Anyone into the paranormal?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 5, 2014
I know I'm about 10-12 years too late on this fad, but a couple years ago I started watching some of the ghost hunter type shows, oddly enough not Ghost Hunters but others. :) Ghost Adventures, Ghost Asylum, Paranormal Lockdown and more.

A couple weeks ago on my annual Spring Road Trip, I took a ride down to Weston, West Virginia, home to the Trans Alleghany Lunatic Asylum. Trans Alleghany has been featured on many of the paranormal shows. Ghost Hunters from what I understand was there twice, and did their 200th episode from there. The series premier of Paranormal Lockdown was there along with others. I didn't do an overnight ghost hunt, but I did the Paranormal Daytime Tour, which was a nice mixture of historical information and the paranormal. My buddy and I were the only ones on the tour so the tour guide took some extra time with us. We didn't see or hear anything strange, but it was a very interesting tour and, wow if those walls could talk!

This is a long, but excellent write up about the place

In the Fall, a friend of mine from work and I are planning to do an overnight session at a local place. I live 25-30 miles from Rolling Hills Asylum, which has also been featured on many of these shows as well. I want to lay on the table in the morgue more than anything :) A few months ago and about 100 miles away, I made a pit stop at the Hinsdale [Dandy] House, in extremely rural Southwestern NY not too far away from the PA line which was supposedly the site of some of the most demonic activity in the country back in the 70s. Paranormal Lockdown was there as well. I didn't go in the place, since at the time it was not open to the public, just stayed in my car to get a few pictures.

Anyone else have interest in this stuff? Anyone else ever tour any of the old asylums, hospitals, prisons or castles? Any experiences? I'm really not sure if I believe in any of this stuff or not. Never had any type of experience, I just find it all extremely fascinating.
Connecticut is known for having many paranormal homes and places, a very famous home and location in the Town I lived in.

Many firefighters there who did not believe did after entering the closed hospital building there on a few occasions.

I have not experienced anything to write home about either there or anywhere in the paranormal realm. However I have experienced "bouts" lol of ESP in my life though much beyond any coincidence but none for many years.
My wife watches those shows and believes in that stuff, I don't though.

Years ago, I and a friend of mine were paid to clean out old computers, hospital equipment, etc, out of a supposedly very haunted well known place here in CT. We spent a week or two working there, much of the time we spent in the underground hallways and rooms with only lanterns and flashlights. Never had a single odd thing happen.

A lot of what the ghost hunter people claim is supernatural isn't, like orbs. somewhere in a thread here on SatGuys I posted a video of hundreds, if not thousands of orbs in my back yard, which is very common here. It really makes me laugh when those shows show a still shot of one orb and claim it's a ghost, or supernatural.

Our house is old and a few summers ago we were renovating a upstairs room. Came home from work one day and my wife and daughter are sitting outside, they tell me there's ghosts in the house and don't want to go back in the house.

They'd been working in that room, which is always dim and the electric was disconnected in at the time. They took some pictures with my daughters DS that were creepy looking, did look ghostlike. At first I couldn't explain them but then realized one looked vaguely like me, another like my wife.

Come to find out, the DS was superimposing new pictures taken in dim light over old pictures somehow. Weird, but not ghosts.

I think if all that supernatural stuff actually existed, there'd be a bit more concrete proof of it, but who really knows?
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Paranormal Witness is not one of the shows I watch regularly, but I do catch it here and there, I did see the episode of the Mansfield Mansion. Neat place!

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like most of these shows shoot at a lot of locations in the Northeast/New England area it there not in the North, it's usually somewhere South but East of the Mississippi River. I don't know why I find that so surprising. Maybe because of all of the 'ancient Indian burial ground' stories, and there being a lot of Indian Reservations out west, I would think there would be more focus there.

And Yes, I think a lot of this stuff is either misinterpreted, or people want to believe so bad that there is something out there that they convince themselves every little thing is a ghost or a spirit of some sort and justify every noise that comes through on a recorder or every anomaly in a photo. Kind of like NDE, when people who have died on hospital room operating table and then have been revived and tell stories what they've seen 'on the other side'. Are their stories real, or do they believe they're real because they had an extremely vivid dream like vision based upon preconceived notions combined with lack of oxygen to the brain and whatever drugs are in their system at the time.
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It does seem like most of those shows are shot in New England and down South. I agree, it seems like there should be just as many places in the west. One that my wife really wants to visit is the Winchester house in Calif.

