At DirecTV The Sky's the Limit

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 6, 2005
David Hill's office perch overlooking the runways of Los Angeles International Airport is particularly apt. Hill has had a sort of air-traffic controller's career at News Corp., helping fledgling projects get off the ground and guiding struggling businesses to safety.

Currently on his radar: DirecTV, where he's entertainment president, and Fox Sports Television Group, where he's chairman/CEO. The gregarious Hill was named to the DirecTV post last spring, and it is his primary responsibility.

Working under DirecTV President/CEO Chase Carey, Hill is in charge of revving up DirecTV's subscriber base (currently about 15 million), overseeing programming, integrating new technology, and, in general, helping DirecTV as it battles the limitations of satellite-TV technology while cable races ahead to offer video-on-demand, phone service and other enticements.

But the cable business is more spooked than ever by satellite's appeal to consumers, and Hill—the man who launched BSkyB satellite service in the UK, started Fox Sports in 1993 and revived a struggling Fox Television in the late '90s—is accustomed to challenges. Last week, he spoke with B&C's Ben Grossman.

How's the job going so far?

I wasn't doing back-flips when I got asked to come here, and, to a certain extent, it parallels what happened when I got asked to go to the [Fox TV] network. I wasn't doing back-flips then either. But once you got into it, it was fascinating. I have felt for a while that linear TV was dying because of the last 10 years and all the entertainment variables that are available to a consumer. In fact, if you really analyze it, linear TV started to die when the remote control was invented.

Interactive television has found success elsewhere, such as at one of your former posts, BSkyB. But will it penetrate the U.S. market?

I left Sky just as we were starting to think about what interactivity was. What's happened is that the TV experience is mirrored with growth of the Internet, with information always available—messaging and everything. Television as a one-way street is losing its appeal. There is a generation now that is used to having anything they want when they want it. We haven't even started thinking about the applications of interactivity for entertainment.

But take scripted dramas, for instance. You could have a multiplicity of things that you can put into a viewer's home that are all connected to one event.

Where are the company's most promising areas of opportunity?

The growth of video-on-demand and what pay-per-view means. Look at the bold move made by [Cablevision's] Dolans in starting Mag Rack [an on-demand service]. It was a great idea. Just as their parents learned to pay $5 for a specialty magazine, in 10-15 years I can see this generation paying a buck to watch “telezines” that are of their special interests and aren't free or ad-supported.

Like all pioneers, we'll make some bad calls, but if we get a few right, it will be a great thing. Our service will be so much more than just a straight sell-through of existing channels. It's hard to put it into a cohesive sentence today because how do you describe, in a sentence, the Wild West?

You recently announced plans to launch your first original program, a remake of a British music show, which you are calling CD USA. Why music for your first outing?

It doesn't make any sense to do something that is already there. For instance, we wouldn't start a news service. We had Freeview, an ad hoc, eclectic group of concerts. I looked at the numbers, and they were impressive, even though there was never any marketing for them.

Where is the only time you can see back-to-back live performances? Only on the Grammys or award shows like that. I've been in this business so long and had my heart broken so many times about shows I thought were going to work that didn't. But I think this will resonate with the public.

What's the next step? Original scripted entertainment?

I'd like to go scripted. For instance, I think there is a huge appetite for historic drama in this country. I think HBO's Rome is sensational. I'd like to do a home-grown, 22-episode history of the South or get inside someone's head about the Civil War, tell the story of a Civil War battle.

But is DirecTV ready to make that kind of investment?

We have to. The public is so sophisticated, you have to have the very best in terms of writers and producers and directors, and I've talked to a number of the best writers, producers and directors in the world and said, “If you have a big, scary, dangerous idea for which the hallmarks are quality and family viewing, come and see us.” I'd have to have long talks with Chase Carey to see if it was worthwhile strategically. But if you look at our platforms around the world, we are not alone; we are all over the world. Maybe it could be a News Corp. platform play for a huge, bold, family-oriented historical program.

