Are you still satisfied with VOOM Part 2?

E* doesn't have BravoHD yet, but maybe they are trying to figure out how to get it up there.
I can't vote, I am very satisfied and I am going to stay no matter what E* and D* do, I hate both of them and would never allow them into my house. It took Voom to get me away from C Band
Dvlos said:
Speaking of Alias is this a good show? I keep hearing so much about 24, is it better than The Grid? I'm definately going to watch these shows when they come out this season in January, but is it so good like "OMG DVLOS RUN OUT AND WATCH THE EARLY SEASONS ON DVD" good?

OT - Just wanted to respond to this question.

Alias is the only show I absolutely will not miss. (Yes, I know I really need to get a DVR.) However, even though I was in class at night when 24 was on, I saw enough of it that it looks like a pretty good show. Never seen The Grid.
I'm satisfied...HD is all that matters for my service provider (basic cable included with HOA). If someone else were to step to the plate with more HD this forum is the only thing that would make me hesitate...seriously.
I get Alias OTA HD and love it. Jennifer Garner kicks major butt in this show. I have my Season 3 DVD set in the mail as I type, can't wait, I also have Season 1 & 2. The DVD conversion is a super duper dupe, really well done.
Alias and 24 are about 10x better than the Grid. And I REALLY liked "The Grid"

Make sure you get the DVD's - especially for Alias if you want to be in the loop. 24 is more season to season (but you can't miss an episode during the season). Alias has been building since the first episode.
Walter L. said:
I want the DVR but for me HD programming comes first. I wouldn't even consider D* or E* until they match up the premium HD channels VOOM has now (Starz, TMC, Max). Even if they do it, then it comes down to the Voom originals which I watch 30% of time (Cinema10, Monsters, Rush, Rave, Equator & HDNews). I suppose HDNet could make up for part of that, but not completely. The channel additions that D* is planning mean nothing for me since I get HD locals OTA just fine.

I'm with you Walter (however, I chose option # 2). I chose VOOM over my local Cable and have now had to live with not being able to watch 100% Padres games in HD and am missing their newly released HD DVR ($18.95/mo), which is fine by me since this is offset by the HD programming on VOOM. Besides a few SD selections my family is now almost full time HD viewing (we have swallowed the HD pill so to speak...). I think we can all wait a little longer for VOOM to get a quyality DVR out but I hope it won't be too expensive as that will be a deal killer for many of us (it seems)

To get off subject a little, Am I the only one that has had the pleasure of watching Sky Digital satellite (English provider)? Their box and PG is by far the best around. Voom should look to them as a model, especially for their DVR capabilities. There seems to be alot more competition in Europe as their DVR (2 tuner) is roughly $150 with subscription and free installation. This is what VOOM needs to do to burn the socks off the competition. Improve the PG (at least get a search function), Take a loss for two years (which is going to happen anyway) & dump the DVR's on the market for under $200 IMO...
We went from analog basic cable on SDTV to VaVaVoom and HDTV -- like jumping from 1980 to the 2004, with no other satellite providers inbetween. We love our VaVaVoom!! Voom would have to go bankrupt or really tick me off (like charge my cc $1K per month - that would do it) before we would give up Voom. Any competitor would have to be massively better than Voom - like the difference between VaVaVoom and our old analog cable - before we would jump ship to a competitor. Not going to happen! Voom is a KEEPER!
Well, I don't like the PG either, but after 2 years of D*TV, and paying 10.95 for 4 hd channels, I still think Voom is the best choice for folks with a HD TV.
For me, there isn't enough QUALITY HD proggies on to worry about a DVR; sporting events are the one thing I would like to record, but there aren't enough of them to warrant spending $1,000 on a dvr..

I still think that the VAST MAJORITY of the 30,000 or so Voom Subscribers are happy with the service, and their future is solid..the handful of folks who constantly threaten to leave wont make a bit of difference in the long run..and, now that HDTV is becoming more mainstream, there will be alot of folks attracted to Voom just because of the number of HD channels they say they offer..Although I am still confused how they can claim that the "3 Stooges in Outer Space" could possibly be an "HD" movie...
wase4711 said:
Well, I don't like the PG either, but after 2 years of D*TV, and paying 10.95 for 4 hd channels, I still think Voom is the best choice for folks with a HD TV.
For me, there isn't enough QUALITY HD proggies on to worry about a DVR; sporting events are the one thing I would like to record, but there aren't enough of them to warrant spending $1,000 on a dvr..

What's the point of even having TV service if there aren't enough quality programs to watch?

The whole point of the DVR is to allow TV to revolve around your life rather than the other way around.

It's awesome to watch a 3 hour football game in an hour and a half - especially when you can start watching a game around halftime and catch up in time to see the end live.

It's even better to watch an intense Alias episode without commercial interruption.

It's great to see that a show you want to check out - Medical Investigation - is on at Friday night at 10:00, but you can watch it Saturday night at 9:07

It's great to see that Cold Case and The Simpsons occupy the same time-slot but you can watch them both and not miss a minute of either (not to mention watch them in half the time and without commercial interruptions).

