ARCHOS gen 6 players

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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
See the article.

Supports HD & 3G. Most expensive version $550. My question is: Will it support high speed HD downloads from ViP series DVRs? If and when it does, here's my money. I tried to email them, but they make it next to impossible to do so. No link on their site unless you register, and it seems you must already have an Archos product to register.

Anybody have any additional info?
I am an Archos 605 WiFi owner and I was wondering the same question... I am very interested in the new Internet Media Tablets, specially the one of 7". This time Archos seems to put a decent screen on it (16 million colors) not like the 705 which has 7", but a horrible resolution.
If the Dish Network plug-in for the 605 or generation 5 works for this IMT's then I am sold!
Being able to transfer SD programming to my Archos 605 it's been phenomenal for long trips and at my destination.
Hopefully with the integration of internet access, not just WiFi, SlingMedia will work something for the new Archos IMT's. This can be the best of both worlds. Your TV anywhere in a 7" screen in the palm of your hand, not just on mini screens.
SlingMedia, Archos and Dish Network... are you listening?
Hehe, like you can tell the difference between HD and SD on a 7" screen? So how big are those SD pixels anyway? Plus I guess you'd rather have to download a mutil GB HD file than a SD sized file too.
I'm hoping to d/l at high speed some HD programming onto a device, carry to our RV, and plug it into the HDTV there and play it, still as HD.

Balperro, since you're an owner, you have access to their tech/customer support. Please contact them (email?) and see if you can get an answer and post it here.
I love the archos players. I've got a 504 and 605 Wifi.

They are rough around the edges, but far more powerful than their Ipod counterparts.

Just like I'll take my tilt over the iphone, I'll take function over form any day of the week.
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