I've had two NDE's. One I'd gotten cut up real bad and was conscious most of the time they worked on me. The doctors put 250 or so stitches into my neck, a few hundred in one arm, more in my leg, my back, I think it was like 720 total. They stitched me up with no pain killers or anything because I'd lost so much blood and the doctor stitching up my neck kept apologizing for it, he kept flinching on almost every stitch. I remembered them finishing that and then nothing until I came to in a different room the next day. I was told later that they were sure they lost me three different times. Never saw any light, people, or anything.

The other time was bizarre. I'd gotten into a really bad car accident with one of my brothers, his car was built, a 455, tripower setup, etc. We were going way too fast and he was fighting with his girlfriend and she slammed the shifter back, the car went up on it's side and hit a pole on it's roof, spun around the pole a few times and then flipped across the road and down the opposite bank. The only thing that happened to me was a 1/2" wrench I had in my back pocket tore into my hip and some minor cuts and bumps. I made it up to the road and then I remember a guy in a pick up stopped, then I remembered a EMT asking me if I was in the car, then nothing until I heard a voice talking to me. Everything was dark and the voice I recognized, it was a girl that lived next door to me when I was a kid.

She was talking about stuff we did as kids for what seemed like forever and then all of a sudden, bam, I'm in a room full of people and noise, the hospital room. And when I came to it was very, very confusing because for the first hour or so I thought I was nine or ten years old. The voice I'd heard talking to me actually was the girl Gertie that lived next door to me as a kid, only grown up, she was a EMT and luckily had been on call. I hadn't seen her since I was a kid, which must be why I was so confused when I came to. If it weren't for here being there though, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have come back.
Anyone else have interest in this stuff? Anyone else ever tour any of the old asylums, hospitals, prisons or castles? Any experiences? I'm really not sure if I believe in any of this stuff or not. Never had any type of experience, I just find it all extremely fascinating.

I took a "ghost tour" once in Leesburg, VA, which I enjoyed. Of course we experienced nothing, but the stories were fun. :)
A lot of what the ghost hunter people claim is supernatural isn't, like orbs. somewhere in a thread here on SatGuys I posted a video of hundreds, if not thousands of orbs in my back yard, which is very common here. It really makes me laugh when those shows show a still shot of one orb and claim it's a ghost, or supernatural.

OK, I give... What's an "orb" and what explains them? Is it one of these?


Sometimes, they are real.

OK, I give... How would you know?
Decades of reading up on the subject and discovering there are plenty of reputable doctors that believe there is something to it.
I know I'm about 10-12 years too late on this fad, but a couple years ago I started watching some of the ghost hunter type shows, oddly enough not Ghost Hunters but others. :) Ghost Adventures, Ghost Asylum, Paranormal Lockdown and more.

A couple weeks ago on my annual Spring Road Trip, I took a ride down to Weston, West Virginia, home to the Trans Alleghany Lunatic Asylum. Trans Alleghany has been featured on many of the paranormal shows. Ghost Hunters from what I understand was there twice, and did their 200th episode from there. The series premier of Paranormal Lockdown was there along with others. I didn't do an overnight ghost hunt, but I did the Paranormal Daytime Tour, which was a nice mixture of historical information and the paranormal. My buddy and I were the only ones on the tour so the tour guide took some extra time with us. We didn't see or hear anything strange, but it was a very interesting tour and, wow if those walls could talk!

This is a long, but excellent write up about the place

In the Fall, a friend of mine from work and I are planning to do an overnight session at a local place. I live 25-30 miles from Rolling Hills Asylum, which has also been featured on many of these shows as well. I want to lay on the table in the morgue more than anything :) A few months ago and about 100 miles away, I made a pit stop at the Hinsdale [Dandy] House, in extremely rural Southwestern NY not too far away from the PA line which was supposedly the site of some of the most demonic activity in the country back in the 70s. Paranormal Lockdown was there as well. I didn't go in the place, since at the time it was not open to the public, just stayed in my car to get a few pictures.

Anyone else have interest in this stuff? Anyone else ever tour any of the old asylums, hospitals, prisons or castles? Any experiences? I'm really not sure if I believe in any of this stuff or not. Never had any type of experience, I just find it all extremely fascinating.
Paranormal Witness is not one of the shows I watch regularly, but I do catch it here and there, I did see the episode of the Mansfield Mansion. Neat place!

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like most of these shows shoot at a lot of locations in the Northeast/New England area it there not in the North, it's usually somewhere South but East of the Mississippi River. I don't know why I find that so surprising. Maybe because of all of the 'ancient Indian burial ground' stories, and there being a lot of Indian Reservations out west, I would think there would be more focus there.

