Article on HD DVR Delay

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this certainly isn't good news and isn't putting d* in a good light! i agree, i hope the NFL is paying attention. but didn't they sign a longterm extension with d* last year (maybe, the year before) to extend exclusive rights for sunday ticket until 2010?
I've said it a few times. I know folks are willing to be patient but D* has missed timelines and Wall Street is taking notice. I dont want things rushed but they gotta get things to market quicker. Thats not me from a gotta have it early adoptor, but staying ahead of the business curve. This HD DVR should have been out already. Period. There should be more markets using the Spaceways by now. The RSN's in HD are a good use but even that is fraught with limitations and issues. NESN HD isnt even fully available in its core market (Connecticut).

I really do like the current configuration of D* but there is going to be a point where I wont take it anymore and there will be better offerings. Right now my local Comcast, Dish Network and AT&T isnt better then the current D* configuration. But as the article mentioned, that gap is closing. 2007 should be the golden year for D* but if they fail to deliver, it may be a while before D* can get back high end early adopters like myself.

Take notice D*.
asousa said:
i hope the NFL is reading this and seeing that they can't leave them with the only option....

I don't see why the NFL would care. Majority of people just watch Sunday Ticket live and don't record it. Yes, yes I know some do record a certain game but most don't. I know about a dozen people that have NFL Sunday Ticket and only 1 records the local team's game for viewing again later.
In a way it makes me happy that I was an early adopter of the HR10-250, it was nice to have the "most HD" for 2.5 years. Now ... investors are correct. After 2 months usage on my H20 ... I am PISSED at D* becuase they are moving away from the best product (TiVo) in favor of this piece of junk interface they designed. I think this delay and the actual product itself may hurt the subscriber churn numbers. On the other side that this thread touched ... I am an 8-year NFL ST sub as of this season, if I had options ... who knows where I would be. I guess I would support the Colorado based E* ... but then I still have a piece of crap HD DVR ....
Funny thing is they are just now reporting on something (like its brand new) that regular joes have known since early spring; that the new HD DVR wasn't going to be out till fall 06. I would hate to be a customer having my portfolio handled by this guy or his company.

AND look at the investor chart, their (DirecTV) trend is still UP; just one marketeers speculation. This story, is more of an op-ed piece and gives absolutely ZERO details or new info. Its one of those ho-hum we have nothing else to report on summer stories.

The NFL hardly weighs in on this item anyway; it only needs to make it out by the new fall primetime network sched.
bonscott87 said:
I don't see why the NFL would care. Majority of people just watch Sunday Ticket live and don't record it. Yes, yes I know some do record a certain game but most don't. I know about a dozen people that have NFL Sunday Ticket and only 1 records the local team's game for viewing again later.

sure they don't care about the number of people who have a DVR, but the artivle talks about how people are getting fed up and moving to other services...I am sure they care about that.
LOL, it's funny to see everyone's agendas coming out in response to this news.

The bottom line is this is bad news for directv customers, and bad news for directv unless they get their act together, they will lose subs as hd becomes more in demand among mainstream subs...any way you spin it....bad.
1) It may be "bad" but it's not "news" Too old.

2) Craig Moffett. Enough said for me.
DirecTV HD DVR Delayed Again

DirecTV once again delayed the rollout of its new HD digital-video recorders, which could make impatient subscribers switch over to competitors EchoStar Communications or cable, a Wall Street analyst said Monday.

In a report, Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett wrote that DirecTV’s churn rates could rise because of yet another postponement of the deployment of its state-of-the-art dual-tuner HD DVRs.

“There is obviously a limit to how long customers -- who, after all, have just spent large amounts of money on a flat-panel HDTV -- will be willing to wait for an upgrade from DirecTV before they simply switch to a competitor instead,” Moffett wrote. “EchoStar and cable operators could benefit.”

Moffett cited a letter that DirecTV is sending to customers on a wait list for the HD DVRs. The direct-broadcast satellite provider said the new HD DVRs -- originally expected early this year, then pushed back until spring -- are now set to be available this fall. He blamed the delay on a lack of product inventory.

“We believe shortages of the combination HD DVR unit have contributed to DirecTV falling behind cable competitors in HD readiness,” Moffett wrote. “HDTV penetration of digital subscribers among cable operators appears significantly higher than at DirecTV.”