$1000 for that kind of freedom isn't so bad.

As far as the four channels -

HDNet Movies
NFL Sunday Ticket in HD

that adds up to a lot more than 4. And with a DVR, there's more than enough programming in just those channels to fill up my x hours of viewing per day.

THAT's WHY VOOM NEEDS A DVR!! and why I don't plan on waiting around.
deArgila said:
What's the point of even having TV service if there aren't enough quality programs to watch?

"As far as the four channels -

HDNet Movies
NFL Sunday Ticket in HD

that adds up to a lot more than 4. "

Well, you can get your LOCAL HD stuff, which encompasses the first 7 you listed WITHOUT VOOM or DTV; ESPN more often than not is not broadcasting anything in HD; Bravo is NEW to DTV this month, NFL ticket is 249.00, or more, last time I checked with DTV; So, its HD net, HBO. SHOWTIME, DISCOVERY HD, and HD NET MOVIES for $10.95 per month..everything else you listed is either free or very expensive..

Your point about being able to watch stuff in 1/2 the time with out annoying commercials is a good one though..besides, do people REALLY revolve their lives now a days based on TV program schedules??? God, I hope we haven't gotten to THAT point in our lives..
Isn't TV just a diversion from the things that matter in life, like family, friends, careers, and things of THAT nature??

And, in case some of you have forgotten, there is some thing called BOOKS that most younger folks have forgotten exist..don't forget to feed your mind, or it will curl up and die...TV is "Junk food" for our brains, not true nourishment...And too much junk food isn't a good thing...

I still like my Voom more than DTV...
wase4711 said:
Well, you can get your LOCAL HD stuff, which encompasses the first 7 you listed WITHOUT VOOM or DTV; ESPN more often than not is not broadcasting anything in HD; Bravo is NEW to DTV this month, NFL ticket is 249.00, or more, last time I checked with DTV; So, its HD net, HBO. SHOWTIME, DISCOVERY HD, and HD NET MOVIES for $10.95 per month..everything else you listed is either free or very expensive..

Your point about being able to watch stuff in 1/2 the time with out annoying commercials is a good one though..besides, do people REALLY revolve their lives now a days based on TV program schedules??? God, I hope we haven't gotten to THAT point in our lives..
Isn't TV just a diversion from the things that matter in life, like family, friends, careers, and things of THAT nature??

And, in case some of you have forgotten, there is some thing called BOOKS that most younger folks have forgotten exist..don't forget to feed your mind, or it will curl up and die...TV is "Junk food" for our brains, not true nourishment...And too much junk food isn't a good thing...

I still like my Voom more than DTV...

So, you're telling me you've never set aside a particular time during the week to "catch" a show?

That's what I mean by life revolving around the TV.

If the only time I can see Alias in HD is Sunday night at 9:00 EST - and I want to watch it - my life is now revolving around the TV.

It's why I prefer DVD on my home theater than going to the movie. If the movie is on at 7:00 or 9:30 - my life is revolving around the movie theater schedule.

Tivo puts and end to that. And still gives me time to read any books I should like (as I wouldn't have to put the book down now that it's 9:00 on Thursday and CSI is about to come on).

As far as getting the OTA without Voom or D* - that's true. But to apply Tivo functionality to it in HD you need D*.

As far as ESPN only broadcasting HD some of the time - that again feeds in to the need for an HD-DVR. I'd like to be able to watch the 2:00 AM sportscenter with all the NFL HD highlights at 7:33 am - and FF all the baseball and hockey stuff. I'd like to start the Saturday night college game after I've put my kids to bed. And I'd like to pause it if the phone rings.

I like Voom better than D*, too - but D* allows me to control my life, Voom doesn't.

That's my point.
Good points and I have to be truthful. If I had $1,500 to burn I would be at Direct with a HD-DVR, NFL Pass, and OTA antenna.
But like most people I don't, that's why I got Voom for free and I'll be here until they come out with the PVR and all indications point towards a rentable box since Voom is all about rentals and non commitment.
So if I have to wait 3 months, 6 months, a year for Voom's PVR to save $1000 I'll do it.
And when their PVR comes out and we have our 30 something HD channels with our whole house PVR and our exclusives which are getting better and better. People will then realize how green our grass really is, and how lucky we all were for jumping on the wagon early. :cool:
deArgila said:
So, you're telling me you've never set aside a particular time during the week to "catch" a show?

That's what I mean by life revolving around the TV.

If the only time I can see Alias in HD is Sunday night at 9:00 EST - and I want to watch it - my life is now revolving around the TV.

It's why I prefer DVD on my home theater than going to the movie. If the movie is on at 7:00 or 9:30 - my life is revolving around the movie theater schedule.

Tivo puts and end to that. And still gives me time to read any books I should like (as I wouldn't have to put the book down now that it's 9:00 on Thursday and CSI is about to come on).

As far as getting the OTA without Voom or D* - that's true. But to apply Tivo functionality to it in HD you need D*.

