Anything mentioned last night about the 921?

I think they went as far as saying by Christmas, and that only a few would be available. Last mention....tune into the next charlie chat for more on the 921.
I don't think Charlie even wanted to acknowledge its existance but I think Jim brought it up...
Did Charlie really say tune in to the next chat for 921 info? You have got to be kidding me!
twas the month before christmas
and all through my house
there was nary a hi-def
source to be found

my cables stand ready
my dish: locked in too
all raring to go,
nothing to plug into

my 921's vapor,
they say full of quirks
were it here in my hands
it still wouldn't work

my dlp's missing,
not that it's hid
it's still being built
by taiwanese kids

and so i lament
but raise no more fuss
resigning myself
to a standard-def christmas
Unreal. Not even two weks ago the 921 was ready to start shipping. it was a done deal. What the hell are they doing?!

Me thinks I'll have to go back to Sears and get my money back on that pre-order.
actual, what Charlie said about the 921 has been consistent with the last few chats. He said by Christmas last chat also. He did imply that it could be released by next week.

Charlie just doesn't trust any date given to him by the engineering people. Whenever he gives a date on a chat, it's always later than what he is getting told by engineering.
What's even more troubling than the continued delay in finishing up the 921's "software testing" is this notion that there will be very few units available at first (possibly as few as 200 nationwide according to posts here on satelliteguys).

What can we assume based on that information, since Dish isn't talking? That they aren't even settled on the final hardware configuration, so mass production hasn't begun? That there will be a limited consumer pilot program because they're sure the things aren't going to work right? That JVC doesn't have the capacity to turn them out quickly at this point?
Yes, you can pretty well count on the 921 not being available in QUANTITY until nearly February, at best ... it COULD be later.
They are riding high on the incredible increase in locals and the 811 coming out.
I have had it with my contacts in Echostar. They have strung me out too many times with "wait until this chat ... you're gonna love what will be revealed." (I think some others have been told this, too.) That's why I haven't said anything before the last couple of chats.
And ... then there's the "new HD channels starting in the next several months" (is this really dependent on the new summer 2004 satellite?).
I think E* is in for a rough PR period with the cutting edge subs.
There are a number of HD subs near me that are going VOOM. I'm not bailing yet, but I have to admit, I'm going to look at their experience closely.
DenR said:
actual, what Charlie said about the 921 has been consistent with the last few chats. He said by Christmas last chat also. He did imply that it could be released by next week.

Charlie just doesn't trust any date given to him by the engineering people. Whenever he gives a date on a chat, it's always later than what he is getting told by engineering.

I happen to agree here. My prediction is shipping before Christmas in limited quantities, that's if Charlie gets his way with engineering. This way at the next Chat he can announce it and say it's been shipping and not have egg on his face for three months in a row. I'm not saying we'll all be able to have one in our hands by Christmas. Any deals for existing customers won't come until the supply of these units are adequate to meet the demand.

Where I think Charlie screwed up was on the availability of more HD providers now. He should have said that they had to scramble with the changes to SuperDish (becase some parts of the country couldn't receive a strong enough signal) and they are actively working on a solution to get the HD content up as soon as they can figure out how to keep it on 110 & 119. But that would have admitted that they were behind in getting the available content out to us. That would be hard to say and still say that you are the industry's "Leader in HD Technology. At least he didn't say that they are in "negotiations".
Perhaps Dish should just keep their trap shut about the dates in which the hardware is going to be out until there is a certain date. Them telling us when they are coming out is just like trying to predict the weather, your guess is as good as mine.
C'mon now. Don't kid yourself... Charlie knows the status of the hardware and he knows it's not quite there yet. I'm sure the evaluation of the hardware and the dates that engineering gives Charlie are fairly accurate. Charlie simple plays with the numbers and blames the "mysterious engineers" for not knowing an exact date to tell his customers. He knows the issues, has a pretty good idea of how long it will take and strings people along to keep them from moving to other options.

He said the hardware's still in testing and should be ready soon. And like before, eluded to "probably more information on the next chat". If it were "really" only a week or two from release, he'd know it and he'd be excited about it. He'd be excited to tell YOU about it.

My prediction is that you won't see the 921 this year, period. There's no reason to release it, at this point. He's already got egg on his face for it not being released sooner and he's already missed the Christmas season. His priority with the 921 has to be to get it out as bug free and functional as possible -- even if it takes "another couple weeks".
Another couple weeks to still have a buggy receiver. Why announce a date if he knows its not true to piss off more people?
That's just it. He didn't announce anything! He never has. He simply said "it's still in testing" and gave vague timeframes, followed by "more info on the next chat."

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