But in what he calls “the bizarre calculus that is the DBS industry,” Moffett said the glitches in getting the new DVRs to subscribers in some ways will help DirecTV’s bottom line in the short term, since the upgrade involves “significant” costs to the company.

“More delays for the HR20 should translate into better near-term financial results, since upgrades are a key driver of retention-marketing expense [and capital expenditures such as upgrade equipment are now capitalized under their new leasing plan],” Moffett wrote. “Lower retention marketing means higher EBITDA [earnings before interest, taxes, debt and amortization] and higher earnings … But we’re skeptical that investors will continue to give DirecTV a free pass, however, as the future upgrade requirement is clearly growing.”

The analyst also made reference to a plan announced last week by News Corp.’s British Sky Broadcasting to provide free broadband service to its subscribers in Great Britain. News Corp. owns 38% of DirecTV, which doesn’t have a broadband offering yet.

“News Corp.’s willingness to slash cash flows at BSkyB would appear to raise the risk of an unwelcome surprise in capital spending related to plans for a terrestrial broadband network at DirecTV, as well,” Moffett wrote. “Even if the business were to be built off-balance-sheet, subscriber-acquisition costs associated with the broadband venture could directly and significantly impact DirecTV’s cash flows.

A Federal Communications Commission auction for the so-called AWS (advanced wireless services) spectrum begins in a several weeks, he noted.
Questioner said:
LOL, it's funny to see everyone's agendas coming out in response to this news.

The bottom line is this is bad news for directv customers, and bad news for directv unless they get their act together, they will lose subs as hd becomes more in demand among mainstream subs...any way you spin it....bad.
Why is it Bad News ???
You knew it would not be out till fall last April, all of us that have been here awhile are aware of this.
This is not NEWS at all...

Brewer4 said:
I've said it a few times. I know folks are willing to be patient but D* has missed timelines and Wall Street is taking notice.
What deadlines have D* missed ?
I don't recall D* missing any deadlines that they came out and announced.
Everyone says they missed this or that date, people most of what you have heard here as far as dates for ANYTHING have not been released by D*

Sure we would all like the new DVR to be here already, but it's not, hopefully they are fine tuning things.... The MPEG4 when first came out, was not very stable.. I'm still not sure if all areas with MPEG4 are up and running efficiently.
Possibly D* pushing the release back to fall is so D* can correct flaws...

Someone else in this thread mentioned that it will be a piece of crap, how do we know that, as far as I know NO ONE has used one yet or actually seen one (in person)...
I can see once the unit does come out, people will be ripping it left and right... even those that don't have one.
It's already being bashed against the almighty dish 622, and from what I've seen the 622 has it's own issues...

Could people please relax..... be patient... and quit complaining about when this or that will happen. If you were not on these boards and were just a reguklar sub you would have NO IDEA what D* is doing or have been doing.

Yes I am done ,
For now.

If they want me to switch over to it - it needs to do three things:

1. It needs to 99.999999% reliably record what I tell it to whether it be a one-time recording or a series link (season pass). (I understand that there might be a problem if the President decides to address the nation or the Football game goes longer than expected. There is nothing that any DVR manufacturer can do to prevent that sort of issue).

2. When I set a series link (season pass) to record only first-run episodes, I expect that it will not fill the hard drive up with repeated, non-first-run episodes of the same programming. (I will not babysit a DVR.)

3. It must reliably fast forward over commercial advertising when I instruct it to.

If this thing is based on the R15 software, then it misses the mark some (with current software) on 1 and misses the mark a lot on 2. I hear that 3 works just fine once you get used to the lack of jump back.

I also beleive that DirecTV/NDS should allow you to enter symbols when looking for programming. They should also implement a feature similar to the TIVO "Wish List" feature.

If DirecTV/NDS buckles down, releases new software which actually fixes the current problems and adds a couple of missing features I mentioned above, they will get me as a high-definition customer.

If they do not then they are going to lose me to Time-Warner cable and a TIVO series 3.
Billy T, I understand your points, but, once again we have to stop thinking of ourselves as that important. Everyone that will be a D* HD customer that wants to have the DVR capabilities will be "switching" eventually. There will be churn when this all goes down but let's face it, we read the forums, we inquire about such things, we are the first to pay for and receive, most dont. They just go with the flow and the flow is that more HD sets will be bought this year and finally it seems the people that buy them might actually get HD hooked up. You won't be going anywhere as long as you want your NFL ST HD, period. If your not interested in the NFL then my man, you should have switched some time ago. That is coming from a pretty loyal D* guy.
I'll be switching if I have to like I said precisely because I'm not a sports fan - period. ;)

News & Commentary
DIRECTV: The HDTV 'Misleader'
Once again, the satcaster pushes back the launch of its new High-Definition DVR.
By Phillip Swann

Washington, D.C. (July 25, 2006) -- DIRECTV has once again delayed the launch of its new High-Definition TV DVR. But this time, a Wall Street analyst says it could force high-def owners to sign up for another service.

