?
No, no amp. I do not have a signal strength issue. I have a periodic signal drop issue on on VHF high station. Do you have some reference material on how to approach the angled mounting?
Sounds like you might "have" an F M radio" waves "causeing the problem' you need an F M filter "it should work they are cheap' and how high is the ANTENNA" off of the roofs line "thay say it should be like, 5Ft above the roofs line" and look at the tvfool report" for F m radio station close to you ,I think you have a lot of the closer to you then you think,
72 is 100% on the Roamio. The theory is it is measured after the 4-way splitter (or similar) inside the Tivo.
I don't buy this rationalization (although it seems popularly blamed at TiVoCommunity). Signal numbers on DTV are quality, not quantity. At some point, the signal gets so low that there isn't any quality but up to that point, the splitter shouldn't reduce the quality; just the quantity. The reasoning is that the splitter attenuates the interference every bit as much as it does the desired signal.
I think the large numbers of trees and other homes nearby, and the use of a radiant barrier in my roof, make it much more difficult to get consistent reception across all frequencies due to multi-pathing.
The radiant barrier argument doesn't really cover antennas on the roof. The multipath issue is typically one of compass direction at a distance far enough to throw the signal out of phase. If anything, the radiant barrier might be a help rather than a a hindrance unless your antenna is somehow on the opposite side of the barrier from the towers.
Very few of my neighbors have antennas on their houses.
Most of my neighbors don't have antennas either, but most of them subscribe to Comcast and they don't know the stations they aren't given exist.
I don't buy this rationalization (although it seems popularly blamed at TiVoCommunity). Signal numbers on DTV are quality, not quantity. At some point, the signal gets so low that there isn't any quality but up to that point, the splitter shouldn't reduce the quality; just the quantity. The reasoning is that the splitter attenuates the interference every bit as much as it does the desired signal.The radiant barrier argument doesn't really cover antennas on the roof. The multipath issue is typically one of compass direction at a distance far enough to throw the signal out of phase. If anything, the radiant barrier might be a help rather than a a hindrance unless your antenna is somehow on the opposite side of the barrier from the towers.Most of my neighbors don't have antennas either, but most of them subscribe to Comcast and they don't know the stations they aren't given exist.
But you see F M radio .waves travel munch farthier .and do strange things to tv signals and if you .don't believe me ask a, Ham radio operator like rabbit 73 or the satellite guy ? And did you try their? F m fool report ?
But you see F M radio .waves travel munch farthier .and do strange things to tv signals
The concern here is that we're moving from signals mostly in the UHF range to as many as 40% of them being either not far above or just below the FM radio band.

It is not reasonable to assert that adjacent bands behave radically differently.

It would also be a tough argument indeed to convince people that FM puts the hurt on DTV outside of those living next to a transmission tower that are often screwed for all bands.
Yes, I am using a full range antenna. WTVD (VHF 11) comes in well enough that it is watchable, but there are regular drops that are annoying at times. I am not really sure what causes them as the signal will be solidly at 72 (that is about as good as it gets on the Roamio signal meter) on my Roamio OTA for minutes at a time, and then all of the sudden drop to zero for a few seconds. My best guess is the airport between my house and the transmission tower. If I had to endure that on most or all of the channels I watch, it would be much less bearable.

Thanks for the condescending tone, btw. It is always nice to have a reminder of what the Internet does to what I assume are otherwise normal, cordial people.

You say that is a VHF station? I had this happen on my channel 12 VHF, and it turned out to be my DELL laptop power brick located in the living room!!! I'm using an outside antenna, with a small preamp. RG-6 cable, and it's grounded properly. Still happened.

I changed to a new brick, and the issue went away immediately.. Perhaps YOU also have a switched power supply somewhere in your house or garage, and it's causing this issue for you?
The concern here is that we're moving from signals mostly in the UHF range to as many as 40% of them being either not far above or just below the FM radio band.

It is not reasonable to assert that adjacent bands behave radically differently.

It would also be a tough argument indeed to convince people that FM puts the hurt on DTV outside of those living next to a transmission tower that are often screwed for all bands.

It's a FACT that VHF is more susceptible to electrical interference than UHF. Power pole transformers that are buzzers, switched power supplies close by, compact florescent light bulbs, etc, etc. It's also more susceptible to 2nd harmonic issues with powerful fm radio stations. MANY people have local FM radio stations within 10 miles, that are more than twice as powerful as their VHF tv station. I in fact have that issue. I installed an MCM electronics FM trap filter, and that cured it.

Looks like they finally ran out of them, but they can still be had elsewhere:
It's a FACT that VHF is more susceptible to electrical interference than UHF. Power pole transformers that are buzzers, switched power supplies close by, compact florescent light bulbs, etc, etc. It's also more susceptible to 2nd harmonic issues with powerful fm radio stations. MANY people have local FM radio stations within 10 miles, that are more than twice as powerful as their VHF tv station. I in fact have that issue. I installed an MCM electronics FM trap filter, and that cured it.

Looks like they finally ran out of them, but they can still be had elsewhere:
It sounds like you are a kid, who needs to learn and respect, others and that's only, if you are on top of power lion's ,and Vhf travels for miles ,your dish in" heavy" rain "or" snow "go's out "when you loos YOUR "power "you loos YOUR CABLE; I start up my GEN!!!!And I have my, o t a "and then so m, lol WHAT DO you have to look at but the "4" walls!!! Have a good day
It sounds like you are a kid, who needs to learn and respect, others and that's only, if you are on top of power lion's ,and Vhf travels for miles ,your dish in" heavy" rain "or" snow "go's out "when you loos YOUR "power "you loos YOUR CABLE; I start up my GEN!!!!And I have my, o t a "and then so m, lol WHAT DO you have to look at but the "4" walls!!! Have a good day

What are you ranting about? I haven't been a "kid" for 40 years. I think you are the one that needs to show some respect. I used to be a Winegard dealer, and did many installs.

Everything I said in my informational post was 100% true. It's quite likely he either has electrical interference nearby, and/or FM radio transmitters that are causing his signal to drop.

Oh, here's a photo of a "power lion":
That explains everything a sales man pitch lol whinegrad ,will be one o"f b I z z" soon and China will take their places 'and o t a will still be hear , and tv station's to with lot's of channel's to WATCH, LOL ps nice cat !!!!!!!
It sounds like you are a kid, who needs to learn and respect, others and that's only, if you are on top of power lion's ,and Vhf travels for miles ,your dish in" heavy" rain "or" snow "go's out "when you loos YOUR "power "you loos YOUR CABLE; I start up my GEN!!!!And I have my, o t a "and then so m, lol WHAT DO you have to look at but the "4" walls!!! Have a good day
HUH? You joined Apr 26, 2016 and have Zero likes vs Primestar 31; Mar 15 , 2005 with 819 likes. I have been out of the loop for over 2 years, but There are some people who have built this site and he is ONE of them. I have come back and have not yet figured out the changes, but if attitudes like you SHOW are he new norm I will leave again. BTW I have installed dishes - and microwave links - restarted OTA UHF TV stations and am an Extra Class 50 year HAM. Not a youngster, either.
As far as this thread goes, I might get one of the 5 PBS stations in the MUX that is available here, but nothing else OTA as our closest station is over 100 miles away. And I am off grid. OH, yes, The CABLE ends 12 miles to the WEST and WiFi is by Microwave link. Telephone is marginal Cellular or VoIP.


LAFF and Escape coming to Watertown NY

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