And Yes, I think a lot of this stuff is either misinterpreted, or people want to believe so bad that there is something out there that they convince themselves every little thing is a ghost or a spirit of some sort and justify every noise that comes through on a recorder or every anomaly in a photo. Kind of like NDE, when people who have died on hospital room operating table and then have been revived and tell stories what they've seen 'on the other side'. Are their stories real, or do they believe they're real because they had an extremely vivid dream like vision based upon preconceived notions combined with lack of oxygen to the brain and whatever drugs are in their system at the time.
All over the country there are indian mounds and places they used to call 'places of power'. I think these are similar to the Mystery Spots in Michigan and elsewhere which are physical anomalies which are thought to be caused by a shift of parts of the earths bedrock an rifts which can cause magnetic field shifting that people can physically perceive. It feels like light headedness or difficulty walking up a small hill. The feeling can be nauseating as well and create weird feelings. I'm sure people over the centuries have walked through these and thought they were seeing things or experiencing other worldly things. It's probably easy to go from experiencing a real anomaly and letting your imagination take over.

I'm in television production and I can tell you that a lot of the shows are scripted of course. And the fine line is in video with computers, anything can be created. So, how authentic can a video production be and how would we verify such?
And again, if anything was really 'real', would it be on a weekly show? Like UFO's how would we really show that to the disbelieving public?

I know I'm about 10-12 years too late on this fad, but a couple years ago I started watching some of the ghost hunter type shows, oddly enough not Ghost Hunters but others. :) Ghost Adventures, Ghost Asylum, Paranormal Lockdown and more.

A couple weeks ago on my annual Spring Road Trip, I took a ride down to Weston, West Virginia, home to the Trans Alleghany Lunatic Asylum. Trans Alleghany has been featured on many of the paranormal shows. Ghost Hunters from what I understand was there twice, and did their 200th episode from there. The series premier of Paranormal Lockdown was there along with others. I didn't do an overnight ghost hunt, but I did the Paranormal Daytime Tour, which was a nice mixture of historical information and the paranormal. My buddy and I were the only ones on the tour so the tour guide took some extra time with us. We didn't see or hear anything strange, but it was a very interesting tour and, wow if those walls could talk!

This is a long, but excellent write up about the place

In the Fall, a friend of mine from work and I are planning to do an overnight session at a local place. I live 25-30 miles from Rolling Hills Asylum, which has also been featured on many of these shows as well. I want to lay on the table in the morgue more than anything :) A few months ago and about 100 miles away, I made a pit stop at the Hinsdale [Dandy] House, in extremely rural Southwestern NY not too far away from the PA line which was supposedly the site of some of the most demonic activity in the country back in the 70s. Paranormal Lockdown was there as well. I didn't go in the place, since at the time it was not open to the public, just stayed in my car to get a few pictures.

Anyone else have interest in this stuff? Anyone else ever tour any of the old asylums, hospitals, prisons or castles? Any experiences? I'm really not sure if I believe in any of this stuff or not. Never had any type of experience, I just find it all extremely fascinating.
lol. I came looking for satellite info and found paranormal. Interesting thing about when people experience something they can't explain is when it's more weird and unexplained, the less people will admit it happened. Most people don't want others to think they're nuts.

So, a lot of things are never talked about. A pretty good argument for anti paranormal is if someone could come back or ghosts hanging out there would be repeatable proof and viewings and people would be coming back from beyond talking to everyone. BUT, I believe our conciseness operates in a filtered state of awareness and maybe we are conditioned for just an apparent walking around state where we only need to be coherent of physical events and objects.

I'm a believer because of 3 events in my younger life that convinced me there is something more out there or different planes or whatever.
I've been fascinated with paranormal in all modes. OBE's, ESP, even tried to get on the Ghost Hunters show. If this thread gets legs maybe people will post their experiences without any ramifications. This is a great subject, there are many sites for it as well.

I'd be nice to get some positive comments on the paranormal.
Hope it continues.
It does seem like most of those shows are shot in New England and down South. I agree, it seems like there should be just as many places in the west. One that my wife really wants to visit is the Winchester house in Calif.

I've had two NDE's. One I'd gotten cut up real bad and was conscious most of the time they worked on me. The doctors put 250 or so stitches into my neck, a few hundred in one arm, more in my leg, my back, I think it was like 720 total. They stitched me up with no pain killers or anything because I'd lost so much blood and the doctor stitching up my neck kept apologizing for it, he kept flinching on almost every stitch. I remembered them finishing that and then nothing until I came to in a different room the next day. I was told later that they were sure they lost me three different times. Never saw any light, people, or anything.