But would a successful producer or director actually take on a project like that if it were for DirecTV?

Of the people I have spoken to, no one has laughed in my face and said get out of here, so that's a start. I can't expect people like the Brian Grazers or the Tom Hanks of the world to come out and say, “I have this great idea, and I thought of DirecTV.” It's like starting a talk show: You don't get A-list guests until you get established.

How else can DirecTV differentiate itself from other content-delivery outlets?

Getting to the point where the customer sits down in front of their DirecTV system and whatever they want is right there in front of them. But just as important is something easy to forget about: service. We are spending a lot of money, continually overhauling installation and service. We can't break down; we always have to be cognizant of that. And whatever new comes along, we must be ready to react. It's a part of developing the technology to make the customer experience better all around.

Speaking of technology, tell us about the recent deal with NBC Universal that will let DirecTV customers watch new shows for 99¢.

It's a very basic and simple arrangement. It's good for us because it gives us more to offer a viewer, and it works for the network because it gives the public more of a chance to sample a show. For the networks, it's not just dual revenue, it's another chance to get their shows noticed.

The NBC U deal is for five shows to be available on DirecTV at a time. Will there be friction over which ones to offer? NBC U may want to showcase less successful shows to give them a boost, but DirecTV obviously would want the best stuff.

Sure, there will be friction, but NBC makes the decision on the shows. In any of these things, there will always be, shall we say, spirited conversations. And I would do the same thing if I were NBC. But if they are smart, they should mix the top-rated ones and some they are trying to get off the ground.

Any other partnerships on the horizon?

We're talking to the people at Sundance. Independent films in coming years will go through a huge boom, and I also think documentaries will. We might establish in our pay-per-view section, a week after the Sundance festival, a group of all the award winners, and it would cost people 99¢ to look at it.

From a business standpoint, building average revenue per customer is crucial. What else can you do on that front?

Put on more programming that you will want to pay for, but we need to balance out stuff we charge you for and stuff we give you for free, so you don't feel you are always getting gouged. The deal we have with XM Radio to stream their stations will give customers more. And we will be announcing soon that we are stepping up our concert series next year with 52 live shows.

What other new channels are coming down the pipe?

We want to keep doing things that aren't available on TV now. For one, “sound-effect–machine noise” will be a new channel. I was reading Sky Mall on a plane one day and saw one of those sound-machine alarm clocks. I thought, “People are paying 300 bucks for this?” So I just asked our people if we can do that. We'll soon be offering a couple of channels to pick between—rain or whatever—when you go to sleep. Some of the sh*t we are talking about is so off the wall.
That's a copyrighted article that you just copied in its entirety. That's copyright infringement. You should post only the first few sentences and then include a link to the rest of the article.
damaged said:
You need to look up 'fair use', he did not violate copyright in any manner because it is considered fair use, with the exception of commercial use, which, afaik, this is a non-commercial site.

Their TOS:
Look under "Proprietary Rights".

Fair Use:'s.htm

I don't know what you read but you may need to learn how to read again. I'll highlight the key sentences of the link YOU provided.

As between you and Reed Business Information (including our affiliates), we are the owner and/or authorized user of any trademark, and/or service mark appearing on the Site, and are the copyright owner or licensee of the content and/or information on the Site, unless otherwise indicated. Except as otherwise provided herein, use of the Site does not grant to you a license to any content, features or materials you may access on the Site. Any commercial use of the Site is strictly prohibited, except as allowed herein or otherwise approved by us. You may not download or save a copy of any of the content or screens except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, for any purpose. You may, however, print one (1) copy of the information on the Site solely for your personal use or records. If you make other use of the Site, except as otherwise provided above, you may violate copyright and other laws of the United States, other countries, as well as applicable state laws and may be subject to liability for such unauthorized use. We do not grant any license or other authorization to any user of our trademarks, service marks, other copyrightable material or any other intellectual property, by including them on the Site. You also agree and acknowledge that any ideas, concepts, methods, systems, designs, plans, techniques or other similar materials that you submit or otherwise communicate to the Site, may be used by us in any manner.

