AT&T To Buy DIRECTV for $67 Billion

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I don't trust Dish Network for programming, because there seems to be a much greater frequency, compared to DirecTV, for losing (or almost losing) programming. the contractual issues. just this week, my Detroit, Michigan NBC affiliate, WDIV, was a close call. If I was to leave DirecTV, my best alternative is actually Comcast. And the only service I want from Comcast is what I have now: high-speed Internet.
I'm stuck too. For now.
I am happy with Mr. Stankey. I have worked with him on some other AT&T projects. I also got to breifly speak to him this week at Revolution.

Do you, Scott, generally feel optimistic about AT&T U-verse/DirecTV? (I haven't read enough comments you may have posted in order for me not to have to ask.)

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AT&T & DirecTV Merger Gets FCC Approval – With Conditions
One day after AT&T CFO John Stephens said he expected the $49 billion melding with DirecTV to get regulatory approval "at any time," the Federal Communications Commission has signed off on the deal today. Now the largest Pay TV provider in the nation, the newly merged company will have around 26 million cable and satellite subscribers. To that end, the FCC has imposed some conditions for the next four years on the rich AT&T and DirecTV marriage.The approval comes with the stipulations that the new bigger-than-ever telecommunications giant grow its high-speed fiber network and build on the FCC's Open Internet Order. That will include greater access for public libraries and schools as well as discounted pricing for millions of low income households to get them online. An independent compliance officer will also be in place to make sure that there will be no-data caps on the company's broadband or discrimination against video services. "The conditions imposed by the commission address potential harms presented by the combination of AT&T, one of the nation's largest telephone and Internet service providers, and DIRECTV, the nation's largest satellite video provider," said the FCC in a statement today. "This pretty much seals the merger as the Department of Justice has already stated that it would not contest the arrangement.
AT&T buys DirecTV, now biggest traditional TV provider in US
Even as TV watchers increasingly go online, AT&T has become the country's biggest traditional TV provider with its $48.5 billion purchase of DirecTV.It got its regulatory approval Friday from the Federal Communications Commission after more than a year. The Justice Department had already cleared the deal on Tuesday.AT&T Inc. now has 26.4 million cable and satellite TV subscribers.That's more than Comcast as well as a bigger Charter, which is seeking government approval to buy Time Warner Cable.Suppliers of TV are buying one another as video from Internet competitors like Netflix gets more popular and costs rise for channels.Adding TV customers gives AT&T more power to negotiate with big media companies over prices for those channels
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AT&T exec in charge of DirecTV, talks branding, rates, Net neutrality
AT&T's $49 billion acquisition of DirecTV was formally approved on Friday. The merger puts AT&T's John Stankey in a new role as CEO of AT&T Entertainment & Internet Services, where he will run both DIRECTV and AT&T's home solutions operations. Stankey talked to USA TODAY tech columnist Edward C. Baig about what the deal means for AT&T and for consumers.Comments were edited for space and clarity.USA TODAY: What is your vision for the new company?
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You could have bundles years ago, ATT has been in a working agreement with D* since 2008.
It's just that I got both services independent of each other(I can't remember which service I got first). I've tried to combine services for the discount on DSL,many times,but it just never would go through. Maybe now it will since they'll both be on the same sheet of music.
It's just that I got both services independent of each other(I can't remember which service I got first). I've tried to combine services for the discount on DSL,many times,but it just never would go through. Maybe now it will since they'll both be on the same sheet of music.
Don't feel like your alone, I tried since '08 to get our Employee discount ... just got it a month ago.
USA today has an interview with John Stankey who will be leading the division of AT&T that will house DirecTV (along with home services):

Good article, not a lot of new info but some good summary of what customers can expect.

This is the part which really stood out:

USA TODAY: Will U-verse and DirecTV co-exist?

[AT&T's John] Stankey: We sold to different customer bases. There's some overlap in the markets but we played to the bundle game with U-verse by consolidating product offerings. DirecTV played to people who wanted to buy standalone video. We now can start to cross market products and services. Over the long haul our goal is offer one video product in the market, (with) one video channel lineup, one set of programming relationships, one video brand.

