Anyone noticed that getting Blockbuster disks at home has suddenly slowed to a crawl?

Since this is in reference to me I will respond

When I was a blockbuster member, I only had available titles in my queue and 8 day turn around times were good for me.It is valid and understandable to be mad at that.I am renting titles that are AVAILABLE and they are still slow.

I thought it was common sense to rent or have movies in your queue that you know are AVAILABLE.If you have a queue of say 30 titles and ALL of them are MEDIUM Wait or worse.You think this person who actively chooses to only add titles to the queue they can clearly see aren't available aren't to blame?Of course nothing is gonig to be sent out Blocbkuster clearly says in your queue they are low/out of stock.

Not even going to acknowledge your comments that there is a direct correlation between the quality of a film and the date it's released.

Like I said before, those who are still having good service from BB@H, God bless, but to the many, many subs who are having problems getting discs, something needs to be done about it. This problem with delivery times wasn't like this from the start. It started all of a sudden, and has gotten worse as time goes by. You can't tell me every sub that's having delivery issues has only unavailable titles in their queue. So according to you, all us subs having delivery issues decided all at once to to pick only unavailable movies to put in our queue.

Also, the words "low/out of stock" never have appeared on the BB@H website. Instead, BB@H list hundreds of movies to pick from, but only after you pick a movie for your queue do you find out that disc isn't in "does not exist". I try to pick many of the "two-for" movies, like:Firefox/Heartbreak Ridge, Sleepy Hollow/Sweeney Todd, American History X/A History of Violence, Eraser/Collateral Damage...Why would these movies be listed on one page, then when you click on them, you find out that that disc doesn't exist, not in BB@H inventory. These movies aren't even available in DVD, not just Blu-ray.

I be real interested in knowing what movies are/were in your queue, and how much time you spend looking for these "AVAILABLE" movies.

And for those out there who states, "Hey, it's a free perk that Dish is giving us. So we should just all accept just whatever we get from BB@H and quit complaining." I never understood this thinking...If you get a certificate for a free dinner, and when you go everything you pick the restaurant doesn't have, so you have to settle for just a salad, that's OK because the dinner was free! Who cares that you really didn't get a "dinner", you got a free bowl of salad! Yeppie!

Dish subs are not to blame for this BB@H problem with delivery. BB@H needs to figure out what the problem is and fix it, or, if Dish wants to, stop the disc by mail.

Agree Ghpr13, but I fear they may be taking your last suggestion, and just won't admit it.
Like I said before, those who are still having good service from BB@H, God bless, but to the many, many subs who are having problems getting discs, something needs to be done about it. This problem with delivery times wasn't like this from the start. It started all of a sudden, and has gotten worse as time goes by. You can't tell me every sub that's having delivery issues has only unavailable titles in their queue. So according to you, all us subs having delivery issues decided all at once to to pick only unavailable movies to put in our queue.

Also, the words "low/out of stock" never have appeared on the BB@H website. Instead, BB@H list hundreds of movies to pick from, but only after you pick a movie for your queue do you find out that disc isn't in "does not exist". I try to pick many of the "two-for" movies, like:Firefox/Heartbreak Ridge, Sleepy Hollow/Sweeney Todd, American History X/A History of Violence, Eraser/Collateral Damage...Why would these movies be listed on one page, then when you click on them, you find out that that disc doesn't exist, not in BB@H inventory. These movies aren't even available in DVD, not just Blu-ray.

I be real interested in knowing what movies are/were in your queue, and how much time you spend looking for these "AVAILABLE" movies.

And for those out there who states, "Hey, it's a free perk that Dish is giving us. So we should just all accept just whatever we get from BB@H and quit complaining." I never understood this thinking...If you get a certificate for a free dinner, and when you go everything you pick the restaurant doesn't have, so you have to settle for just a salad, that's OK because the dinner was free! Who cares that you really didn't get a "dinner", you got a free bowl of salad! Yeppie!

Dish subs are not to blame for this BB@H problem with delivery. BB@H needs to figure out what the problem is and fix it, or, if Dish wants to, stop the disc by mail.