It doesn't say you can use it for non-commercial use. In fact, it explicitly says "You may not download or save a copy...FOR ANY PURPOSE." That's exactly what the OP did which makes it a violation of those TOS. The ONLY thing it allows you to do is "print one (1) copy of the information on the Site solely for your personal use or records." It then goes on to say, and I'll use big letters so you can see it...

If you make other use of the may violate copyright and other laws.

That other link is completely ridiculous. The Fair Use policies regarding VHS tapes of a community college have absolutely no relevance whatsoever. Furthermore, the statutes quoted in that article are no longer the prevailing laws with relation to copyrights. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA 512) is the current prevailing legislation.

As far as this being a non-commercial site, you do realize why those ads are there, don't you? You aren't contributing to a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

So, damaged, your argument was incorrect on every point. As I said, the post above is copyright infringement.
A click-wrap license cannot trump federal copyright law, I think you need to look more carefully at your argument, for it is based on a license made by a corporation. It is Fair Use, he did no violation of any kind, you can argue all you want, but I am right.

By that TOS they have, the copy in your cashe is in violation, that is why uit is named "Fair Use" because to call everything pasted on the net a violation is 1) I'm possible to police 2) no ay they can enforce most of it.

Research it. I updated the link in the first post here it is again:

Look at the date on it.
damaged said:

It appears you've edited the link. That link actually further destroys your argument because it clearly outlines two factors in which this case is in violation.

First, #1, this is NOT a non-profit site. It is not a 501(c)(3) organization and therefore is not a non-profit site. So, the use is already in violation of point #1.

Second, #3, "the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole" means that use of a small portion of a copyrighted material can be considered fair use (which is why I said the OP should use a few sentences). When you compare "the portion used" (which is THE ENTIRE COPYRIGHT MATERIAL) "in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole," you find that they are identical in their entirties.

Apparently, you aren't actually reading this links before you post them because they destroy your entire argument. Once again, your argument is still wrong.
I did not have to make any payment to read the article on this site, how is it commercial and how is the material he posted being used for commercial purposes? Selling satellite equipment may make this a business, but the forums proper are non-commercial. This is clearly an education forum.
damaged said:
that is why uit is named "Fair Use" because to call everything pasted on the net a violation is 1) I'm possible to police 2) no ay they can enforce most of it.

You're impossible to police? No ay? I don't speak gibberish.
chaddux said:
You're impossible to police? No ay? I don't speak gibberish.

I thought we were having a rather intellectual conversation, I see I was actually arguing with a troll, semantic games? Just when I was getting some respect for you. Perhaps you should go back to your PSP and fart jokes.
damaged said:
I did not have to make any payment to read the article on this site, how is it commercial and how is the material he posted being used for commercial purposes? Selling satellite equipment may make this a business, but the forums proper are non-commercial. This is clearly an education forum.

That is such a ridiculous argument that I don't even know where to begin. The fact that a site is free DOES NOT MAKE IT NON-COMMERCIAL IN ANY WAY. You can go to Yahoo and view their website for free. Does that make Yahoo a not-for-profit organization? NO! You can watch network programming for free. Does that make ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX not-for-profit organizations? NO! Why? THE ADS! Ads produce revenues which is why all of those things are free. SOMETHING THAT IS FREE DOES NOT MAKE IT NON-COMMERCIAL.

Using your argument: I guess since you didn't have to pay to use this site, we can trade movies, CDs, books, and other copyrighted material simply by posting it in these forums. The RIAA or the MPAA couldn't enforce anything because, as you said, this is an educational site which would be covered, as you say, by Fair Use.
damaged said:
Sorry, you lost any basis for a cogent argument with me the second you resorted to typo trolling. This thread is over for me.