The other time was bizarre. I'd gotten into a really bad car accident with one of my brothers, his car was built, a 455, tripower setup, etc. We were going way too fast and he was fighting with his girlfriend and she slammed the shifter back, the car went up on it's side and hit a pole on it's roof, spun around the pole a few times and then flipped across the road and down the opposite bank. The only thing that happened to me was a 1/2" wrench I had in my back pocket tore into my hip and some minor cuts and bumps. I made it up to the road and then I remember a guy in a pick up stopped, then I remembered a EMT asking me if I was in the car, then nothing until I heard a voice talking to me. Everything was dark and the voice I recognized, it was a girl that lived next door to me when I was a kid.

She was talking about stuff we did as kids for what seemed like forever and then all of a sudden, bam, I'm in a room full of people and noise, the hospital room. And when I came to it was very, very confusing because for the first hour or so I thought I was nine or ten years old. The voice I'd heard talking to me actually was the girl Gertie that lived next door to me as a kid, only grown up, she was a EMT and luckily had been on call. I hadn't seen her since I was a kid, which must be why I was so confused when I came to. If it weren't for here being there though, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have come back.

Wow. Glad everything worked out and that you're still here. I can't imagine going though either of those situations. I suppose some thing like that really puts life into perspective. The 'closest' I've ever come to buying the farm was I was standing on the top step of an 8' ladder. You know the one that says 'do not stand on', and I fell off on to a concrete floor. I suppose if I fell the right way I could have crushed my skull, but I fell on my rear and walked away with nothing but a sore bottom for a few days and a safety violation write up, since it happened at work.

Thanks for sharing your story. It really makes one think
lol. I came looking for satellite info and found paranormal. Interesting thing about when people experience something they can't explain is when it's more weird and unexplained, the less people will admit it happened. Most people don't want others to think they're nuts.

So, a lot of things are never talked about. A pretty good argument for anti paranormal is if someone could come back or ghosts hanging out there would be repeatable proof and viewings and people would be coming back from beyond talking to everyone. BUT, I believe our conciseness operates in a filtered state of awareness and maybe we are conditioned for just an apparent walking around state where we only need to be coherent of physical events and objects.

I'm a believer because of 3 events in my younger life that convinced me there is something more out there or different planes or whatever.
I've been fascinated with paranormal in all modes. OBE's, ESP, even tried to get on the Ghost Hunters show. If this thread gets legs maybe people will post their experiences without any ramifications. This is a great subject, there are many sites for it as well.

I'd be nice to get some positive comments on the paranormal.
Hope it continues.

Precisely. The brain is not the seat of consciousness. It is a filter. Once I became aware of that concept, so very much fell into place.
OK, I give... What's an "orb" and what explains them? Is it one of these?


That's an interesting picture!

Here's the videos I'd posted of my back yard a year or so back. They're not the greatest because I used my wife's camera to film one of our security cameras on our TV, but you can see them. The videos are .mov.

Damn it! The site says the file is to big to upload, even though I uploaded it before. Here's a link to the thread the videos are in, hopefully it works. This site is not working good for me tonight, lots of errors and keeps kicking me off.

An orb is a round sphere that shows up in pictures, mostly at night, usually only one or two. Here at our house, there's so many at times that it whites out our security cameras or looks like a full scale blizzard. When it happens during the day, it looks kinda like rainbows.

The ghost hunter people capture an orb in a still shot and a lot of times claim it's a ghost, demon, etc. What they are, I don't know. We do have some weird magnetic issues here, compasses usually don't read right here and sometimes the needle will bounce around.
That's an interesting picture!

Here's the videos I'd posted of my back yard a year or so back. They're not the greatest because I used my wife's camera to film one of our security cameras on our TV, but you can see them. The videos are .mov.

Damn it! The site says the file is to big to upload, even though I uploaded it before. Here's a link to the thread the videos are in, hopefully it works. This site is not working good for me tonight, lots of errors and keeps kicking me off.
An orb is a round sphere that shows up in pictures, mostly at night, usually only one or two. Here at our house, there's so many at times that it whites out our security cameras or looks like a full scale blizzard. When it happens during the day, it looks kinda like rainbows.

The ghost hunter people capture an orb in a still shot and a lot of times claim it's a ghost, demon, etc. What they are, I don't know. We do have some weird magnetic issues here, compasses usually don't read right here and sometimes the needle will bounce around.
Well, from a camera persons perspective, Digital cameras and lenses can add artifacts to minute targets in the field. Such as lint, we ourselves don't really see but digital and even older camera lenses pick up and magnify these artifacts just from the mechanical build of a lens. Digital is constantly processing images more or less real time and can also over process a speck of lint, small bug and make the image spherical when expanded in the ccd chip of the cameras. Other real camera properties such as flare, image stabilization can also create artifacts.

