AT9 5LNB issues in ATL

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Original poster
Sep 9, 2004
I have the new 5LNB dish installed in the Atlanta area. Actually, I was told that I should order it online to take advantage of the rebates but that is not true. In doing so, there was no option to order a 3LNB or 5LNB even though it showed that my locals were available in HD.

So I got the H20 delivered with the 3LNB dish. The installers said to take it up with DTV, which they then installed the 5LNB.

But my problem is this: when using the 3LNB, no problems. HD channels unbelieveable compared to what I was used to. No locals in HD though...understood. But with the AT9, I have a 'lip synch' problem in that when you watch live TV, locals or the '70' channels, when you see their lips move it is no in synch with what you hear. Kind of like a bad martial arts film.

Also, on my locals, I have the locals coming and going. Tonight, watching the olympics, it switches back and forth between SD and HD. This could be a feed problem but I also saw this during the Grammy's.

DTV said the problems are known problem in the ATL area, but the lip synch problem they were not aware of. Has anyone else seen these problems or have any feedback?

Thanks in advance.
How long have you had the H20? Are you aware if it has taken a software update yet? Maybe someone can post the most current version number, as I thought I read this was the issue.
I have had this problem intermittently, but changing the channel and then changing back seems to resolve it. I have not complained to D* about it because I was under the impression this was a know issue with the MPEG4 locals.
I have the lip sync problem sometimes on my old hughes and my newer r10 receiver. Like category4 said changing the channel and changing back is usally a quick fix.

I don't know about the H20 but the R15 and D10 can be forced with an upgrade by resetting the receiver and pressing 02468 while the receiver is starting up.
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Hey Tate, if I am dead wrong about the H20 (maybe I was reading about the ones you mentioned) let me know and I will remove my post; I don't want to mislead anyone.
charper1 said:
Hey Tate, if I am dead wrong about the H20 (maybe I was reading about the ones you mentioned) let me know and I will remove my post; I don't want to mislead anyone.

To tell you the truth I don't know if this will work with the H20 or not. It seems like it would work with it but you know how stuff like that goes. I personally have only put one H20 in when they first came out but it was not with an AT9 dish so I don't have alot of experience with it. Maybe someone who does will help us out here.:D
Give it a couple of days and let the software update your system then you wont have that problem anymore!
FWIW, I am in Sugar Hill and had the AT9/H20 installed about a month ago, at 1st the lip sync issue was really bad, after the update it is only slightly bad! I have not tried to change the channel up then back though, it takes so long to change the channel I am afraid that the olympics would be over before the picture comes back! I hope tehy fix that issue too.
Thanks for helping. I am not aware if the H20 has taken a sw update or not. I will try to force one with the help posted.

For the record, I have tried moving to another HD channel, then back, then to another SD channel and back. It does not help.

I initially thought it was just the locals but while watching intermission from the NHL game on Sat night on 79, it had a problem too. Mostly I think it is an issue with live programs, and I did not have the problem with the 3LNB, just since they put in the 5LNB.
Update on Lip Sync Issue

The D* people came out yesterday and it was a waste of time. The guy had a step ladder (not sure how he was going to hop on the roof) and no idea about the H20 or the AT9. D* tech support at first had heard about the problem but then when I called back to stay on them played ignorant.

The D* forums have plenty of info on the lip sync issue. I guess all the homework I did was not thorough enough. I thought I was going to get a working product but I guess it is just an issue with it being so new. I am just surprised nobody else has had this issue.

Does anyone think these problems could be related to signal strength? I have the following:

101 - varies from 40 to 74, mostly in the 50's and 60's
103 - 0, nothing
110 - in the 70's
119 - some 0 transponders, mostly from 29 to 72

sounds like the technician aimed the dish poorly. most likely he didn't know what he was doing. did he have a signal meter to aim it?
AT-9 Issues

I was not here when they upgraded the 3lnb to a 5lnb, but I am told that one was on the roof talking to another on a cell phone who had the signal meter pulled up. I tend to agree. They probably had no clue.

I tend to think it is an alignment problem but I wanted to get feedback from others on the SS. Although I have trees in the back yard they placed the dish on the roof where they had a good line of site.
From what I can tell, the 5LNB dish has problems. I guess there are not a lot installed or a forum like this would see more activity. Please see forum located at

I guess instead of trying to fix the problem I am trying to raise awareness that there is a problem for *some* people using the H20 and the AT9. I just wonder why these boards are not seeing the problem?
There is nothing wrong with the dish, the problem is with the H20's software. Once you get all the proper downloads it should work fine!!
99 isn't in use yet but 103 should have some signal strengths showing up if it was correctly aimed. The H20 reads about 20% low on signal strengths compared to other Directv receivers.
There is nothing wrong with the AT9 Dish, or the H20. I have had both in Atlanta since early December. My reception has been perfect, much better rain fade resistance than the 3LNB. Most if not all of your problems are due to poor pointing of the dish. My H20 reports a signal strength of 93 on sat 103, and high 70's to 80's on 101, 110 and 119. And I pointed it myself, with nothing but the 'beep tone' from the H20 and the TV volume cranked up. Get the dish correctly pointed and you will be in good shape.
the 101 and the 119 should be at least 80s on the h-10,h-20, and r-15 IRDS but a low signal wont generate lip sync problems. you will just lose signal a lot faster in the rain and heavy cloud cover.
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Thanks for all the responses. Another rep came out today and said that he has been on nothing but these types of calls for the last week. He said the signal strength is ok, and this was verified before he even came out with tech support.

He said that the only thing that engineering was telling him was to replace the H20. But he said he had one guy who had 2 replacements and was still having the problem.

I guess there is nothing left to do but switch to cable, FWIW after 6 years.
Aragon2000 said:
Thanks for all the responses. Another rep came out today and said that he has been on nothing but these types of calls for the last week. He said the signal strength is ok, and this was verified before he even came out with tech support.

He said that the only thing that engineering was telling him was to replace the H20. But he said he had one guy who had 2 replacements and was still having the problem.

I guess there is nothing left to do but switch to cable, FWIW after 6 years.
If that guy told you those signal strengths you posted earlier were OK he needs his brain re-aligned. Those readings are unacceptable. How can a signal strength of 0 on 103 be OK? The other readings are way to low also. The guy is an IDIOT. It looks like they aimed the dish at the 110 sat., that's why the readings there are what they should be on the H-20. It should be aimed at the 101 sat. Don't go to cable because of those IDIOT'S!
Well, after 2 receivers and 4 visits by different people, I have cancelled service with DTV. I appreciate all the responses. According to DTV, there are no problems with signal strength. According to the different techs, there are no problems with the equipment, just the 'software'.

I pulled the plug and could not be happier. Only if the freaks at would spend as much time trying to research issues rather than editing posts they do not like that are not favorable.

Anyone considering the at9, beware of tons of issues...not just me but plenty of others as well with no outlet to get he issues resolved.

Please do not flame me, I am just venting that nobody could fix the problem. Cable is great. At least it works (gosh I must have a hole in my head).

My only suggestion is this: 3 strikes and your out. Current subscribers who cannot get their issues resolved try at least three times to get your problem fixed and then move on. Either the technology does not work or there are a ton of installers that have no clue what they are talking about. I suspect a litte of both but the consumer is always stuck in the middle.

BTW, if you are locked into an agreement, just tell them you will return the equipment and they will let you out. Don't let that stop you.
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