And that could hurt the satcaster's subscription growth and stock price.

"We're skeptical investors will continue to give DIRECTV a free pass," Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said yesterday in a note to investors.

DIRECTV says the HD Digital Video Recorder now won't be available until the Fall.

The satcaster initially said the HD DVR would be available in the spring of this year. But it changed that to the summer; then the end of the summer; now it's the "Fall."

Moffett said HDTV owners may not be willing to wait for DIRECTV to release the high-def recorder -- and expand its HD lineup. DIRECTV now offers fewer than 10 national HDTV channels while rival EchoStar provides 29.

"Product shortages will only delay the inevitable, in our view," said Moffett, suggesting that DIRECTV may start losing subscribers to EchoStar and cable operators who now offer more high-def channels and services.

DIRECTV last year made headlines by announcing that it would launch four new satellites over two years that would enable it to provide 150 national HD channels -- and local HD channels in most markets -- by 2007. But thus far, DIRECTV's primary focus has been on adding the local high-def channels. The satcaster has added just two national HD channels in the last year -- ESPN 2 HD and TNT HD.

Swanni Sez:
Moffett is correct that DIRECTV's HDTV customers are getting impatient. Many cable operators now offer twice as many HD channels as DIRECTV -- and a high-def Digital Video Recorder. And EchoStar has approximately three times as many national HDTV channels, plus the HD recorder.

If DIRECTV doesn't expand its national HD lineup soon, it will lose current subs -- and it will lose future subs in the growing HDTV audience.

The HDTV delays are inexcusable and more evidence that DIRECTV's management does not truly appreciate the needs of the high-def audience. David Hill, DIRECTV's president of entertainment, once said that he didn't understand why everyone is excited about HDTV. It appears that Mr. Hill's sentiments are shared by some of his colleagues.

While DIRECTV is investing heavily in new satellites for the future, there's no sense of urgency in providing its current HDTV customers with better service.

(I will give DIRECTV credit for rolling out local HD channels in dozens of markets this year, but cable TV operators have offered local HD for a few years now. You expect DIRECTV to offer something better than cable.)

Several years ago, when U.S. stores first began selling high-def sets, DIRECTV was quick to add a few HD channels so early adopters would have something to watch.

Consequently, at the time, DIRECTV was considered the "HDTV Leader."

But now, DIRECTV has become the "HDTV Misleader."

It's time for DIRECTV to stop making promises and start delivering new services.

To learn more, click DIRECTV

And click to see the rest of today's Swanni Sez.

Jimbos said:
What deadlines have D* missed ?
I don't recall D* missing any deadlines that they came out and announced.
Everyone says they missed this or that date, people most of what you have heard here as far as dates for ANYTHING have not been released by D*


You are correct. No official consumer released dates. And D* is smart not to say anything. But from a project perspective and I have run numerous multi-million dollar projects, internally there is no way they were planning a 2006 release. This thing should have been out when they launched MPEG4 channels give or take a few months.

I still think D* has a good package right now but I am concerned about this unit. This thing has red flags before its release. It may very well surprise us and I am praying to God it proves me wrong but something just doesnt seem right. While I am concerned with getting the product right and making it bug free but thats just an excuse for somebody not delivering their piece of the project. And no matter what this thing will release with bugs. The consumers will find things that beta testers never even dreamed of.

So in a few months this whole thread and talk of the MPEG4 HD DVR may be a moot point. I hope so. I just hope its not a sign of the times from D*. Lets watch and see how 2007 turns out. How many are banking that the sats go up on time and launch dozens of HD national channels by mid-year. Or will it be fall 2007. Wait end of year. Oh heck, 2008. ;)
How is this mew news?? We have known about the release being fall of 06 for months. For all the folks that can't wait don't move on. Dish and cable will take your money just like DTV. We all know the grass is greener!!!!!
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