Are you still satisfied with VOOM Part 2?

You're right, I don't know. But that's 75% of the problem. If I KNEW a DVR would be out in, say, November. Or if I KNEW there would be a lease option for $20/mo or less. Or if I KNEW there would be free installation ... maybe I'd stick it out.

But, as I've learned - DVR's will forever be delayed. TWC was supposed to have theirs out Dec 2004 - it was only released 2 weeks ago. D* was supposed to have theirs out at various points - it didn't get released until April.

So, I'm not holding my breath that Voom will have any functional DVR out before next summer - and I'm not willing to wait that long.

After all, TWC told me they'd have ESPN-HD "soon" when I first signed up with them about a year and a half ago. And they told me it would be "really soon" four months ago when I dumped them for Voom.

My HDTivo shipped today - when I install it, it's so long Voom.
if dvr is bothering you just buy a jvc d-vhs vcr dvhs tapes can do upto 1080i. now if you want all digital convert your pc to a htpc buy a hdtv capture card and problem is solved.
weagle said:
if dvr is bothering you just buy a jvc d-vhs vcr dvhs tapes can do upto 1080i. now if you want all digital convert your pc to a htpc buy a hdtv capture card and problem is solved.

Problem not solved!

There are several important differences ...

1) timeshifting - those solutions only allow for VCR type capabilities. I can't start watching a show halfway through and catch up at the end.

This is particularly crucial for sporting events. I don't want to wait until an hour after the game is over (allowing extra time for overtime) to start watching the game. I want to start watching it an hour in, skip the commericals and halftime and watch the last 5 minutes or so live. I do this A LOT with SD shows and it's one of the main reasons I'm using an SD tivo instead of a VCR to begin with. I'd have to wait until 2:00 am to start watching games with late starts like MNF, SNF, TNF - or the next day (and what's the point of that?)

2) Trick play/functionality - The ability to pause live TV, do instant replays, schedule name-based recordings, etc.

3) programming - those solutions only allow me to record OTA content (as the Voom box doesn't even have a firewire port).

So, I'm out of luck with ESPN-HD - which is one station I'd be using this the most. Same goes for DiscoveryHD, BravoHD, etc.

4) recording two things at the same time - I'd need two PC cards or two DVHS decks. Now, we're talking more $$ - might as well just get the Tivo and get more functionality

Not to mention that DVHs is all but obsolete and a PC card requires a PC!
deArgila said:
Problem not solved!

There are several important differences ...

1) timeshifting - those solutions only allow for VCR type capabilities. I can't start watching a show halfway through and catch up at the end.

This is particularly crucial for sporting events. I don't want to wait until an hour after the game is over (allowing extra time for overtime) to start watching the game. I want to start watching it an hour in, skip the commericals and halftime and watch the last 5 minutes or so live. I do this A LOT with SD shows and it's one of the main reasons I'm using an SD tivo instead of a VCR to begin with. I'd have to wait until 2:00 am to start watching games with late starts like MNF, SNF, TNF - or the next day (and what's the point of that?)

2) Trick play/functionality - The ability to pause live TV, do instant replays, schedule name-based recordings, etc.

3) programming - those solutions only allow me to record OTA content (as the Voom box doesn't even have a firewire port).

So, I'm out of luck with ESPN-HD - which is one station I'd be using this the most. Same goes for DiscoveryHD, BravoHD, etc.

4) recording two things at the same time - I'd need two PC cards or two DVHS decks. Now, we're talking more $$ - might as well just get the Tivo and get more functionality

Not to mention that DVHs is all but obsolete and a PC card requires a PC!

You can do all of this with a stand alone PVR. I use my Panny E85H and if you know you want to time shift, just hit record and if you need to pause or replay, either hit Timeslip (which pulls up a PIP window of live and rewind), or go into the recording menu and select Play and you can start watching from the beginning and do all of the trick moves, Pause/Rewind/FF, etc.
DarrellP said:
You can do all of this with a stand alone PVR. I use my Panny E85H and if you know you want to time shift, just hit record and if you need to pause or replay, either hit Timeslip (which pulls up a PIP window of live and rewind), or go into the recording menu and select Play and you can start watching from the beginning and do all of the trick moves, Pause/Rewind/FF, etc.

Not in HD you can't!

I have an SD tivo. I didn't get Voom to watch it timeshifted in SD!!

(PS - what a pain it must be to have to "hit record" when watching Live TV if you want to timeshift - as I assume you then have to go erase it from the saved shows on your hard drive. Tivo is so much easier, where it automatically caches the last 30 minutes and then discards it when you're done. So you can ALWAYS trickplay). TV Guide software?
No one is arguing that HD-Tivo isn't NICE deArgila, with Voom you have MORE TO RECORD than D*, most of us current subs are willing to wait to see if DVR hits in a few months. I know I'd rather have a Voom/DVR (with most likely a lease or rental option) than D* with Bravo or even TNTHD...
Dvlos said:
No one is arguing that HD-Tivo isn't NICE deArgila, with Voom you have MORE TO RECORD than D*, most of us current subs are willing to wait to see if DVR hits in a few months. I know I'd rather have a Voom/DVR (with most likely a lease or rental option) than D* with Bravo or even TNTHD...

I agree. The problem is you CAN'T record it!

I would also rather have a Voom/DVR with a lease than a D*/HDTivo purchase. That's just not a choice.

