Just pulled my Wally out of the closet and did some experimenting. Here are my findings:
Wifi adapter (connect)= Wally displays no message, wireless option appears in internet settings. Hopper3 does nothing.
Wifi adapter (disconnect)= Wally displays message 395 (Wireless adapter disconnected), Hopper3 does nothing.
Bluetooth adapter (connect)= Wally displays no message, BT option appears in settings. Hopper3 does nothing.
Bluetooth adapter (disconnect)= Wally displays no message, BT option disappears in settings. Hopper3 does nothing.
OTA dongle (connect)= Wally displays message 977 (OTA tuner detected) and prompts for a restart, Hopper3 has the same behavior.
OTA dongle (disconnect)= Wally displays no message, signal loss message 739 if you try to play a OTA channel. Hopper3 has the same behavior.
Given there is no prompt for removing a wifi adapter on a H3 (the LED on the stick didn't even turn on, so no drivers were loaded), and if the OP is right about there being no usb devices connected, my best guess is failing wifi chipset, and that means defective H3.