AT&T harassment is getting ridiculous

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Oct 13, 2003
Jacksonville, FL, Earth
I just blew my stack at these a**holes.

Yesterday I was called 17 times throughout the day. Today they called me once every 10 minutes since 8 AM. It's like clock work. At first I answered and they would start asking for the person who handles the phone and identify as AT&T. Later they would just hang up when I answered. This was going on exactly every 10 minutes all frigging day. It's just harassment. I'd call the FCC, FBI but they are on the same side and won't do anything to stop these a**holes. It's really pissing me off. I'm on the do not call list and they claim they are exempt from the list. Dammit! there goes the phone again!

My new tactic is to yell at them over the phone, curse them out call them the foulest words I can think of. If I can't beat them maybe I can piss them off, raise their blood pressure too. The last guy actually cracked and started yelling back at me. Hope the SOB gets fired!

BTW the caller ID for these calls is always "00"
Keep them on hold for an hour..or call your local ATT business office and have them put "DO NOT SOLICIT" on your account the calls will stop ( FCC REGULATION)
been there done that and it doesn't work, but the last call today where I threatened to report the guy for harassment to the FBI, seemed to work. The 10 minute recalls stopped. Let's see if they return tomorrow.

juan- I won't do the hold thing as they are calling me on my cell phone!
Well you could always go to movie and download a 1 minute clip of a gay bondage porn and play the audio back when they call.
Well first of all the FBI could care less about telemarketing calls. Unless of course the guy calls you and tells you he is planing a terrorist attack somewhere then the FBI might care.

Second, if you conduct business with AT&T then they are correct and the federal DNC list does not apply. However if you tell them to put you on their DNC list they must do that and stop calling you. If they do not then you can file a complaint. Now if you do not conduct business with AT&T they are violating the DNC and you can file a complaint. Unless of course they are calling to ask you to elect AT&T as president or donate to the AT&T charity as those are also exempt from the DNC.
WOW... has this stopped yet?

I love my call filters on VoicePulse... they are great for things like this.
Time will tell. But so far, it has stopped.
minorthr- I agree and have done everything you stated. I was aware of all of it. But sometimes too much knowledge doesn't work. You have to do like Scott stated, use a different tactic, one that takes them by surprise.
I was tired of playing the game in my usual passive manner so I switched to the explosive manner. Let me just call it, "The Kitchen Sink" Strategy. :)

Details, Yes, I used to be a customer of AT&T but canceled my account in January, switching all my phone service to Verizon wireless. AT&T had raised my rates over 30% during 2007 for same service. I realized I really didn't need them to get along in my business. It was not easy as I had a number of needs for landline, fax, security, satellite, ringmaster, phones in every room, merchant account modems, etc. But I got everything over to wireless now.
While a customer, I got a few calls from them to add DSL but about a month after I stopped doing business with them, this harassment started. I requested they take me off their call list and put me on their DO NOT CALL list but being nice about it didn't work. I think the words I used with expletives deleted, were to the effect, I would send written letters filinig complaints about this harrassment to every government agency ( I listed them ) I could think of. Then I said I would volunteer my services as a assistant producer for 60 minutes TV show and target them for harassment telemarketing expose. I would call my congressman and request congressional investigation into their business practices. About that time I was getting hoarse so I said this is over and hung up.
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"Pollsters" are also exempt from DNC and this loophole you can drive a truck thru.
I have the same problem with Dish. They call me every hour on the hour (well 8 minutes after the hour) 9 hours a day for 2 days stright. I no longer have them and apparently they want me back
I am sure that they want a lot of former subs back right now Iceberg. When you consider that there luck has been bad lately.

TIVO lawsuit
FOX, Nfl, lawsuits
Delay in launch of AMC14
Amc 14 lost in space
Failure of ANY HD channels
If I were the OP, I would start recording those calls, build a file for later use.
Find out if you're a one party or two-party state, as far as consent is needed to record, and tell them when they call that the call is being recorded.
Most states have laws on the books about harrassing communications or harassment by telephone, a police report would be a good idea too(if your local police will even write it up for you) Sounds like you need to light a fire under somebody over this much aggravation.
turbosat- As I said earlier, the harassment has stopped. Not one call from AT&T today. The threat to report them to every government enforcement agency, then named a bunch, in writing, probably did the trick. Not to mention the obvious anger in my tone. Hate to resort to tactics like that but they were the ones that drove me to it. They are the ones that confirmed that is what it takes to stop them.
Call a local at&t office, better yet wonder in to a store at a busy time, and demand the CEOs complaint info.

then send the ceo a registered letter to be forever put on dont call.

been there done this, after the 2nd letter they finally got it right. with the seccond letter told them i was recording all calls and would see them in court $$$$$

this brand has a skull and crossbones on it, they have ripped me more than once. will never spend another dime with them........

companies on my never list

sprint, they are number one.........


swingline windows a local rip off
Mr. Landis,

We're so glad to have found you since you stopped answering your calls. We miss you as a customer and we REALLY want you back. We'll change, we promise. We've sent you a PM on here every 15 minutes (see we back off the 10 minute schedule to show good faith). Why have you not answered?

Thank you and we look forward to hearing back, until then, we'll keep trying and trying....

Thank you
AT&T Customer Winback Dept.

AT&T isn't the only ones that does stuff like this. In less than 6 months I've received over 100 letters from Verizon trying to get me to sign up with FIOS. I wrote them, called them, even mailed about 20 of them to the CEO and nothing happened. Just by chance a few of weeks ago, a Verizon rep came to my door trying to get me to switch from satellite (he must have seen the dish) and I let him have it. I told him that I realized he was just doing his job, but I would never use Verizon and told him why. The guy was really nice and told me he could get me off the list. I haven't gotten a letter in two weeks so maybe he did. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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