Just purchased $1300 in Tivo equipment +lifetime services. Will try OTA at first. Will add cable if it becomes too much of a hardship. I refuse to give ATT any more money. Tivo currently has the OTA/Cable ready DVR for $49.00 as a refurb and 349 for lifetime service. When my mlb extra innings package is complete, I am gone. It's sad...I had ATT cell service for nearly 20 years and DirecTV off and on since 1996. I was pushed a bit by a text about my "unlimited" data being slowed down if I reached 5 GB. I went over the edge when I finally decided to go to T-Mobile and ATT is making me jump through hoops to unlock my iPhone...even though I already paid their ETF of over $600.00. Their telling me now that it may be 8/4 before they can unlock the phone, but I have to wait 4 days before I can even talk to a resolution specialist. If anyone thinks the new DirecTV is going to be any better than this crap, good luck to you.
ATT has done nothing but cannibalize each and every company it absorbs, since being broken up by the government. By the way, it has been posted on Facebook that there will not be new channels added on from ATT to DTV, such as Pac 12, as they will still operate separately for awhile, and eventually one day move to a single television provider solution, maybe. I bet they sell DTV before that ever happens.
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AT&T was actually the one bought out years ago (2005 I think) by Southwestern bell(SBC), they bought out AT&T, then bought out bell south, which gave them 100% ownership of Cingular wireless. They decided to change the name to a more recognizable name AT&T since they owned the rights to it.

So the AT&T today has little to do with the original.
AT&T was actually the one bought out years ago (2005 I think) by Southwestern bell(SBC), they bought out AT&T, then bought out bell south, which gave them 100% ownership of Cingular wireless. They decided to change the name to a more recognizable name AT&T since they owned the rights to it.

So the AT&T today has little to do with the original.
Yes, your exactly right. Here is a little timeline of the "new" AT&T

1984 - Southwestern Bell Communications is spun off

1987 - SBC acquires Metromedia Cellular, becomes 3rd largest cellular provider

1993 - Moves headquarters from St. Louis to San Antonio

1995 - Changes name to SBC Corporation

1996 - Acquires Pacific Telesys

1998 - Acquires SNET (Southern New England Telephone)

1998 - Merges with Ameritech

1999 - Purchase Comcast Cellular

2000 - Merges wireless into 50/50 joint venture with Bell South, wireless division becomes Cingular

2005 - Acquires AT&T Corporation

2005 - Changes name from SBC Corp. to AT&T Inc.

2006 - Merges with Bell South

2007 - Wireless division (now wholly owned) becomes AT&T Wireless

2008 - Headquarters move from San Antonio to Dallas

2008 - Purchases Dobson Cellular

2008 - Purchases Centennial Cellular

2013 - Purchases Leap Wireless

2015 - Acquires DirecTV
Just purchased $1300 in Tivo equipment +lifetime services. Will try OTA at first. Will add cable if it becomes too much of a hardship. I refuse to give ATT any more money. Tivo currently has the OTA/Cable ready DVR for $49.00 as a refurb and 349 for lifetime service. When my mlb extra innings package is complete, I am gone. It's sad...I had ATT cell service for nearly 20 years and DirecTV off and on since 1996. I was pushed a bit by a text about my "unlimited" data being slowed down if I reached 5 GB. I went over the edge when I finally decided to go to T-Mobile and ATT is making me jump through hoops to unlock my iPhone...even though I already paid their ETF of over $600.00. Their telling me now that it may be 8/4 before they can unlock the phone, but I have to wait 4 days before I can even talk to a resolution specialist. If anyone thinks the new DirecTV is going to be any better than this crap, good luck to you.
You are complaining that att is so oo bad and won't unlock your phone in a time frame good for you .... at least the will, when I was with Sprint and moved companies, they refused all together to unlock my S4, there was nothing wrong with it at all. Finally gave in and bought a new phone,. Thank you Sprint ..... they are MUCH worse to work with.
AT&T was actually the one bought out years ago (2005 I think) by Southwestern bell(SBC), they bought out AT&T, then bought out bell south, which gave them 100% ownership of Cingular wireless. They decided to change the name to a more recognizable name AT&T since they owned the rights to it.

So the AT&T today has little to do with the original.
Some people just hate to hate .... without looking to see what may happen.
Sadly there are plenty here to hate.
They could tell them that they were all getting a Million dollars tax free and they would still hate.
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Directv deal with Pac 12 "Dead"

Cabling Question

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