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Err it is illegal; you are breaking copyright. Downloading ota recordings is also illegal, they might not be for your market and distributing them isn't allowed.

Wriggle out of it you cannot! ;)
Wired said:
Err it is illegal; you are breaking copyright. Downloading ota recordings is also illegal, they might not be for your market and distributing them isn't allowed.

Wriggle out of it you cannot! ;)

It's not illegal if you download watch and dont distribute it. If you you have access to that station OTA.
I just tell my wife to download like crazy when she's in Canada during the summers. :D
Courts up there said it's legal because of the blank media levy.

She typically comes back with the hard drive filled to capacity :music:
Lets end this discussion here and now. THANKS!

Anyways, Become a PUBMEMBER... NOW!!!!! Its worth it! I think Each PUB MEMBER should post why they became a PUB MEMBER so people will have multiple reasons. At least try it for a year!
did you get windows free to as you download software.
wrong forum to brag that your a cpu genius
i know your next post will be about fta!
pathetic, i cant believe you paid for a pub membership as you advocate free
scoitt did this member pay for membership or did he steal it
grow up in the real world people pay for material copyrighted or not.
chastulsa said:
It's not illegal if you download watch and dont distribute it. If you you have access to that station OTA.

Yes it is; you or the person you are downloading it from have no distribution rights. Lets not focus on that; 'I download all my music, movies, xbox games, software'

Good luck with that but you have done more harm than good with your advert :)
Dave nye said:
Let's face it this guy thinks he doing nothing wrong.

Well, you gotta love America!

"innocent, until proven guilty!"

I must be a real hard core criminal, so many people have came here to Bash me, this is funny. Well, I also cut the tags off all my mattress' so what do you think about that? LOL!

Please stop the flaming, if you would like to speak your opinion please PM I will gladly debate you on the topic, just keep to Topic.

This place has been the source of a lot of my free time since its origin. It is a great place to pass time and find out useful information and meet a lot of folks out there. There is a LOT to look forward to in the future. Things has changed so much already but I think we will be in for even more before this decade is out.

Lots of Poker from Dish Network

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