how much are the new lnbf cost?
see link below to Titanium site for possible choice
the dish looks in pretty good shape, mostly sun fade, one spot has paint chip, but if I buy it ,I`ll repaint it
Sun fade and a paint chip are no reason to Paint.
Thats something you do for rust. Save the work & expense.
But I just don't want to put a lot into it, I`m hoping the guy takes a little less for it.
I try to discourage people spending good money on 6' dishes.
As long as you don't spend too much on a 7.5', I think it would be a great starter system.
Just keep on the lookout for a top notch 10'er.

(another reason to not go crazy painting, buying a motor, or stainless hardware: it's not your last dish, just your next one)

Above, Fat Air mentioned a new mover with servo control.
Sounds great, but I'm not a subscriber to servo feeds. :down
Still, here is the link for it and a PLL C band LNBF:
edit: and get the pole! That'll save you more money. :up