This thread is becoming more of a "write the movie of the week" than a "wait and see" which we all as subscribers are currently in. Lawsuit? Only effective if one entity is able to prove "damaged" by another. Competition is not "damage" in my unexpert, un-legal opinion. I'm not versed at all in "legal" but think about it. To sue, you have to have been HURT somehow. Would Orby be disliked by bigger companies for gaining former (other supplier) customers? Sure! Newspaper hates us taking their advertisers to radio, and BIG radio hates it when they can't sell in our town because our rates are better. My point is, unless something is illegal or HARMING another entity, lawsuit is unlikely. For me with regard to Orby, I'm lucky...the family I installed for is ready to just use "Over the Air" (DVR by Channel Master or Tablo) and minimal streaming. Me? I'll have (3) Orby dishes I can unbox and deploy for free to air, but until the signals stop, I'm enjoying the service, and the FTA hobby plus OTA as well. Quite frankly, I bought Orby's service because I liked the concept of their business model, and it was FUN to install...the receiver was a gift, and I had a DTN dish to deploy for the signals. I don't watch enough TV to NEED their service and won't replace it if it goes..but will continue to support if it remains available.