The Third one is another stats site. (rank 8,416) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast
It gives us other stats that Google Analytics does not. It also lets the public see how we are doing while Google Analytics only lets me see how we are doing.
You can also see other sites by putting their domain name at the end such as (rank 11,370) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast
I am actually considering removing the Google Analytics monitoring from the site which really does not do anything for us other then confirm the stats of our stats program. (rank 8,416) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast
It gives us other stats that Google Analytics does not. It also lets the public see how we are doing while Google Analytics only lets me see how we are doing.
You can also see other sites by putting their domain name at the end such as (rank 11,370) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast
I am actually considering removing the Google Analytics monitoring from the site which really does not do anything for us other then confirm the stats of our stats program.