As someone new to the tablet world i cannot say one is better than the rest, I just don't know enough. However as a recent iPad owner I do not like the fact it will not accept adobe flash. In my opinion the work around with Skyfire is dumb. For an example if I want to watch something from ESPN3 it first is uploaded to one of the Skyfire servers and then downloaded to my iPad in another format. There may be legitimate reasons for this. But for now I am confused. Why not have the conversion on the iPad, instead of uploading to a server and back. (request uploaded to ESPN3, downloaded to my iPad, uploaded to a Skyfire server converted to another format and back to my iPad) Just seems dumb to me. Plus I have to pay Skyfire 5 bucks for this?As the first tablet, I am really enjoying it. But no adobe flash sux.
Frank, St. Jobs doesn't think flash is magical. That's why you have to do that.

Seriously, Flash works great on my Tab, and I use it far more than I thought I would. I can't say I have abandoned the laptop for the tablet all the time. Like right now, the laptop has the extra bonus of keeping me warm on a cold winter day.