The choice is - D*/HDTivo or Voom/nothing.

I pick D*/HDTivo. $1000 is a small price for freedom. Happy waiting/hoping.

PS - As they say, time is money. I'll easily earn the $1000 back with the time it saves me in between now and when Voom offers their DVR.
deArgila said:
The choice is - D*/HDTivo or Voom/nothing.

That's the choice at present my friend, in December D*/HDTIVO will have a few more HD channels (networks E/W for certain areas? TNTHD?) What about Voom it may be V*/DVR...

Once you toss a grand at D* for that HDTivo you're stuck, if in 2 months V* has a DVR are you going to just shelf your thousand dollar Tivo and switch back to V* for the DVR? No I have patience I guess, and enough content to watch, when the DVR comes out I'm sure I'll have to use nipple clamps to contain the excitement BUT.. I can wait until then.

PS- how exactly do you "earn your money back" off an optional entertainment item? You seem convinced Voom's DVR is scheduled for September 2005? ( a year's worth of programming maybe worth the $1,000 DVR plunge until then ).

In any case deArgila you've made up your mind, I think you're trying to scrounge up a few followers for no reason.
Dvlos said:
That's the choice at present my friend, in December D*/HDTIVO will have a few more HD channels (networks E/W for certain areas? TNTHD?) What about Voom it may be V*/DVR...

Once you toss a grand at D* for that HDTivo you're stuck, if in 2 months V* has a DVR are you going to just shelf your thousand dollar Tivo and switch back to V* for the DVR? No I have patience I guess, and enough content to watch, when the DVR comes out I'm sure I'll have to use nipple clamps to contain the excitement BUT.. I can wait until then.

PS- how exactly do you "earn your money back" off an optional entertainment item? You seem convinced Voom's DVR is scheduled for September 2005? ( a year's worth of programming maybe worth the $1,000 DVR plunge until then ).

In any case deArgila you've made up your mind, I think you're trying to scrounge up a few followers for no reason.

Yeah, here's the problem. You could be waiting two months, you COULD be waiting until Sept 2005. You just don't know.

And what if the Voom DVR costs $1000? You also don't know it won't - and with the multi-room features, it certainly isn't unreasonable.

As far as followers - I'm not trying to get any. I'm just explaning my point of view as it relates to the title of this thread - "are you still happy with voom." When my HDTivo arrives (it got shipped yesterday), Voom will be losing one of it's more loyal followers - dig up some old threads if you don't believe me. Heck, I even talked my parents into dumping Comcast for Voom.

Will I be switching back to Voom? With $1000 invested in D* - no way. That's Voom's problem. I was willing to wait until the fall season started. Some people are willing to wait until Christmas. Whatever your individual deadline is - Voom needs to hurry the he!! up.

As far as making money - it's more of a figure of speech. There's 24 hours in a day. 7 days in a week. I could watch an NFL game for 3 hours live on Sunday or I could watch it in 1.5 with Tivo - not miss any of the action, just skip over the commericals. What do I do with that extra hour and a half? Spend it with my kids, excercise, maybe make a few sales calls. Point is, I'm not sitting on the couch for 3 hours - an hour and a half of which, I'd be watching commercials.
Only problem is if you elect to buy a V* DVR and quit the service you cant resell it. At least a HDTIVO can be resold.

If you elect to rent it will be a $200 service call to get it also in V*s case. I want V* to succeed but...
rtt2 said:
Only problem is if you elect to buy a V* DVR and quit the service you cant resell it. At least a HDTIVO can be resold.

If you elect to rent it will be a $200 service call to get it also in V*s case. I want V* to succeed but...

WOW! Good point.
deArgila said:
Yeah, here's the problem. You could be waiting two months, you COULD be waiting until Sept 2005. You just don't know.
Samething with D* and E*. You could wait forever for the promises of new HD channels and when they come you'll be disappointed if you already get the HD locals OTA.

deArgila said:
Will I be switching back to Voom? With $1000 invested in D* - no way.
That's Voom's problem.
Actually, that's the major problem I have with HD-Tivo/D*. After you buy it you're stuck with it. I'll only get a DVR (V*, D* or whoever) if a rental option is available.
Walter L. said:
Samething with D* and E*. You could wait forever for the promises of new HD channels and when they come you'll be disappointed if you already get the HD locals OTA.

Actually, that's the major problem I have with HD-Tivo/D*. After you buy it you're stuck with it. I'll only get a DVR (V*, D* or whoever) if a rental option is available.

Well, I don't agree with either of these things.

1) I'm not waiting for D* to add any channels. I don't subscribe to any movie packages, so I'm not missing anything there. The only things Voom has that D* doesn't (in the Voom package) is TNT-HD and the 21 exclusives.

I get TNT-HD via TWC QAM (not to mention TNT-HD will likely show up on D* before a DVR shows up on Voom) and I'll gladly trade the 21 exclusives for the HDNets, Sunday Ticket and a DVR.

2) As rtt2 pointed out, I could always sell the HDTivo to someone else. (Though I can't see ever wanting to).

You guys can rationlize all you want - it doesn't change this fact ...

D* has a capable HD line-up and a DVR available TODAY. A good one.

Voom has a superior HD line-up but it goes to waste without a DVR.

I like my Va Va Voom

Should Voom allow to sell and activate 2nd hand units?
