Anyone KNow?

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The Third one is another stats site. (rank 8,416) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast

It gives us other stats that Google Analytics does not. It also lets the public see how we are doing while Google Analytics only lets me see how we are doing.

You can also see other sites by putting their domain name at the end such as (rank 11,370) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast

I am actually considering removing the Google Analytics monitoring from the site which really does not do anything for us other then confirm the stats of our stats program. :)
A TRACERT and PING use the same core function, ICMP, underneath, hence they're very related. TRACERT simply displays the path/route you take to reach the destination.

My point is, many routers ignore ICMP requests, be they from a TRACERT or a PING.
Yes, but the different routers in the path give useful information if they don't drop the ICMP request. Remember, I worked for an ISP for 7 years in the networking department, and currently am a System Engineer responsible for a corporate engineering network.

I do have some clue.
I'd trust LER's analysis any day.

Why do you think our server runs top notch??
Google Chrome always hangs on Google Analytics on this site. It doesn't appear to be a connection problem on my end, because Internet Explorer has no problem with it.

Although it doesn't stop the whole page from loading, it does stop Chrome from auto-scrolling to the newest posts when I want it to, which is highly annoying.
I've been using Chrome as my primary browser for at least a month now and get no "hangs" when visiting this site.
I have no idea what's going on then, because it hangs 100% of the time for me.
That did it, thanks!

I really want to like Chrome, but that hang was annoying on this site, and it was hanging on an ad site that AVSforum uses and that was really bad because AVS won't let you see any content til after the ads have loaded :rolleyes:
The Third one is another stats site. (rank 8,416) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast

It gives us other stats that Google Analytics does not. It also lets the public see how we are doing while Google Analytics only lets me see how we are doing.

You can also see other sites by putting their domain name at the end such as (rank 11,370) - Web Site Audience Profiles from Quantcast

I am actually considering removing the Google Analytics monitoring from the site which really does not do anything for us other then confirm the stats of our stats program. :)

It would be great if you could remove the Google Analytics from the site. That what slows it down the most for me. Anything with Google Analytic's slow down the loading on my computer Even with Cache flushes. Thanks Scott!

Ya, Chrome seems to have a Windows ME type of degredation, if you dont clear the cache from time to time you get problems.

A couple of days after I got Chrome working with this site again, it stopped working at all on AVS. Instead of hanging on an ad site, it was now not loading anything at all, hanging forever with a "waiting for cache..." message at the bottom of the window. When I went to Chrome's support site, I saw lots of people complaining and not one single response from the staff. So Chrome is now deleted, and it'll be a long time before I try it again. Too bad, because I wanted to like it.

So I loaded up Safari since it was supposed to be the next fastest. It worked fine, although the font antialiasing bugged me. If I wanted fat fonts, I'd select fat fonts. But then I noticed that when it imported my IE bookmarks, it only imported about half of them, and I couldn't figure out how to try importing manually because I couldn't figure out where Windows was hiding them. When I went to the support forum, I found that questions in the Windows section were for some reason being answered (or rather not answered) by Mac bigots who accused everyone of being Windows bigots. No support? Goodbye to Safari too!

So now I use Firefox. Opera is supposed to be faster and smaller, but I never hear of too many people using it, whereas Firefox has a huge user community. However, I haven''t needed any help with Firefox yet. Everything just works.
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