The main reason I see it as a good service, is I have a BB still open, if that store closes, I know I will be in the same boat as many others when it comes to waits and such. My strategy right now is to get movies that are available so then I can go to my BB for an exchange
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The main reason I see it as a good service, is I have a BB still open, if that store closes, I know I will be in the same boat as many others when it domes to waits and such. My strategy right now is to get movies that are available so then I can go to my BB for an exchange

Yup; I had that same strategy and it worked acceptably until ALL my local stores closed at the end of March. Nearest store is now 30 miles away. :( I was expecting that all the inventory of those stores would go into the mail order service, and our service would improve. No such luck. :rolleyes:
Also, the words "low/out of stock" never have appeared on the BB@H website. Instead, BB@H list hundreds of movies to pick from, but only after you pick a movie for your queue do you find out that disc isn't in "does not exist". I try to pick many of the "two-for" movies, like:Firefox/Heartbreak Ridge, Sleepy Hollow/Sweeney Todd, American History X/A History of Violence, Eraser/Collateral Damage...Why would these movies be listed on one page, then when you click on them, you find out that that disc doesn't exist, not in BB@H inventory. These movies aren't even available in DVD, not just Blu-ray.
Exactly. What is even worse, after you sign in on the main page the section called "DVD SPOTLIGHT". I can understand these being long wait, medium wait etc, but UNAVAILABLE, meaning blockbuster doesn't have ANY! If you don't have any copies of that movie, TAKE IT OFF OF THE WEBSITE. The long waits are one thing, but to not have any copies is another.
I be real interested in knowing what movies are/were in your queue, and how much time you spend looking for these "AVAILABLE" movies.

I pick all my movies from the "Released this week lists". That way I do not have to look at my previously rented videos to be sure that I have not already watched it.
Also, when we have a free HBO/Starz weekend. I can never find a movie to watch that I have not already seen on Disc thru BB@H.
The need to do away with the DVD by mail and put everything online to access thru our equipment.

Posted from my iPhone.
Speak for yourself. I enjoy getting a disc in the mail. I do also stream videos, but would enjoy it more, if was easier to look thru the movies.
The need to do away with the DVD by mail and put everything online to access thru our equipment.

Posted from my iPhone.

Perhaps, but for the rural dwellers whose DSL is less then lightening forget about HD least not the same day. I think it is what it Q is emptied of "Now" movies of which there is 20 or so of various "Demand" adjectives remaining....
I guess I'll see what happens next week when it's down to "Medium Demand". I do know that the time I called and complained they sent me out a "Heavy Demand" Blu-ray and a "Bonus Movie".......I got two that week when I'm a 1 disk by mail customer.
The need to do away with the DVD by mail and put everything online to access thru our equipment.

Posted from my iPhone.

Speak for yourself. I enjoy getting a disc in the mail. I do also stream videos, but would enjoy it more, if was easier to look thru the movies.

And trick plays, like skip back/fwd, work much better with a disc in hand than thru streaming.
The need to do away with the DVD by mail and put everything online to access thru our equipment.

Blu-ray is still better than any streaming available today so I hope they continue with DVD by mail.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
Well, Saturday the Blu-rays gods looked down and smiled at me. In the mail from BB@H I received "Gangster Squad" the number ONE disc in my queue!!!
I couldn't believe it! I was so nervous just looking at the disc in my hand! An actual disc not only from the top half of my queue, but the number ONE disc!!!
I thought I was dreaming...But it was true!! I plan on sitting down later and watching it in all it's Blu-ray splendor, with my 7.1 system cranked up. Nobody else is home today, so I won't have any interruptions! Miracles do happen!
It'll happen rather quickly, I would think, look at Netflix as an example. However, I think there is at present, a slight quality edge on BD vs internet downloads. What do you think?
356B makes a good point about slow downloads with HD programming, sometimes I just start a download and watch something else meanwhile. I'm downloading around 17.5 mbps but it still is slow at times. Is anyone here using high speed (50+ mbps) and does it help with BB downloads? It doesn't seem to be associated with peak use times either.
AMEN! Seems like a third of my queue is listed as "Unavailable" And while we are complaining, why won't they allow you to rent another BB store disc when you return the first one? It takes 3 days to get the next one on my queue. They have closed several BB stores recently down here too (Miami).
It'll happen rather quickly, I would think, look at Netflix as an example. However, I think there is at present, a slight quality edge on BD vs internet downloads. What do you think?

Right now BD has a huge edge over streaming and as long as broadband in the US continues to be controlled by a small number of companies that have no incentive to improve speed and lower cost I don't see it changing soon.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
Last week, I had 15 discs available "Now". Today, I have 5. I have 45 disc in my queue, all from the released this week lists. What happened in the last week that 10 of my "Now" disc have become "high or medium demand" disc. Has this happended to anyone else. MY disc are mailed from Atlanta.
It always happens that way for me on "releasing this week" disks. It gets moved into my regular queue as available now. Then, no matter how long it has been in my "not currently available" queue, it sits there and then turns into "very long wait". Annoying, isn't it?

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