It's over because your arguments are entirely incorrect and you've run out of ways to misinterpret the laws of the US. I've explained all of the applicable laws that you've quoted and explained to you the fallacies of your legal logic. You're just so stubborn that you're not going to admit it.
chaddux said:
Nah. :) I love the law. I love to argue the law. That's why I picked law for my senior thesis and why I work for lawyers. :D

You won't win an argument with him.
he has me on ignore for calling out his constant bad advice.
chaddux said:
Nah. :) I love the law. I love to argue the law. That's why I picked law for my senior thesis and why I work for lawyers. :D

Then do it on another forum...

here let me put it in big colorful letters, in hopes that when you read it you can understand it further, and others will get a good laugh at the thread of me picking on you. This is a SATELLITE FORUM, not a LAW Forum. :smug
What's funny is his first post chaddux says "That's copyright infringement. You should post only the first few sentences and then include a link to the rest of the article."

So if you are SO darn sure you are right, what is with suggesting he post only a FEW lines? It's still a violation, where's your answer to that?

Then he pastes the sites TOS pointing out that you can't post any copy from the site, so, which is is Mr. lawyers helper?, is it violation to post parts from their site? or isn't it, you mean it's OK to post SOME stuff from an article but not more of it?, so what is the difference between 1-5 (a few) lines as you proposed he should have posted, or the ~110 lines that he DID post, if its violation for him to post what he posted, how is it you suggesting he post only a few lines any different?

I don't see any exceptions in your posting of the TOS, nor the any copyright information posted saying anything to the effect "this does not apply if you only post a few lines", yet you suggest he does, and in the same breath, tell him he's not allowed to..which is it?

You have too many holes in your argument, and contridictions for any intelligent person to beleive you are speaking from fact, it is obvious, like most here, you argue from the hip.

The SITE owners maybe a company, but the _company_ did NOT post the article, a POSTER did, and that poster I'm pretty sure does not own, there is no violation here, this is nothing more than his immature need to win some argument which is off-topic to begin with, as for you grdlock, you're just a troll, most of your posts are just inflamatory, some of the people on this site really need to grow up, your syntax is always WAY off, and it is a chore to even read most of your illiterate postings.

Bottom line, the guy's a moron, and saying he works for a lawyer, and contradicting hisself, either shows he's a liar, or a lousy lawyers assistant, (getting coffee for your lawyer boss doesn't make you an expert in law).
grydlok said:
You won't win an argument with him.
he has me on ignore for calling out his constant bad advice.

Hey, I have made some errors, very few though, and I always follow up post stating what I was in error of, otherwise my information is just as good as any non-expert on here, if not better, go ahead go count my postings for how many are bad and how many are good, you'll find most are quite good, this is just a sad attempt for the dog pound to go after someone else because they think it's taking all their thunder away, these are the equivilent of the people who hang on IRC and kick/ban you because you show them up.

Go ahead, my past postings are there (as are all of ours), count how many I've helped with right info as opposed to info in error and not corrected. When I help, I do not charge, nor am I misleading anyone maliciously, your constant harrassing of me just shows your need for attention and validation, were you guys bed wetters in your youth?

Your harrassment does not hurt me in any way, it does however hurt the site, and its owner, and the posters whom come here for help, like I have said before, if you got an issue with ME personally, PM me, or do you consider it a waste of time to PM me because your 'forum' pals won't be able to see it?

And no, you won't win an argument with me when you are WRONG, excuse me for not accepting what you say for gospel just because you are a regular.

Being an installer does not make you an expert, I have MET some of you so-called professionals, I woulnd't let 75% of you guys near my sat system much less let you preach on on how perfect your postings always are (pfft, ya right).

