Apex DT250 Digital Converter Box

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Original poster
May 31, 2008
Has anyone found a place to purchase the Apex DT250?? I was told there are just getting off the boat, and will most likly be going to larger distribuitors first... I you see a vendor that has them, pleas post...not interested in pre-orders ....thanks
From the Apex web site (www.shop-apex.com):

COMING SOON (Available August 2008)

The ATSC Converter Box is designed from the consumer perspective to maximize value and performance with analog pass-through. This includes an all-channel tuner 2-69, display all DTV formats, display all multicast channels, display program information (PSIP), Input: RF (F connector), Output: RF and composite (3 RCA plugs), remote control, energy saving standards, digital parental control, and closed-captioning for the hearing impaired. DTV $40 Coupon Eligible (In store purchase from your nearest retailer)

Also, I see GlobalHD(?) has pulled the June availability banner from their product listing on the site.
Thanks for the update...I will be in the same situation as most early-birds by August with expired coupons. I had heard from a vendor that the Apex DT250 have arrived from over sea and have to go through distribution.. any idea where the units will show up first??
I just picked one of these APEX DT250 units up at my local Best Buy store last night. I actually went there to buy their Insignia brand, but they didn't have any and had probably 50 of these APEX boxes there instead.

I didn't have a lot of time to play with it yet, but it seemed to work pretty good.
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Does anyone here work for sprint/nextel?

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