Also, the distance from the lens can create spheres where the speck is very close to the lens and causes refractions and issues and depth of field tricks. If you have some spheres/globes happening live on video cam, have someone further away wave their hands or something to create air mass movement, and momentarily the globes will react to that. The doubt concerning real causes creeps in when a globe seems to move against nature or against airflow. But air flow tends to work in layers and one direction is going east and a small slice could be going west and up and this is what floats the globe.

I put more 'weight' in globes/orbs with more colors or density, or have movement inside them, or that show up in a clear box with no way for air flow or movement. All grey, fuzzy things can almost always be the results from digital and camera designs and software.

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Well, from a camera persons perspective, Digital cameras and lenses can add artifacts to minute targets in the field. Such as lint, we ourselves don't really see but digital and even older camera lenses pick up and magnify these artifacts just from the mechanical build of a lens. Digital is constantly processing images more or less real time and can also over process a speck of lint, small bug and make the image spherical when expanded in the ccd chip of the cameras. Other real camera properties such as flare, image stabilization can also create artifacts.

Also, the distance from the lens can create spheres where the speck is very close to the lens and causes refractions and issues and depth of field tricks. If you have some spheres/globes happening live on video cam, have someone further away wave their hands or something to create air mass movement, and momentarily the globes will react to that. The doubt concerning real causes creeps in when a globe seems to move against nature or against airflow. But air flow tends to work in layers and one direction is going east and a small slice could be going west and up and this is what floats the globe.

I put more 'weight' in globes/orbs with more colors or density, or have movement inside them, or that show up in a clear box with no way for air flow or movement. All grey, fuzzy things can almost always be the results from digital and camera designs and software.


The ones here very often go through things, cars, our horses, etc, so not dust, etc, though I do agree that could cause it. Did you view the videos I posted? They were taken when there wasn't even the slightest breeze. It gets much worse than those videos at times and they don't follow wind, etc. Really cool looking is when one flies straight toward the camera and then explodes into a ton of smaller ones. As for what it is, I don't know. I know it's not ghosts, demons, etc.

Waving your hands or objects near them doesn't affect them at all.
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The ones here very often go through things, cars, our horses, etc, so not dust, etc, though I do agree that could cause it. Did you view the videos I posted? They were taken when there wasn't even the slightest breeze. It gets much worse than those videos at times and they don't follow wind, etc. Really cool looking is when one flies straight toward the camera and then explodes into a ton of smaller ones. As for what it is, I don't know. I know it's not ghosts, demons, etc.

Waving your hands or objects near them doesn't affect them at all.
Hi Raine. Yes I just previewed all the vids. I'm going to submit that the infrared lighting and the digital camera is magnifying dust, pollen and some bugs as I've shot the same stuff with infrared and seen similar effects. Try this, when you see that again on infrared, go out and look up at a street light or your porchlight and slowly bring your hand up til it just blocks out the light and see if you can see particles floating about. Your hand will act like a gobo and block the strong light but you will see the spill over where sometimes things show up.

A classic trick our brains and vision does is the invisible thumb effect. There's apparently a hole of some type in our retina cones somewhere out in our peripheral vision. Stick your arm out a full length with a thumbs up and slowly move your arm fully back to front looking straight forward the whole time. At some point, with a little practice you should see your thumb disappear. I believe it's true and I can perceive it. Supposedly the brain fills in the image or something. I think I've seen studies on the internet about blind spots and batting or tennis. Well any sports if that's an actual issue.

All my infrared stuff is up north and won't be there until Aug this year. I will try to duplicate what your seeing to try to backup my comments.

The now you see it with the camera and now you don't walking outside makes me think it's an artificial creation. Also, the streaks going up and down against what looks like the flow may be small insects as well. I have definitely produced that over the years.

Here's another thing to try to test some theories. Have someone stand a few feet from you with the tv remote and hold down a button, aim the digital at it, then move around a bit keeping the remote light in the field and see if you can spot any small magnified artifact that way. I may try that myself now that I think about it. And another test, clean your lens real good, go out in that stuff then check the lens with a flashlight directly at it while looking from the side and see if you see anything adhering to the lens.
Just a thought.

Now, you go out in a cemetery with that rig and get 4 or 5 of those things moving around independently you may having something there.

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