Anyone know what's up with Orby?

The service is using Hevc and is only leasing two transponders so that should of kept the operating cost down but with Globecast handling the uplink and all how much do they charge for their services. Probably a lot. Dish or direct would be able to do the uplink them selves. It's about time they switch their systems over to HEVC also. They would not need as many transponder as they use now. That alone would save them money and space craft power and less space craft. Could make the satellites last even longer. The big dogs makes so money they just don't care about lowing the bills for their customer.The customer should come first but that's not the way it is.
Life of satellites is the amount of propellant on board for station keeping. Most birds electronics will keep functioning long after it runs out of gas. That's why the spacecraft folks are experimenting separate birds to latch on to the ones that are out of fuel to get more years use out if them. The goal is to do in orbit re-fueling sort of speak which is brilliant since the onboard electronics continue to operate. Going to be a while if any a switch to more efficient compression technology. Satellites could careless what is being uplinked to them and all subscribers boxes would need to be swapped out.
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It's very likely Best Buy pays like $20 per standard receiver and $40 per DVR receiver. This would explain why we keep seeing all the flash sales like we do.

But I agree, Best Buy shouldn't be selling anything right now. I just looked up their return policy, and it's 15 days

Since when did any store only have a 15 day return policy? They are even charging a restocking fee on televisions.

Things must be getting bad for them

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BB has been in decline for some time, IMO. The consolidation of customer service with customer check out, fewer employees across the same floor (video game guy is also laptop guy, NOT when I visited), and the return policy. The return policy changed several years ago. They started scanning IDs for returns. No ID no return. Hit a secret unknown value in returns, no more returns. As a corporate buyer I often dealt in volume. Sometimes had massive returns, but all retail ready (100% unopened). Could go right back on shelf, not the buy a tv for superbowl then return scam. They cut me off multiple times. The last time was the last straw. Their buys AREN'T the best. We all know better deals exist online.

They have evolved into circuit city 2.0

ok back on topic :deadhorse2
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Life of satellites is the amount of propellant on board for station keeping. Most birds electronics will keep functioning long after it runs out of gas. That's why the spacecraft folks are experimenting separate birds to latch on to the ones that are out of fuel to get more years use out if them. The goal is to do in orbit re-fueling sort of speak which is brilliant since the onboard electronics continue to operate. Going to be a while if any a switch to more efficient compression technology. Satellites could careless what is being uplinked to them and all subscribers boxes would need to be swapped out.
If you think about it as in how much money could be saved and made by using HEVC that would free up Transponders to lease out and make money in turn could lead to lowering their customers bill.
Sure they have to spend money to make money. I know they made enough money off receiver fees over the last few years to cover alot of the cost. Just don't seem they care about saving the customer anything they just want to take all they can get.
If you think about it as in how much money could be saved and made by using HEVC that would free up Transponders to lease out and make money in turn could lead to lowering their customers bill.
Sure they have to spend money to make money. I know they made enough money off receiver fees over the last few years to cover alot of the cost. Just don't seem they care about saving the customer anything they just want to take all they can get.
If there was a significant enough savings involved with no loss of PQ, they likely would look at doing it since the total savings would not have to be passed on to the subscribers. Or even any of it for that matter. But in a declining market, I'm not convinced the ROI would be there in a reasonable time frame.
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. Could go right back on shelf, not the buy a tv for superbowl then return scam. They cut me off multiple times. The last time was the last straw. Their buys AREN'T the best. We all know better deals exist online.
I worked with a guy that got a paint sprayer at home depot. He painted his house, garage and a couple out buildings. Cleaned it up real good and took it back and got a refund. Said he didn,t like it!!!!
I worked with a guy that got a paint sprayer at home depot. He painted his house, garage and a couple out buildings. Cleaned it up real good and took it back and got a refund. Said he didn,t like it!!!!

Home Depot has changed their policies over the years. Could return anything without a receipt back in the day.

But still better than Worst Buy :)

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Best Buy is reacting to abuse of the return policy. My youngest brother works there. He says it's an epidemic of people buying stuff, using it, then returning. All the time.
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I made a post on Orbys facebook page 2 days ago about something going on and shutting down and sure enough their Facebook is now gone..So I don't know what else we need to be convinced that They are done..Think I'll call and have a new credit card issued now so they don't charge me again.
My auto payment was due to be taken out four days ago and they didn't take it but I'm still getting service today. That was why I came on to look for info
My auto payment was due to be taken out four days ago and they didn't take it but I'm still getting service today. That was why I came on to look for info
Welcome! We are all at a loss as to what is happening with Orby. Their receivers were sold as clearance at Best Buy last month and this month. Then access to their website went down other than an email link. Several of us attempted to contact them via the link but have not heard from them. Others, like yourself, have not had their auto-pay taken out either. Mine is due in two days but I'm not expecting it to be processed. Still, for the moment, service continues. Very poor way to treat your customers. :(
Just spoke to someone at Orby. They don't know what's going on, but word is they lost one of their investors.

Usually these companies will take your money till the very last minute.

Be interesting to see if the service doesn't go dark on March 1st

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Agreed....but if (terrestrial) stations are going to allow SD to look like crap, adjusting WHERE they put a little of the bandwidth would be in order. No sense in giving us (3) shopping channels at the expense of an "older programming" channel looking crappy. But yes, it's "follow the money"....and "what's easiest to program, broadcast, and maintain." I'm a broadcaster, I get it...but if I WERE doing TV, I'd make sure my retro TV channels looked their best possible.
I totally agree with are in "the business" so you get it. I was in the business years ago (radio as well) and would do exactly the same as you IF I were doing TV -
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I don't believe that for a second. They know damn well what's going on.
I know a guy who returned something like that with a lawn mower.

Then waited a few days till they put it back on the floor as an open box item and bought it back for 30% off

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now that's forward thinking. Or something :drunk cheers
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