Anyone with a 622 seeing random short skips?

You guys still seeing the 2-5 second skips on KCRA? I sent my receiver back to engineering for analysis with some verified programs that skip and they can't find it. They called me back today and asked me to send them the one they just replaced with sme recordings. I'e been recording using the satellite feed since I can't timewarp anymore with CBSHD.

I am still getting the skips on KCRA HD (OTA). It happens about twice a minute on my favorite shows -- "Heroes" and "Tonight Show with Jay Leno".

I wonder why engineering doesn't notice the skips?
ota skips continue

Skips continue to happen on ota local. Both the cbs and pbs. (only stations available here.) It will happen either on a recorded show or if rewind and play back from the buffer. If I see a skip, I will use the skip back button and then the problem seems to clear up.
I am in the St. Louis area and have a 622 and have been experiencing intermittent pixelization for over a month. My skipping is combined with a large number of pixel blocks across the screen for a few seconds. Anyone with a 622 have this issue?
I am in St. Louis metro and just got Dish HD on 12/22.
I also have been experiencing that. I'm just getting used
to the system, and have been messing with the settings,
but now I know that it's not my TV settings.
I suppose I will call Dish and see what they say.
I've had Dish since March and some phones techs
seem more helpful than others.
I have found that if I re-boot my 622 once a day I don't have the skipping problem. It's when I haven't done it for a while it sometimes shows up on all channels. After re-booting everything is fine. I have no idea why I just know it works.
I have the same problem intermitently. Short skips of dialogue but it is there when you play it back.Also, periodically, when I play a program back it will play the first minute and then skip back to the beginning automatically and reapeat the same section before continuing. Any ideas??? Other problems will be wrong labeling. I recorded a movie and it was labled with a news program name which was on another channel entirely. The movie recorded ok. It was just called MSNBC News- go figure! Techs welcime to comment.....
I have been having signal breakup and lost video on my 622 watching StarzHD. I was convinced was due to the problems we have with the 129 sat in the Pacific Northwest. But yesterday I tuned our second 622 to the same program to see if it was effecting both boxes and found no problems on the second box. Is this part of the known issue?
I thought it was just me. We record (622) most of the shows we watch and then watch them the next day or two so we can skip the commercials. I noticed that all of the recordings recorded off the Sat, which included both SD and HD shows had some jerking much like and old silent movie or a poor video download from the net.

I try to record most on my primetime HD programs off of my local OTA channels and these recording looked OK except for Letterman which always has a few pixilation bursts during playback.

It’s about 5 AM here in AZ and I just noticed my box took a download. Maybe *E fixed the problem (I can dream).
A single skip back is normally 10 sec (2 sec in pause, just as forward is 30 sec or a few frames in pause) but I've been getting occasional jumps of a minute or more backward. Some may be due to key-framing but others are on MPEG-2 not MPEG-4, where that is more of a problem. Are others seeing this?
Just an update.....

Just talked to one of my contacts in engineering. They are now analyzing the 622 I sent them. They were able to reproduce the problem and are looking into it further.


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