As far as ESPN only broadcasting HD some of the time - that again feeds in to the need for an HD-DVR. I'd like to be able to watch the 2:00 AM sportscenter with all the NFL HD highlights at 7:33 am - and FF all the baseball and hockey stuff. I'd like to start the Saturday night college game after I've put my kids to bed. And I'd like to pause it if the phone rings.

I like Voom better than D*, too - but D* allows me to control my life, Voom doesn't.

That's my point.

But now your life is revolving around TIVO :no
Well, I must admit, that Seinfeld is about the only thing I try to "schedule" my life around...and, since I have seen every episode about 10 times, that doesnt say much about my tv life!! There used to be a HD show on ABC, about a "CIA" type of organazation that was protecting the USA from Terrorist threats; it was called "Threat Matrix" that i loved, but of course ABC took it off the air...I would have probably recorded that if I had a DVR..

I guess if I had about 6 or 7 things every week that were in HD, and I really enjoyed, I might be more inclined to lust for a DVR; Don't get me wrong, I am one of the most "gadget obsessive" people you would ever meet; I had a 10" dish in my yard in 1984, change PC's every year for no good reason, and have at least 25k in home theater gear upstairs that I have upgraded several times in the last 5 years..

I lusted for a dvd-r 2 years ago, but couldnt figure out why i wanted one; and, based on the current HD offerrings, I still cant... Not "dissing" TV lovers in any way shape of form, I just cant personally get excited about HD-DVR until there is a wider selection of "quality", HD Programs and Movies being produced..Hopefully, that happens within the next year or so..

Plus, as ALL recordable type gadgets go, there is NO DOUBT that within 12 months of HD-DVR's coming out en masse, the price will free fall under $500.00, so I will probably wait till then...
deArgila said:
I like Voom better than D*, too - but D* allows me to control my life, Voom doesn't.

That's my point.

Their point is that you and other HD-Tivo fanatics have no patience. You fork over $1,000 you pretty much signed a 5 year commitment with D*, regardless whether or not they add more HD. Most people can't toss 3 grand to have HD TiVo from every provider. Voom's demo'ed their DVR at shows, we know they are using UCentric (recent discovery for me though), and according to Sean (which is not offical at all) the DVR from Voom is in fact coming real soon. I can live my life "around TV" for a few months with the hopes of a DVR 1-6 months away. Also I have the hopes of leasing this DVR for a while and buying it later, because if it's $1,000 up front it's pretty hefty.

Does D* offer a whole house networked solution? What happens in a year if the HD-DVR breaks?
r.jones1116 said:
But now your life is revolving around TIVO :no


Well, I certainly understand why I might be one of the few who is leaving Voom because of the HDTivo.

$1000 certainly isn't cheap.

However, I'm paying $10/mo to rent a regular IRD now - and I imagine "IF" the Voom DVR is available for lease, it will at least double that. Still, even at that rate it would take 50 months to break even.

Which is what I've been telling myself since I got Voom about 4 months ago.

But, there's one thing about my situation that makes things easier for me. I run a business out of my home, so I qualify for "DirecTV for Business" - which allows me to get the HD package ala carte.

So, I'll be paying $11/mo for HDNet, HDNet Movies, Discovery, ESPNHD, BravoHD and any other channels they add to the package - but nothing else. I currently have cable feeding all my TV's - which is where I'll get all my SD programming (and TNT-HD via QAM).

So, I'll be paying about $15/mo instead of $55 - have all the HD channels I watch (sans Worldsport and Rave - but with the HDNets) and have Tivo functionality.

And at $50/mo difference (once you factor in the extra $10 Voom will inevitably charge for the DVR) - I break even in 20 months - just over a year and a half (meaning every month after that where the Tivo hasn't broken yet - makes it CHEAPER to get the HDTivo now). Meanwhile, I don't have to wait "1-6 months" hoping Voom releases their DVR.
I can't imagine actually buying an HD-DVR... the price is way too high and technology is changing to fast to by one.
But Comcast offers one for $9.95 a month that is doing the job just fine for me. If it breaks I just go get another one w/o charge. And the nice part is I can actually go to their office and pick one up w/o having to set up an appointment for them to come to me.
txcruiser said:
I can't imagine actually buying an HD-DVR... the price is way too high and technology is changing to fast to by one.
But Comcast offers one for $9.95 a month that is doing the job just fine for me. If it breaks I just go get another one w/o charge. And the nice part is I can actually go to their office and pick one up w/o having to set up an appointment for them to come to me.

Yeah, that's the best of both worlds.

But I have TWC and, alas, no ESPN-HD - which will have at least 25-50% of the programming I'll want to Tivo. Not to mention all the issues the SA8000HD (which is what my local TWC has) that have been reported locally ... soft HD picture quality, unwatchable SD picture quality, shows not recording properly, box rebooting, etc.

Good point about the appointment - Voom will probably charge for installation whenever they do release their DVR. At least with D*, I can do a self-install.
You don't know what Voom will do though, their core members will probably get first dibs and some promotional offer at the DVR.

I like my Va Va Voom

Should Voom allow to sell and activate 2nd hand units?