Fact is there is a link in every posters profile allowing you to ignore them, rather than these two guys just ignoring me and therefore eliminating my posts from their sight, OR PM me with the confrontation, they choose to whine in public hoping their deziens will come to their rescue, it's a shame when some people cause others not to post help in fear of being jumped by one of these idiots.I would think you guys would appreciate Scotts site and the hard work he puts into it by showing an example, you have failed miserably at that, and I hope Scott doesn't have to suffer the conseqeuneces of your insipid 'turf' war. Look at the facts, look at my posts, you'll note a recurring theme, in threads that end like this, it is ALWAYS because they chose to make some comment directly aimed at me personally, if I post an error, one should (if trying to make this a good site and make others feel comfortable) PM me with the correction, and/or post the correction, WITHOUT insulting someone just trying to help, go ahead, check my posting history, I got nothing to hide.

Besides that, I did not see anywhere that chaddux was the official site copyright enforcer, if you note, his first post was antagonistic in nature, since it would be Scotts problem to deal with as he see fit if this site WAS indeed guilty of copyright violations, if you notice, the thread is _still_ there, none of the mods have removed it for copyright violations...if it's such a violation, why is it still up mr. lawyers helper? still there, go figure.... People like you make me sick.
damaged said:
Hey, I have made some errors, very few though, and I always follow up post stating what I was in error of, otherwise my information is just as good as any non-expert on here, if not better, go ahead go count my postings for how many are bad and how many are good, you'll find most are quite good, this is just a sad attempt for the dog pound to go after someone else because they think it's taking all their thunder away, these are the equivilent of the people who hang on IRC and kick/ban you because you show them up.

Go ahead, my past postings are there (as are all of ours), count how many I've helped with right info as opposed to info in error and not corrected. When I help, I do not charge, nor am I misleading anyone maliciously, your constant harrassing of me just shows your need for attention and validation, were you guys bed wetters in your youth?

Your harrassment does not hurt me in any way, it does however hurt the site, and its owner, and the posters whom come here for help, like I have said before, if you got an issue with ME personally, PM me, or do you consider it a waste of time to PM me because your 'forum' pals won't be able to see it?

And no, you won't win an argument with me when you are WRONG, excuse me for not accepting what you say for gospel just because you are a regular.

Being an installer does not make you an expert, I have MET some of you so-called professionals, I woulnd't let 75% of you guys near my sat system much less let you preach on on how perfect your postings always are (pfft, ya right).

Fact is there is a link in every posters profile allowing you to ignore them, rather than these two guys just ignoring me and therefore eliminating my posts from their sight, OR PM me with the confrontation, they choose to whine in public hoping their deziens will come to their rescue, it's a shame when some people cause others not to post help in fear of being jumped by one of these idiots.I would think you guys would appreciate Scotts site and the hard work he puts into it by showing an example, you have failed miserably at that, and I hope Scott doesn't have to suffer the conseqeuneces of your insipid 'turf' war. Look at the facts, look at my posts, you'll note a recurring theme, in threads that end like this, it is ALWAYS because they chose to make some comment directly aimed at me personally, if I post an error, one should (if trying to make this a good site and make others feel comfortable) PM me with the correction, and/or post the correction, WITHOUT insulting someone just trying to help, go ahead, check my posting history, I got nothing to hide.

Besides that, I did not see anywhere that chaddux was the official site copyright enforcer, if you note, his first post was antagonistic in nature, since it would be Scotts problem to deal with as he see fit if this site WAS indeed guilty of copyright violations, if you notice, the thread is _still_ there, none of the mods have removed it for copyright violations...if it's such a violation, why is it still up mr. lawyers helper? still there, go figure.... People like you make me sick.

Funny I thought I was on ignore.
You were, but the forum provides a function to remove a person from ignore, why?, did you only post that drive-by insult because you thought I couldn't see it? Not surprising.
damaged said:
You were, but the forum provides a function to remove a person from ignore, why?, did you only post that drive-by insult because you thought I couldn't see it? Not surprising.

A drive by insult.
I didn't insult you, You got issues.
Please reply by conversation.

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