Arkansas to fire Petrino?

So you can get fired from being a coach for cheating on your wife now? wtf
Obviously there is more to it than a simple affair, although I would wager that there is a "morality" clause in his contract.

Its a combination of things. The affair, they lying about it, the improper hiring of the mistress, ect.
The university did the right thing. For a major university in a major sports conference, the head coach of the football team is in actuality, the face of the university. Take any SEC school, including your own, I would bet that you could name all 12 (or 14) head football coaches, but would be hard pressed to name a single Dean.

This was alot of bad publicity, and the longer it hung around, the worse off they would be. So they let him go. Good call IMO.
See I had my doubts. But I did not know about the lying...that is alone is "cause" for firing someone. And it's too bad, I have read in a few places that the Razorbacks were easily a top 10 team...even a top 5.
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Listening to callers from arkansas on a local sports show today. Many there are saying the boyfriend beat the the hell out of Petrino and that the motorcycle accident was staged. The whole truth will eventually come out.
Listening to callers from arkansas on a local sports show today. Many there are saying the boyfriend beat the the hell out of Petrino and that the motorcycle accident was staged. The whole truth will eventually come out.
I doubt that's what happened, but it SHOULD have happened. :)
Arkansas threw away any chance of being a great team.

They just conceded the SEC West to Alabama and LSU for the next decade.
So what would you have done with Petrino after so many ethical and legal transgressions? This goes way beyond football or athletics. Where do you draw the line on employee behavior? The reputation of the university is at stake. Frankly, I was surprised he lasted through the weekend.
Read that John L Smith will be taking over for a season, that should be interesting, if you need a good laugh you tube John L smith Michigan state

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