ASC1 Actuator Moving Issues [Solved]

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Sorry, thought you had finally received the email that included the Dropbox link and update information.

Yes, the factory changed the approved hardware configuration and didn't let us know. We will be shipping the correct null modem type cable to all previously shipped ASC1 units as soon as the carton arrives. :(
So far the null modem cable is not communicating. I tried powering the asc1 down several times with the switch on the back and rebooting my PC several times. Serial port is set as com 1 , 9600 bps.

I'm still trying...
ImageUploadedBySatelliteGuys1388385121.284731.jpgstill getting the error message.
What loader and what firmware are you working with? Are you using Friday's beta loader and beta firmware?

Serial com port should auto configure to 56000 bps by the loader config. USB/Serial adapters are notoriously flaky. I gave up on using them long ago and spent $8 on a PCI SIIG Serial DB9 RS232 card.

I have attached RS232 test software. Set up as shown with the attached JPEG. Enter 45 in the text window near the bottom left of the screen, then press Open.

Sending HEX text 45 to the ASC1 should receive back 30303030303030.... repeating. If 30303030..... is not received back, there is a com issue with the USB/Serial adapter.


I keep an old IBM Thinkpad Pentium 3 laptop with 9 pin serial port and running Windows XP for use such as this. Works perfectly every time. I never was able to get those USB to serial adapters working to the point I trusted them. The old Thinkpads had both USB and 9 pin serial ports.

If you can find one, they are good to keep around for purposes such as this.
After countless hours of trying. I cannot get any of my pc's to communicate with the asc-1. I am going to smash it with a hammer lol. I hooked my analog receiver back up.

I even thought of getting a higher pulse count motor. 36" actuators are difficult to find these days new.
Would everybody that purchased an ASC1 please post how they are liking it,what problems,if any they had programming it and how it works for them.Proof is in the pudding.So far there seems to be problems,right out of the box.Everybody give us the straight scoop.
It is all about customer service. When introducing a product that is far outside of the box of what is currently offered, there will be a few hiccups. This was expected and I was prepared to address these issues. Along with an incredible manufacturing engineering team, we are committed to taking care of each customer and offering our services and equipment at no cost to the customer.

1. Out of the box the ASC1 reported an error with certain model actuators due to the unusually long pulse counts. This has been resolved with a firmware update.

2. A few STBs (ALI based) would not communicate with the ASC1. This is likely due to the implementation of witholding DiSEqC calls when no load is on the LNB In port. 99% resolved with current firmware. Will reviewed on a case by case with particular STBs or unique DiSEqC implementations.

3. Our manufacturer changed the hardware build to require a Null Modem RS232 and we were not advised of this change. We purchased and sent out an incorrect straight serial type cable to about 100 customers. These will be replaced to all customers at no cost as soon as the cables arrive later this week.

4. The final issue is the DiSEqC /22Khz pass through being blocked if the ASC1 is passing or outputting 18Vdc. Once again this was due to a manufacturing part change after approval. It caught me completely by suprise as this had been tested over many months and was flawless on the proproduction units. This has been resolved on our bench units and we are now completing testing with several testers to confirm the fix before release.

We have been very open about the problem reports and progress with addressing them in multiple emails to each buyer, resellers and on the forums. There is nothing to gain by not being completely open about the strengths and weaknesses of any product. I am committed to supporting the customers and the product 100%. When there is any issue, it will be resolved and at no cost to the early adopters or any other customer! :D

Wish that Truck Racer would responded with the testing instead of twirling a hammer so we would have an idea if the com issue is with the his adapter or ????
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Would everybody that purchased an ASC1 please post how they are liking it,what problems,if any they had programming it and how it works for them.Proof is in the pudding.So far there seems to be problems,right out of the box.Everybody give us the straight scoop.

I purchased one and installed over the weekend. Very satisfied with my purchase...I anticipated the few hiccup from a NEW product .:bow
Smashed pics to follow soon.

Nah, don't do that. Send it back to Brian and let him test it or maybe he'll even swap it out for you with a different unit. Gotta really cut it a little slack, it's new, it's a unique device that no one else has ever made, there's bound to be some bugs. Even big companies like MS [X-Box 1 drives], Sony [PS3, yellow light of death] and so on, have problems on their first run and half the time they ignore the people with problems.

Brian's willing to help and you gotta give him huge credit for that. Also, as he stated, there were things changed in production that he wasn't even aware of, but he's willing to take care of any problems caused by them. Sh_t happens sometimes and if you smash it, then you'll just have nothing. Like Brian said, it's all about customer service and his offer to take it in and test it at no cost to you is really great customer service.
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Oh no I know Brian is great! I love the whole concept of this product. It's a much needed solution to merge our big dish old tech with the new tech of fta boxes. I want this thing to work.

If my actuator had more pulses per inch it would be fine. I am even willing to buy a different actuator.
Not necessarily the number of pulses, it is the duration of the pulses. The LOOOOOOONG pulses were the catch with the factory firmware. We have made the sensor circuit more forgiving. :cool:

So what was the result of the RS232 test program? Did it return 3030303....?
when the bugs are all worked out,and it sounds like Brian is working his tail off in doing so we are all gonna be happy campers.Generation 1 of everything always has hiccups.Thanks Brian for working so hard on this issue.
Well, I think I have found one good thing about living in cold, cold Michigan. Too cold to work on dish, so I am waiting until Spring to purchase my ASC-1. By then with all of Brian's hard work, mine should be purrrrrring just like RT-Cat.:)
I can't wait to make this thing work. I have dreamed of this device for 5 years.

Brian, it just keeps returning communication errors. It says to reboot
And reset
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Dual Polarity LNB?

Not for those with a weak heart...

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